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My favorite refreshing drink is free, today, at one of my favorite retail vendors. Since today is 7/11, 7-Eleven is giving out FREE Slurpees at most 7-Eleven locations (find your closest 7-Eleven here). Since it’s free, it’s a 7.11 ounce serving. But, hey, it’s free (and with the amount of sugar in the non-diet Slurpees, 7.11 ounces is just fine). If you have a whole family, it’s a great deal in this economy to bring them all for free Slurpee’s, especially in the summer heat. Every little penny counts, right? Refreshing, and it hits the spot. Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven. Enjoy. And while you’re at it, read my pieces on 7-Eleven, which turns 83 today, and the Slurpee. Happy 7-Eleven Day.
This week features one of the best movies of the summer . . . and the year (but remember, this is a terrible year (and summer) for movies, so all things are relative.
* “Despicable Me“: Brilliant. And outstanding. I cannot say enough good things about this funny, clever, fun-to-watch piece of entertainment and on-screen eye candy. So cute. It pains me to say that about a movie in which the execrable Russell Brand has a small role as one of the voices in this animated film. The movie is available in 3D and 2D. I saw it in 2D, and it was just fine. I liked it even better than “Toy Story 3” (read my review).
My Congressional Staff ID From When I Worked For Mark Siljander
As you’ll recall, over two years ago, when Siljander was indicted, I wrote about it (and was on FOX News talking about it–see below). While I do not know if Siljander was involved in directly aiding terrorists, for me that is not the issue. The issue is that, when I worked for him, he was one of the few who–early on, in the mid-’80s–understood the threat of Islam and jihad to the West, to America, to Christianity, to the Jews, to Israel. And so, he knew better now.
But as I wrote two years ago, apparently for money, Siljander changed his tune, shilling for the Omar Al-Bashir, the despotic mass-murdering Muslim leader of Sudan, claiming Al-Bashir is misunderstood. Al-Bashir, as Siljander well knows, wiped out Black Christians in Sudan, gang-raping and torturing them, mass-murdering then, and forcibly converting the rest to Islam. Now, he’s killing the Black Muslims. But Siljander now says he’s a nice guy. My late father was a contributor to Siljander’s campaigns for office because Black Christians in Sudan was an important issue to my father (who had many files on the issue and constantly wrote letters and made calls to try to help them) and to Siljander. I’m sure my father is turning over in his grave, now.
. . . Or do you also not care that NBA star Lebron James chose to go to Miami and play for the Heat?
Last night on ABC News’ “Nightline,” reporter Jon Berman showed videos of Cleveland Cavalier fans crying, getting angry, and burning James’ jersey. (I can’t find the crying video on-line, but here’s much of what happened, below.) My question is, why do they care?
Pro athletes and sports teams (and their owners) are mercenaries. They go wherever they can get the most money and the best opportunities for high dollar endorsement deals. If you are a sports fan who cares either way about James, I have to ask why? He’s laughing at you all the way to the bank. Cha-ching. And no matter where he plays, you’ll never see a dime of it. So, what do you get out of it?
Recently I told you about my doubts regarding Mosab Hassan Yousef a/k/a “Son of HAMAS.” He may very well have been a spy for Israel, but he’s also made anti-Israel statements in his book, a book written by the very anti-Israel Ron Brackin (who is doing all of his PR).
Gonen Ben Yitzchak (Left), Alleged Shin Bet Handler of Son of HAMAS (Right)
Obama-Pandering Signs @ Smol Leumi Protest in Israel
In response, several of you have asked me why “the Shin Bet [Israel’s version of the FBI] is vouching” for Yousef. But you assume a lot in asking that question.
First, there is Gonen Ben Itzhak, the man claiming he was Yousef’s Shin Bet handler. On his Facebook profile, along with promoting the Hebrew version of the “Son of HAMAS” book, Itzhak identifies himself as a member of Greenpeace Mediterranean – Israel and Smol Leumi, the Israeli National Left Party. If you like the Black Panthers, you’ll love Smol Leumi, the White Israeli version that hates Israeli settlers as much as Black Panthers hate Whitey. Smol Leumi might as well be a Palestinian group and isn’t what you’d call “tough” on Islamic terrorism. Bill Ayers would like it a lot.
Smol Leumi repeatedly organizes protests against Jewish settlers, and one recent protest featured signs demanding that Barack Obama force Israel to give up land to the Palestinians and expel the settlers, including Jewish residents of Jerusalem. Smol Leumi uses the lingua franca of anti-Israel chic, including using terms like “occupation” to describe Israel and saying, “Zioinists are not settlers.” Think Jane Fonda during the Vietnam War. That’s Smol Leumi. If a proud Smol Leumi member is Yousef’s primary advocate–and it is–that tells me all I need to know about Son of HAMAS. He’s also son of the self-hating Israeli left. No thanks.
