October 7, 2010, - 3:46 pm

EXCLUSIVE 1sthand Account of Achille Lauro Hijacking from US Navy Corpsman

By Debbie Schlussel

On this 25th anniversary of the Palestinian Islamic terrorist hijacking of the Achille Lauro and murder of Jewish American Leon Klinghoffer, I thought you’d be interested to read a first-hand account by a then-member of the U.S. military who was on a different ship, following and monitoring the hijacking.  The man, Michael Vaughn, gave me permission to publish his account and his name, since he is now retired from the U.S. Navy.  It’s a very important historical account of an important event that, unfortunately, America has forgotten.  I urge you to read it:

I was reading your column on the 20th anniversary of the Achille Lauro hijacking and death of Leon Klinghoffer. It is now just a few months from October 8th, and I see scant mention of it these days.

Why am I interested? It is a simple answer. I was a crew member on the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga that kept tabs on the cruise ship and monitored the movements of the hijackers. It was an incredible 10 days, and I’ll never forget it.

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October 7, 2010, - 1:31 pm

25 Years Later, Remember Leon Klinghoffer & the Achille Lauro Hijacking

By Debbie Schlussel

**** UPDATE: Lisa Klinghoffer Responds, SCROLL DOWN TO BOTTOM ****

You’d hardly know it from the scant media coverage, but today is the 25th anniversary of one of the many pre-9/11 acts of Islamic jihad against America.  Twenty-five years ago, today,  on October 8, 1985, Palestinian Islamic terrorists headed by Abul Abbas a/k/a Abu Abbas hijacked the Achille Lauro cruise ship and murdered Leon Klinghoffer–a 69-year-old helpless man bound to a wheelchair.  Klinghoffer’s crimes:  being an American and a Jew.


Leon Klinghoffer, Zichrono LiVracha [Blessed Be His Memory]: American Hero in Life & Death

Klinghoffer and his wife were taking the cruise to celebrate their 36th wedding anniversary. After hijacking the ship, cowardly Palestinian terrorists assassinated Klinghoffer by gunshot and threw his body overboard, a plot masterminded by Abul Abbas. I know Lisa Klinghoffer, daughter of Leon Klinghoffer, and she has kept in touch with me regarding her brave father.

Sadly, one of the men involved in his hijacking lives and breathes free here in America, today. I know this because one of my Muslim informant clients was asked by federal authorities to help testify and prosecute the man on drug charges, after the U.S. already shamelessly and knowingly let the man enter and live in America, absolving and agreeing not to prosecute him for his involvement in the brutal Achille Lauro murder of Klinghoffer, in exchange for “information on Al-Qaeda.” No information is enough to justify freedom (or even life) for any of Klinghoffer’s murderers.

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October 7, 2010, - 12:04 pm

My Facebook Account was Reinstated, THANKS to You & the JIDF

By Debbie Schlussel

As I wrote yesterday, my account was deactivated from Facebook.  But after alerting you, my faithful readers and friends and our friends at the JIDF, my account was finally reinstated, with the excuse that it was disabled “by mistake.”  I don’t believe that for a second because, as I told you, yesterday, Facebook has been deleting groups and people who tell the truth about the Islamic threat, including a Facebook page calling for Muslim men to be profiled at airports, and Facebook deleted the page calling for everyone to draw a cartoon of Mohammed.  Your many e-mails of protest and my phone calls and e-mails, with the help of the JIDF, helped get me back on Facebook.


I received the following email from Facebook, after several hours of complaining, which consumed a good part of the day:

From: The Facebook Team
Date: Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: My Personal Profile was Disabled
To: writedebbie@gmail.com

Hi Debbie,

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October 6, 2010, - 4:40 pm

I’m Banned From Facebook . . . For Political Reasons: HOW YOU CAN HELP

By Debbie Schlussel

This afternoon, my Facebook account  was deactivated.  I do not know why, though it appears it is for political reasons–because of repeated protests by extremist Muslims.  I’ve repeatedly been targeted by extremist Muslims on Facebook, whose many anti-Semitic attacks I’ve had to report and delete from my Facebook Fan Page.


Since Facebook does not give a reason, it appears this was done to censor my views.  On the other hand, an anonymous Facebook employee spoke out and noted that most Facebook employees have access to view all FB e-mail messages.  Yesterday, I got a FB e-mail from my FB friend Jennifer Powell notifying me that her FB page, “Profile Islamic Men in Airports” (of which I was a fan), was deleted by FB.  I responded that I would write about it on my site.  Was a Facebook employee snooping in my e-mail and upset that I would expose yet another example of Facebook censorship of those of us who believe in real national security, fighting the Islamic threat to America, and protecting our borders?  That could be the reason.

Our friends at the JIDF, including JIDF founder David Appletree, have pointed out that several Facebook groups, pages, and accounts have been deactivated by FB because they were pro-Jewish and/or pro-Israel, including several JIDF groups.  And Facebook took down the “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” Page, pandering to violent Muslims. As JIDF Founder Appletree says, “They selectively and subjectively ‘enforce’ their terms of service however they see fit. Their terms of service enforcement is entirely inconsistent.”

