October 4, 2010, - 3:30 pm

Wanna Lose a Debate Against Islam? Invite Robert Spencer

By Debbie Schlussel

I used to like Robert Spencer . . . ’til I got to know him and realized what a fraud, thief, and sleazebag he is.  It’s not just that he’s been spending his time doing CAIR’s work by contacting various websites and individuals, telling them not to post, link to, or send out my work, in his own jealous, eliminate-the-competition McCarthyism campaign.  And it’s not just that he and his close friend, car loan fraud artist Scamela Geller (whose car loan fraud scams using Muslim straw buyers resulted in the murder of a cop and the one honest salesman who worked for her and was tipping off police to her and her then-hubby’s scams), shamelessly invited a mother who helped honor kill her two daughters to a rally they were holding.  It’s much more than that, which I’ll revisit at another time.  But yesterday, viewers of ABC News’ “This Week” got to see what an inept debater on Islam–his claimed expertise–the slob truly is.  He was as useful as a bump on a log.  Tip to future Muslim and mainstream media debate organizers:  if you wanna win a debate on Islam, make sure you invite Robert Spencer to waste one of the seats on the other side.

Robert Spencer, Epic Fail: The Joke’s on Us

Yesterday, Muslim-loving hostess and Iranian propagandist Christiane Amanpour hosted a debate regarding Islam on what is usually her boring politics variety show.  Among the participants “against” Islam were the noble Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Spencer, Peter Gadiel (a father of a 9/11 victim), and Rev. Franklin Graham (who was about as useless as Spencer).  On the Muslim side were Daisy Khan (the wife of Imam Feisal Rauf of the two-blocks-from-Ground-Zero-mosque), Reza Aslan, Donna Marsh O’Connor (mother of a 9/11 victim), Azar Nafisi, an Iranian activist immigrant, and Anjem Choudary (the only honest Muslim on the panel, because he admitted what all of Islam is really about–his brand of extremism).  Watch the video, below, and read the transcript.

From the audience, Gary Bauer, Imam Osama Bahloul of Tennessee, and former FBI agent Brad Garrett participated.  And, while none of the participants was particularly good in denouncing Islam, Gary Bauer came the closest and should have replaced the useless Spencer, who had no business being there. And here’s why . . .

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October 4, 2010, - 12:21 pm

How Many Illegal Alien Hezbollah Muslims Did Dr. Makki Help Into US? Where Are They? – Gets Just 2 Years!

By Debbie Schlussel

Last week’s sentencing of Dr. Ali S. Makki is yet more evidence our country simply doesn’t care about immigration fraud and the constant gaming of the system by Islamic terrorists and their supporters who continue to invade our country and never pay any consequences.  In 2006, I told you about the indictment of Dr. Makki, a Dearbornistan Shi’ite Muslim from a well-known Hezbollah family in South Lebanon.  Makki was indicted for immigration fraud and Medicaid/Medicare fraud.

Ali Makki (2nd from Left) with his Mother-in-Law, Wanda, Son, Michael, Wife, Fadwa


As I noted, Makki–several of whose relatives were convicted of cigarette smuggling for Hezbollah in Michigan, New York, and North Carolina–was accused of falsifying immigration and naturalization forms for thousands of Hezbollah-supporting Shi’ite Muslim illegal aliens from South Lebanon, by certifying that they were mentally ill.  Mental illness is one of the conditions that allows illegal aliens who cannot speak English to avoid taking the citizenship exam in English, a condition for U.S. citizenship.

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October 1, 2010, - 2:01 pm

Weekend Box Office: “The Social Network”

By Debbie Schlussel

The biggest movie release, this weekend–probably in several months–is “The Social Network,” the story of how Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, who is now America’s youngest billionaire, at age 26.  Because of a scheduling conflict, I did not see, “Let Me In” (will try to see it, later, over the weekend, and add my review).  “Case 39,” starring Renee Zellweger, was not screened for critics, usually a sign it’s not a great flick.  But I did see “The Social Network.”

Despite claims to the contrary, it’s no coincidence that Facebook chief Zuckerberg announced last week–to much fanfare on Oprah–that he was donating $100 million to the City of Newark schools.  The movie about how he created Facebook as a Harvard undergrad is an entirely negative, unsympathetic portrayal of the computer code writer, and he felt the need to do something to answer the hate it is bound to create for him.  Disregard reviews that say you’ll want to egg his house, then hug him afterward and help him clean it up.  You definitely won’t want to hug him or help him clean anything. If even a fraction of it is true, the guy’s a major scumbag. But that’s the key. Just how much of it is, indeed true?

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October 1, 2010, - 12:04 pm

Stuff I Like: The Sumo Sway

By Debbie Schlussel

Occasionally, I post reviews of products I like.  They are products which I wasn’t paid to endorse, but just things I enjoy and think you might like also. I’ve reviewed many products by Sumo, a maker of very cool, high-style bean bag chairs.  The chairs are made from 100% shredded furniture grade urethane foam, which never decompresses or loses its shape (it’s only compressed to save money on shipping and regains its actual size within 24 hours).  And I love them.  They are the most comfortable pieces of furniture I own, even if their list price makes them among the least expensive.  And while I’ve never been paid for reviews, I have been sent the items for free.  Readers who’ve bought Sumo chairs on my recommendation say they and/or their wives love them.  And for good reason.

