February 4, 2010, - 2:13 pm
On Rahm’s “Retards,” Meet His “Conservative,” Anti-Semitic, Airheaded, Lesser Counterpart
I’m glad the conservative faux-outrage about Barack Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel’s “f-ing retards” comment is finally dying down. While, yes, the comment is offensive, as I’ve noted before it’s annoying to see conservatives become the PC speech police . . . but only when liberals use epithets for the mentally disabled. Yup, it’s hypocritical, especially when a number of prominent and lesser-than conservative bloggers and organizations continue to pal around with and promote Emily Marie Zanotti a/k/a E. M. Zanotti, who committed the same offense.
Anti-Semitic Nut & Stalker Emily Zanotti, Far Right, w/ Pals
Mary Katharine Ham, Michelle Malkin & Melissa Clouthier
Zanotti, an unstable woman who has been cyberstalking and harassing me for four years, proudly called me–on her website–a “special needs kid” in need of a “helmet” because I dared write on this site (and report to the FBI) about a Muslim woman who made several rape, torture, and death threats against me and my family, as well as Holocaust-denial statements. Zanotti went on to praise the Muslim threats and Holocaust denial as “making some very valid points.” (And that was after Zanotti had to retract false statements she admitted she made up about me. Then, she claimed she had several graduate and post-graduate degrees, when she had none at the time.) There is a reason why is known in many circles as “Za-Nutty.”
But what’s interesting is that this nutty woman was proudly employed by the Thomas More Law Center (where she spent all day long blogging instead of working and removed the time stamps to hide it from her boss), the Sam Adams Alliance (whose chief, Eric O’Keefe defended and praised Zanotti’s comments essentially calling me “retarded” and illegally used his non-profit organization to send Zanotti to campaign for Sarah Palin during the 2008 campaign), and Americans for Prosperity, which recently hosted Ms. Zanotti to give advice on online networking (the Chicago Young Republicans hosted a similar event with her). Did she tell AFP attendees to call people “special needs kids” online and praise Muslim death, rape, and torture threats (as she did)? Both AFP and Sam Adams Alliance are heavily involved in the Tea Party movement, and their knowing embrace of her lends validity to the claims that the Tea Party movement openly embraces anti-Semitism. Zanotti was a speaker at a Michigan Tea Party protest. SAA’s incompetent lawyer even sent me a threatening letter, admitting Zanotti is a liar but threatening to sue me if I wrote about her.
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Tags: "f---ing retards", Americans for Prosperity, Anti-Semite, anti-Semitism, Atlas Shrugs, Chicago Young Republicans, Conservative Grapevine, cyber-stalker, cyber-stalking nut Emily Zanotti, defamation, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, E. M. Zanotti, Ed Morrrissey, EM Zanotti, Emily M. Zanotti, Emily Marie Zanotti, Emily Zanotti, Eric O'Keefe, helmet, Holocaust-denial, Hot Air, HotAir.com, insane, Islamic Terrorism, John Hawkins, John Tsarpalas, Mary Katharine Ham, Melissa Clouthier, mentally unstable, Michelle Malkin, Muslim death threats, Nutjob, Pamela Geller, Paul Miller, rape, Right Wing News, Robert Thompson, Sam Adams Alliance, special needs kid, Tea Parties, Tea Party, Tea Party movement, Thomas More Law Center, Torture, Za-Nutty