September 28, 2010, - 6:00 pm

Miss Him Yet?: Bush NSA Chief Confirms Bush Tried to Bring 100,000 Palestinian Muslims to U.S.

By Debbie Schlussel

No, this is NOT the urban legend BS story about Obama spending $20 million to bring HAMAS-supporting Palestinian refugees to the U.S.   I debunked that false story which was sent out and promoted by morons, frauds, and charlatans including Hanan Tudor (porn name:  “Brigitte Gabriel”) and Scamela Geller. This is about a true story–that George W. Bush  tried to bring 100,000 Palestinian “refugees” to America.

Miss Him Yet?: George W. Bush w/ PLO Terrorist-in-Chief Mahmoud Abbas

Yup, George W. Bush–the same guy who tried to do the same stuff against Israel that Obama is trying to do against Israel now, but didn’t get an ounce of conservative faux-outrage over it.  Israel and anti-Israel former Bush National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley confirms that Bush and Hadley tried to bring 100,000 Palestinian “refugees” to America.  Hadley admitted to the Jerusalem Post that the U.S. was going to bring in the refugees but claims he had no idea how many we would absorb. Oh, that’s even more comforting–the sky’s the limit for HAMAS supporting terrorism enablers on U.S. shores collecting benefits.

You see, Bush so badly wanted to push Israel to further self-amputation (and a Bush Nobel Peace Prize), that he was willing to further amputate America’s borders and national security by bringing even more Palestinian Muslim refugees than the few thousand he already brought here each year after 9/11. Oh, and this is why you can’t trust Elliot Abrams, the Islamo-pandering Jewish Bush advisor (and Hadley’s deputy) who tried to sell out Israel. He flatly denied that this happened without first checking with his former boss Hadley to get their stories straight. But Hadley fessed up . . . with a million rationalizations to go along with his admission.

Hey, do ya think Bush will be the object of the same level of outrage over this true story that Obama got when there were false rumors that he tried to do the same thing?  Oh, wait, I forgot–they conveniently tell me that since Obama is President now, I’m not allowed to mention it.  Because the past is not prologue. The past . . . just never happened, right? I’m, instead, supposed to pretend that a certain moron who opened our borders to Muslims through diversity lotteries and expanding Saudi-sponsored student visas–and otherwise kissed Muslim ass for his entire political career–was never President, while he created a giant boondoggle Homeland Security agency and otherwise made us less safe.  So, I guess we should all ignore this and still “miss” this incredible example of mediocrity and amateur hour in the Oval Office who was there on 9/10 and acted the same way (but with more security theater and Muslim outreach) on 9/12:

The idea of the US accepting 100,000 Palestinian refugees as part of a Middle East peace agreement was suggested by extremely senior figures in the Bush administration. . . sources close to former prime minister Ehud Olmert told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

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September 28, 2010, - 2:06 pm

“Redistribution”: FBI-Raided Abudayyeh Funded HAMAS While Being Funded BY Chicago

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, I gave you the exclusive scoop about Chicago-based Palestinian Muslim “activist” and terrorist-financier Hatem Abudayyeh, who was raided by the FBI and whose many anti-war activist friends were subpoenaed for information on money they gave to Abudayyeh and the PFLP, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, as well as its connection to FARC, the South American terrorist group.  In my piece, I noted Abudayyeh’s many close Islamic terrorist relatives and that Abudayyeh and his organization (Arab American Action Network) get hundreds of thousands of dollars (actually, millions, if you add it up) in U. S. taxpayer funding.  Well, now, the mainstream media and  some of the mainstream conservative media have “caught up,” noting without credit to me (of course) that Abudayyeh gets a ton of tax funding.  Chicago media are also reporting that Abudayyeh was using PFLP to fund HAMAS.

When federal officers raided his North Side home last week, along with residences in Minneapolis, they were looking for funding links between Abudayyeh and the radical Islamic group Hamas. . . .

Even as Abudayyeh is under investigation by a federal grand jury, city of Chicago records . . . show that his Arab American Action Network has received thousands of dollars in city grants: as much as $457,000 since 1998. According to city officials, the money was intended for an after-school program for high-risk students who struggle with English. . . .

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September 28, 2010, - 10:40 am

Letter from a Black American Reader

By Debbie Schlussel

Early this morning, I received this e-mail from a Black reader who is a corporate executive.  Would love for all of those who “read” my site, yet throw baseless racism charges at me, to actually read it.  I don’t know about not raising kids in the U.S., but I agree and have certainly written repeatedly on my site about how tough it is and how all innocence and sense of a childhood is lost (and how way too many “parents” are just womb and sperm donors).


Date: Tue, Sep 28, 2010
Subject: Thank you

Hello Debbie,

I read and re read your article on single moms in the military as well as the article about the father boarding the bus to protect his daughter. There is something pathetically wrong with Black America, so much so that as a black man I refuse to raise my children in the USA. I find your articles candid, to the point and I applaud you for raising such issues. Political correctness has replaced common sense and principle and the statement you made about the father’s use of coarse language, it is so accurate in saying that the lingua franca is the only language these kids understand, these kids simply have no discipline, no manners and no parental care, even with one parent. Blacks continue to blame whites for their plight but refuse to accept responsibility for the despair they bring upon themselves. As for single moms in the military, this will never change as most single moms in the military are black, so any attempt to fix this problem will end up being a racial issue, the USA military is slowly becoming a social experiment by the liberals.