I’ve had the Sumo Couples Sway Couple bean bag chair for over three months.  It is so extremely comfortable that I sit in it when I watch movie DVDs that studios send me to screen for review.

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October 1, 2010, - 6:58 am

ABC Wants to (Mis) “Inform” You About Islam

By Debbie Schlussel

After 9/11, President Bush and the media–both mainstream and “conservative”–constantly told us baloney about Islam and Muslims, including such falsities as Islam means “peace,” that the hijackers “hijacked the religion” (rather than the other way around–the truth).  And many mindless Bush amen crowd types, along with liberals, bought into this positive view of Islam.  Frauds like National Review’s unduly-revered Victor Davis Hanson–who claims to be a great historian and now pretends he knows about Islam–who was on C-SPAN giving a lecture, and told audience members the same fertilizer: that these were just a few hijackers hijacking a religion, that Muslims are actually peaceful around the world, and that historically Muslims, including Mohammed, treated Jews and Christians well.  HUH? Remember, this pretentious ignoramus (who has now found “religion”) is a “historian” by profession. A “historian” who was completely ignorant of even the most basic history.


But, now, Bush is gone.  And liberal Democrat Obama, the son of a Muslim who is also Muslim under Islamic law and constantly praises Islam (almost as much as Bush did), is in office.  So, now, mindless conservatives who sided with Bush and liberals on the “Islam is peace” BS and the “hijackers hijacked their religion” excrement, have decided to finally come to their senses on Islam (for now).  In fact, they are now finally so knowledgeable about the real Islam that Obama is getting the brunt of their anger and blame for Islamo-pandering policies and statements begun by Bush.  (Conservatives complain that Imam Feisal Rauf is traveling on the U.S. taxpayer dime to the Mid-East, but this was a Bush move that Obama is merely continuing.  Hey, where were you whining people when Bush did it for nearly EIGHT YEARS?)

And since many Americans are finally waking up on Islam (probably temporarily because it’s mostly a weapon of anger against Obama, and they aren’t angry–for instance–that the most pan-Muslim Member of Congress, terrorism supporter and Republican Darrell Issa, will be put in a big position of power, if and when the GOP takes over the House), ABC News is upset.  And, therefore, tonight, the prime time spot usually occupied by a regular edition of ABC News “20/20” program, will instead feature “Islam:  Questions and Answers“–a propaganda hour on Islam, feeding you lies about “moderate Muslims” (none of whom will specifically denounce Hezbollah and HAMAS) and trying to disabuse you of  your knowledge of Islam’s atrocious treatment of women, polygamy, violence and total disregard for human life, intolerance for anything but Islam, and open support for Islamic terrorism by virtually every mosque, imam, and Muslim school in America.

You’ve probably seen the ads for this “deprogramming” hour hosted by Diane Sawyer (who is always called in to host attacks on the truth, like when she hosted a similar special to attack the Second Amendment and gunowners’ rights).  They’ve been heavily promoting this show for a week.  And here’s a sampling of what ABC informs us will be on tonight’s show beginning at 10:00 p.m. Eastern:

in the United States, where less than 1 percent of the population practices Islam, many misconceptions persist. There’s also a deeply-rooted suspicion of the religion.

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September 30, 2010, - 2:24 pm

Warned Ya: German Terrorists Planned to Use Bush Visa Waivers to Enter US (VIDEO)

By Debbie Schlussel

Over and over during the Bush Administration, I decried George W. Bush’s boneheaded policy of granting visa waivers (including here, here, here, here, and here) to those with passports from an ever growing list of countries, most of them in Europe. But despite my criticism and that of others, President Bush sent his incompetent Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff to sign treaty after treaty with dozens of countries, waiving the need for a visa for anyone holding a passport (real or fake) from those countries to enter the United States. Although the program was started in 1986, President Bush is the one who not only refused to end it, but ramped it up, making visa waiver treaties with and adding most of the 36 countries on the list. Now, we learn that German Muslim terrorists planned to take advantage of the Bush visa waiver policy to get into the U.S. and attack civilians.

You probably heard the stories, this week, about the threats of terrorist attacks on European countries, like France and Great Britain, which were uncovered by German authorities when they caught a German-Pakistani Muslim returning from a terrorist training camp in July. The terrorist told him that many German Muslims, including converts, were training in Pakistan for planned terrorist attacks against “soft” and “economic” targets in France, Britain, and elsewhere. But what you don’t know–as noted in the ABC News “Nightline” video report, below–is that they also were looking to do the same thing here in the U.S. That’s why Germans were chosen. As noted in the report, they would use their German passports to avoid the scrutiny–including an interview at the U.S. Embassy and a stricter background check–required to get a visa to the U.S. By the way, most of these men went to the Hamburg Mosque, where the 9/11 attacks were planned. In August, the Germans shut down the mosque in response. (But I’m sure they’ll find a new gathering hole.)