Some Things Never Change: Islamic Terrorist with Israeli Hostages, Munich, Germany 1972:
Polish with Israeli Hostage They’re Turning Over to Germany as Sop to Islamic Terrorists, Warsaw, Poland, 2010:
Some things never change, despite the fact that Poland makes billions of dollars off Jewish and Israeli tourism and has shamelessly built quite an industry off the Holocaust it helped perpetrate. Yet another reason to add to why my Polish Holocaust survivor grandfather, Isaac, didn’t want us to ever spend a penny in Poland (and I never will).
As many readers know, I am of 100% Polish Jewish descent. Both sides of my family are from what was known as Galicia, a region consisting mostly of Poland, where many Jews–like some of my family–were poor farmers. But none of them ever identified as Poles. That’s because anti-Semitism in Poland was always rampant, and my grandparents and great-grandparents were never treated as fellow Poles . . . because they were Jewish. Most of both sides of my family were wiped out by the Nazis because they were happily turned in by their eager Jew-hating Polish neighbors. There’s a reason “Deutschfolk”–Poles of German descent–were so welcome and comfortable in Poland and helped usher in the Nazi era.
This definitely isn’t the first, nor will it be the last, Muslim “hate crime” hoax. That’s the thing with most alleged Muslim hate crimes. They’re hoaxes perpetrated and staged by Muslims to make themselves look oppressed. I’ve written about them. You’ve read about them. It’s all part of their propaganda war and culture of victimhood designed for shakedowns of and pandering from American society.
CAIR Strangely Silent About Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxer Tamsir Mendy
This is just the latest (thanks to reader SL who lives in Atlanta, where this happened):
A member of the Muslim community is suspected of setting the fire that occurred at a Marietta mosque Monday night, Marietta fire officials said Thursday.
Tamsir Mendy, 26, a native of Gambia, has been charged with 1st degree arson and is being held without bail at the Cobb County detention center, said Scott Tucker, Marietta assistant fire chief.
After his prison term for bribery and corruption, convicted felon, eternal anti-Semite, and disgraced former Congressman James Traficant was largely ignored by the American public and mainstream media. That’s what he deserved.
Sadly, No Tea Party Anger Brewing Over Anti-Semite Traficant
Sadly, the mainstream “conservative” media–in particular, Sean Hannity–and the Tea Parties gave Traficant a repeated forum to vent his anti-Semitism and Israel-hatred to the masses. As you’ll recall, I reported that Hannity hosted Traficant on his radio show on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, and his first question to him was about Israel. The Hannity-Traficant good-cop-bad-cop scheme allowed Traficant to spew his anti-Israel, anti-Semitic comments not just on Hannity’s radio show, but also on his FOX News cable TV show. FOX News’ plastic surgery incongruity, Greta Van Susteren, also gave Traficant a lengthy segment in which to spew his Jew-hatred uninterrupted. On both Hannity and Van Susteren forums, Traficant blamed the Jews and the pro-Israel lobby for his conviction on bribery (because I guess the JOOOOS forced him to compel his tax-paid Congressional staff to do work on his home and boat).
But I wasn’t shocked. As I previously reported on this site, in May the witch Nasr referred to me on CNN with the anti-Semitic slur. And as I also noted then, Nasr was always Hezbollah’s whore at CNN. During the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war, her “reports” were repeatedly cheerleading sessions for Hezbollah, filled with anti-Israel propaganda and lies. She was Helen Thomas with an Arabic accent (yes, I know Thomas is an Arab, but she has an American accent, so no e-mails and comments with incorrect corrections, please.)
*** UPDATE: OOPS! Reader Jon Grant reminds me that Levi’s supports gun control (and–this I knew–is no longer in the hands of the Strauss family). Sorry. I don’t support those who support gun control. But it’s a cool video, anyway. Just don’t buy ’em (my Levi’s are used). ***
My favorite jeans are Levi’s. And not just because of how they look and fit. I take great pride that the company, built by two Jewish American immigrants, is still around. Levi Strauss founded the company, and helped Davis patent the denim that makes the jeans many of us wear. Even though they hate Jews, Levi’s are coveted throughout the Islamic world. And as I always say, it shows their hypocrisy that they love Levi’s but hate Levi Strauss and his people. Check out this great video on Levi’s. Very interesting and a very uniquely American story (close your eyes and plug your ears for the brief promotion of anti-Israel liar Christiane Amanpour):