Continue to write Debbie, I find your articles refreshing. Have a nice day.

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September 27, 2010, - 4:14 pm

EXCLUSIVE – Who is Hatem Abudayyeh?: Meet the FBI-Raided Palestinian “Activist” & Terrorism Financier

By Debbie Schlussel

While I was away for the Jewish holiday, last week, the FBI raided the homes of several Midwestern “anti-war activists,” including Hatem Abudayyeh, the head of the Chicago-based Arab American Action Network.  Subpoenas served on the activists sought information on payments made to Abudayyeh and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Islamic terrorist group which has been responsible for several homicide bombings in Israel, as well as the murder of Israeli Tourism Minister, Rehavam Ze’evi.  I’m not surprised at all by this and wondered what took so long, as I’ve been following Abudayyeh for years, know a lot of inside dirt on the guy, and once spoke to him and members of his Muslim-dominated tax-funded Arab welfare agency (AAAN), as part of an undercover investigation into Medicaid fraud with which I was working with the FBI.  The guy is clearly working with Islamic terrorists and helping aid the extremist Muslim infiltration into America, and he’s been doing so for years.

Here’s what you don’t know about Hatem Abudayyeh, and you won’t read in any press accounts:

*  Hatem Abudayyeh’s two brothers-in-law were Palestinian Islamic terrorists from El Jib, in the so-called “West Bank.”  One of them martyred himself in Israeli prison where he was sent after being convicted of terrorist acts during the Intifada (the Palestinian uprising).  Another brother-in-law, Jihad Saadeh, has been a terrorist leader in the Palestinian youth terrorist movement.  He spent three years in an Israeli prison for his terrorist activities.

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September 24, 2010, - 2:00 pm

Weekend Box Office: “Catfish”

By Debbie Schlussel

Because of Jewish holidays and scheduling conflicts, I did not review anti-Semite/Hitler fan Oliver Stone‘s movie, “Wall Street:  Money Never Sleeps” (which is probably an anti-capitalist piece of BS just like the original “Wall Street”), nor did I review “You Again.”  I will probably see both when I’m back from the Jewish holidays and Sabbath and post my reviews, as well as reviews of movies for which I did not post reviews on the day I had a bad migraine headache.  But I did see “Catfish,” which has been getting a lot of buzz on the net through masterful viral marketing.  And here is my review:

In 2007, Yaniv Schulman, a photographer and filmmaker based in New York took a photo which, like some of his other work, was published in a newspaper.  Soon after, he received a photo of a painting by Abby, an eight-year-old girl in Northern Michigan, which looked exactly like the photo.  Thereafter, Schulman, who goes by the name “Nev,” started an online, Facebook friendship with the girl, her mother, her beautiful model-esque half-sister, etc.  He was sent more and more paintings and fell in love with the half-sister, with whom he’d only spoken on the phone.  This idyllic family seemed so perfect.  But was it?  And how much did the filmmakers really know about their subjects?

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September 24, 2010, - 11:58 am

Muslim Bomber: Apparently From Hezbollah; Chicago Tax Funds for Saudi Islamo-Fest

By Debbie Schlussel

On Monday, Sami Samir Hassoun, a Chicago resident and Lebanese national, was charged in federal court for trying to blow up what he believed was a bomb in Chicago’s Wrigleyville neighborhood near Wrigley Field.  He was set up by an FBI informant at the FBI’s instruction, and the FBI created the fake bomb.


Who is Sami Samir Hassoun & Why Did the FBI Target Him?

And, if you read the criminal complaint and accompanying affidavit from FBI Special Agent Samuel Hartman as I did, it raises several questions the FBI isn’t answering or is deliberately obfuscating:

*  Who is Sami Samir Hassoun, and why did the FBI specifically choose him as a target?

*  Why are Chicago taxpayers funding a Muslim-dominated festival also sponsored by the Saudi and Jordanian governments?

Hassoun is a 22-year-old Lebanese national, who has been in the U.S. for three years and is a “lawful permanent resident,” which apparently means he has a green card and was on his way to getting U.S. citizenship.  Although the federal documents don’t say so, I can tell from his name that he is also a Shi’ite Muslim, which means he’s very likely a Hezbollah supporter.  Statements in the affidavit also indicate his family is likely involved in Hezbollah.  And, despite the FBI’s public claim (like all of its other phony denials in terrorism cases) that Hassoun was not “connected with any terrorist group,” it’s clear the agency knows otherwise.

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September 23, 2010, - 3:03 pm

Justifiably Angry Father Deserves Kudos, Not Jail

By Debbie Schlussel

Perhaps you have seen the video, below, of James Willie Jones, the Florida father who boarded a Green Lakes Middle School bus, threatening students who harassed his daughter.  He’s come under fire, was arrested for disorderly conduct, and was forced by the politically correct in our country to apologize.