I’m sure the partisan right that has forgotten all the horrid things the man they elected for eight years will once again remind me that Barack Obama is President now. Uh, yeah, but BUSH–NOT OBAMA–is the guy who did this. YES. BUSH. Where was your outrage when Bush did this? You’d be hollering from rooftops if Obama did it. But I guess when the Bush disaster repeatedly comes back to bite us in the butt, I should blame Obama. Sorry. But I warned you on Bush. You said and did nothing, anyway. ‘Cuz, hey, he told us he was the “counterterrorism President,” and since he said it, I must take him at his empty word and now focus on Obama. After all, like Bush said, people with British or German or French or Spanish passports would never commit terrorist attacks against America, right? There aren’t any Muslims in any of these countries, right?

We’re lucky the Germans caught this guy and learned of the plots. If they hadn’t caught him and more Americans were murdered, you could thank President Bush and his brain-addled visa waiver program. And there will be others who will make it into the U.S. because of that program. It’s probably already happened a thousand times already. Miss Bush yet? Counterterrorism President? More like Counter-Counterrorism President. Miss Him Yet?

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September 30, 2010, - 12:05 pm

The “Wall”: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Promotes Palestinian Jihad (VIDEO)

By Debbie Schlussel

File this under “Shut Up & Sing” . . . or Gerontological Studies in Aging, Over-drugged Rock Stars.

I was never a fan of Pink Floyd or Roger Waters.  Way overrated, in my opinion, and “entertainment” for potheads in acid-washed jeans (which were in style–why?–for two minutes in 1983).  And, now, my opinion that the band and its members are talentless hacks is affirmed, as Roger Waters continues his “The Wall Live” tour.  In this case, the “wall” Waters is referring to isn’t the famous Pink Floyd song Waters helped make famous, it’s Israel’s security fence, which the country was forced to erect to protect its innocent civilians from terrorist attacks–that’s what Waters has a big problem with.

Yup, an aging, irrelevant rock star actually has a whole rock tour to protest Israel’s right to keep its people from being blown to bits at pizza shops.  And he’s using anti-Semitic imagery–bombs disguised as Jewish stars/Stars of David falling from the sky followed by dollar signs.  Get it?  The JOOOS are rich people who bomb those poor defenseless Palestinian terrorists.  But, hey, that’s not a stereotype, right?

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Monday criticized rock music icon Roger Waters for using imagery long associated with stereotypes about Jews and money as part of a segment of his 2010-2011 “The Wall Live” Tour that takes aim at Israel’s West Bank security fence.

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September 29, 2010, - 5:44 pm

Last Jewish Holiday Absence ‘Til Passover

By Debbie Schlussel

Tonight at sundown is the last of the Jewish holidays for a while. The holidays, Shemini Atzeret (which means the “8th Day of the Assembly” and always comes right after the Jewish holiday of Sukkot) and Simchat Torah (which means “Happiness for the–-or of the–-Torah”) end on Friday Night. I’ll be out of live blog commission but have stuff I’ve written in advance for publication here on Thursday and Friday, which I think you’ll find of interest and which is newsworthy. And I’ll try to put something else up today, if time permits.  Stay tuned.

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September 29, 2010, - 4:39 pm

VIDEO: Wildlife, Nature (& Environmental) “Documentaries” ARE FAKED

By Debbie Schlussel

This is a MUST-WATCH video, which appeared on last night’s ABC News “Nightline.”  It’s fascinating in that it shows how most of these movies about whales or jungle wildlife, etc., are all FAKE, as admitted in bold detail by Chris Palmer, producer of many of these movies, in his new book, “Shooting in the Wild: An Insider’s Account of Making Movies in the Animal Kingdom“.  Keep that in mind the next time you watch one of these preachy environmental movies designed to scare your kids into crying for you to be green, like the Queen Latifah-narrated, “Arctic Tale” (read my review) or the Jim Carrey-narrated “Under the Sea 3D” (read my review).  When they tell you “man is destroying nature, and because of climate change, the polar bears and sea lions will die because he can’t find food,” the on-screen images they show you are false–fake–STAGED.  I repeat:  MUST WATCH this. . .


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September 29, 2010, - 2:06 pm

Hey, Another Reason NOT to Shop @ Abercrombie & Fitch

By Debbie Schlussel

Remember when teen-targeted clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch had a catalog featuring naked models simulating sex and an article from porn star Jenna Jameson instructing kids how to give oral sex?  Well, now, there’s another reason not to shop A&F:  the stores employ illegal aliens and just don’t care about checking immigration status.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Detroit said Tuesday it had levied one of its largest fines — $1 million — against clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch for violations of federal immigration law at its Michigan stores.

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