James Willie Jones & His Wife

But, frankly, I think he did the world a service.  While he faces disorderly conduct charges, the real disorderly conduct was the behavior of others, which brought him to this point.  The man’s 13-year-old daughter has cerebral palsy and was repeatedly bullied by kids on the bus.  And the “bullying” wasn’t just verbal.  It was physical assault.  These kids repeatedly slapped the girl’s head, twisted her ear, threw condoms on her head, and she had to go to the hospital because of stress.  The bus driver did nothing (though he has to deal with kids who weren’t parented properly, if at all).  And no-one ever disciplined the kids on the bus. They needed to hear this from someone:

“This is my daughter, and I will kill a [expletive] to back her. If anything happens to my daughter I’m going to [expletive] you up and everybody on this [expletive].”

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September 23, 2010, - 12:16 pm

S is for Sleaze: Sesame Street Goes Down the Katy Perry Gutter

By Debbie Schlussel

When I was a young kid, like most other kids my age, my parents had me watch “Sesame Street.”  But I didn’t like it and didn’t watch for long.  It was boring, stupid, and I learned nothing.  The only cool character was “The Count” (and maybe, also, “Black Bart”).  The rest was a waste of time and mind-mush.  As long as the show has been around, American kids have gotten more stupid.  And nothing has changed.  Except that “Sesame Street” has degraded further down the gutter, with an invitation to sleazy pop star Katy Perry, whose first hit was, “I Kissed a Girl And I Liked It.”  Yeah, that’s who you invite to a show aimed at impressionable little kids.

“Sesame Street” had to pull Perry’s appearance because she appeared in an outfit that barely covers her nipples.  Barely.  Yeah, teach the girls while they’re young how to get a job at “The Penthouse Club.”  Parents who watched the video, posted below, on YouTube were rightfully upset, and the morons at the Children’s Television Workshop had to pull it from the show.  But, to me, that’s not the primary concern with having Katy Perry on “Sesame Street,” since little kids will (might) not notice.  But did it occur to the show’s producers that a woman who frequently poses for nude photos and whose explicit song lyrics include such classy phrases as “j–king off,” isn’t exactly material for five- and six-year-olds?  Of course, not.  They had Perry sing a “cleaned up” version of her less-than-appropriate-for-kids song, “Hot ‘N Cold.”  Hint:  if the singer has to “clean up” the song, maybe she ain’t an appropriate choice for kids.  Just a tip.  Who’s next for the “Sesame” gang–Jenna Jameson and Ron Jeremy?

When Perry–the fiancee of talentless anti-American scumbag Russell Brand–was just breaking into stardom and appeared on ABC’s “The View,” her biggest, most idiotic cheerleader was faux-conservative Elisabeth Hasseldumb.  At the time, I noted some of Perry’s other great “contributions” to America, which are exactly why the imbeciles at “Sesame Street” have no business casting shows for kids.

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September 22, 2010, - 7:09 pm

HOprah Watch: I Called It on Anti-US, Anti-Israel Hiker

By Debbie Schlussel

Call me NostraDebbie (or NostraDebmus).

When anti-American, anti-Israel, pan-Muslim “hiker” and activist Sarah Shourd was released from Iran, last week, in exchange for $500,000 “bail” (it was really ransom), I asked several questions.  Among them was:


(Oprah artwork by Six Meat Buffet/Preston Taylor Holmes)

How long until Shourd starts spouting her anti-American, anti-Israel, pan-Islamic garbage in books, on Oprah and other TV interviews, etc?

My answer was:

3-2-1 . . .

Well, it didn’t take long, and I called it. Tomorrow (Thursday), Shourd will appear on HRHSBotU [Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe] Oprah’s daytime talk fest. Now, to my other question, which I wonder if we’ll ever see answered honestly:

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September 22, 2010, - 3:26 pm

ISLAMYWOOD: Guess Who Financed & Produced Valerie Plame’s Movie?

By Debbie Schlussel

In August, I posted the trailer for “Fair Game,” the movie based on former CIA employee Valerie Plame’s book of the same name.  The movie stars Naomi Watts as Plame and Sean Penn as her husband, Joe Wilson.  I gave you my thoughts on what I figured would be in the movie, based on the trailer and based on the claims and statements of the Wilson-Plames.  I’ll post my review when the movie debuts in mid-November.  Stay tuned.


But, for now, you should note who financed and produced the movie:  Imagenation Abu Dhabi, which is wholly owned by the United Arab Emirates government.  The company is promoting the movie on its website.  It’s part of a disturbing trend I’ve been writing about on this site for several years now–the infiltration of Hollywood by the anti-American, anti-Israel Gulf state Muslims.  As I noted before, the reason for this is pure propaganda, plain and simple.  As we know, Hollywood already shares the Gulf State sheikhs’ views, but we’ll see them ramped up a bit, because Hollywood filmmakers are having a tough time getting their movies financed, and they know on which side of the keffiyeh their bread is buttered.

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