Or maybe it was my review of “The Social Network” movie, which the Facebookies didn’t like.  While I wrote that I didn’t like the movie because it admittedly made some things up and I don’t know which was fact and which was fiction, my review featured less than flattering material about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.  He’s known to be paranoid and vindictive, as are some of his very protective employees.  Maybe that was it. As the JIDF pointed out, Randi Zuckerberg, Mark Zuckerberg’s sister who heads up Facebook’s marketing, has already threatened on Twitter that since she didn’t like a particular bar, its Facebook page might be “accidentally” deleted. Hmmm . . .

But, again, since Facebook gave me no warning and no reason–that’s how arbitrary they are there–I have no idea what’s going on or why my account was disabled and deactivated.  I don’t know what other reason it could be.  And we know that while plenty of anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, pro-HAMAS, and pro-Hezbollah groups and accounts remain up at Facebook, my account is now down.

**** Please Note: I am referring to my personal FB account, not the Debbie Schlussel Fan Page (Click the “Like” Button to join), which remains up (though I am now not allowed to access it), and you can also follow me on Twitter. ****

I have submitted an appeal and a press inquiry, and we’ll see if they respond.  But, in the meantime, I hope you’ll e-mail Facebook:  press@facebook.com and ask why they censor those who tell the truth about the Islamic threat, but allow these groups and accounts to remain up:

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October 6, 2010, - 2:01 pm

The Rutgers Gay Suicide & Laura Ingraham

By Debbie Schlussel

While I was away for the last of the Jewish holidays, last week, the major news story was the suicide of a gay Rutgers student who was outed by his roommate and the roommate’s friend when they secretly videotaped him having sex and posted it online.  The gay student, Tyler Clementi, a talented violinist, committed suicide.  While I oppose gay rights and gay marriage, I felt for this kid, whose privacy was invaded and whose roommate embarrassed him publicly for no legitimate reason.  What people do behind closed doors is their business, not mine, unless they are public figures and/or are hypocrites–not the case here.  (It’s liberals who stick their noses in people’s business, not conservatives.)  These people, Dhuran Ravi and Molly Wei, are despicable and have been charged with invasion of privacy (which is essentially a slap on the hand, but it’s pretty much all they can be charged with).  But the first person I thought of was Laura Ingraham.


Death of Outrage: Laura Ingraham Shamelessly Outed Plenty of Tyler Clementis

You see, Laura Ingraham–who is idolized by so many ignorant conservatives–was the original Ravi and Wei.  Before the internet and Facebook, and cheap video cameras, Ingraham was the editor of the Dartmouth Review and took it upon herself to go to meetings of gay students, secretly tape them, and then out them to their parents, sending them the tapes.  Thank G-d that the internet and cheap video cameras weren’t around then, or she’d have likely done the same as Ravi and Wei.  She did the 1980s equivalent of it.  Ingraham was proud of these deeds, invading the privacy of these students who did nothing to her, and embarrassing them to the people closest to them–their families. Ingraham admitted she did this, after Jeffrey Hart, a conservative faculty member (and Nixon and Reagan speechwriter) who was the Dartmouth Review’s advisor, exposed this Ingraham “activity.”

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October 6, 2010, - 1:03 pm

GREAT VIDEO of the Day: What All Teachers Need to Do, But Can’t

By Debbie Schlussel

Last night, I screened the much buzzed about “Waiting for Superman,” about the failures of American public schools, made by the same guy who made Al Gore’s propaganda flick, “An Inconvenient Truth.”  I can’t post my review until it debuts later this week. Stay tuned. But related to that topic, this video is what every American public school teacher should be able to do with unruly and/or disrespectful students, but can’t because of various “child abuse” laws and coddling of American kids.

I respect this professor a great deal for having the guts to do what most would not dare.  On the other hand, she’s somewhere in Asia, where they can get away with these things and don’t have a million trial lawyers and useless parents lining up in protest. That’s why I think the second video is probably a fake (though I hope it isn’t). The third video appears to be in a Slavic country (or Greece?), but I cannot place the language (maybe you can). The last video appears to be a college professor, so maybe you can get away with that at an American institution of higher learning. But I doubt a high school teacher would get away with it. Perhaps I’m wrong. I wish I could do this to people at the movies.


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October 5, 2010, - 6:52 pm

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – Muslim Saudi Gay Prince Murderer Edition

By Debbie Schlussel

Religion of Peace and Rainbows and Liza Minnelli and Liberace and Murder . . . with a Saudi crown cherry on top. This story has everything the Muslims don’t want you to know about because they tell  you not to do it, but they do it all the time.  This is the behavior you infidels shouldn’t do because Islam forbids it, but when it comes to Muslims, well, all bets are off.  They can do whatever they want.  Because, hey, they’re Muslims.

Bandar Abdulaziz, Murdered by Saudi Prince Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser al Saud

I feel for the family of his victim and the torture he was put through in his last moments on this earth. By the way, you’ll notice that the “servant” has the same last name as the man who killed him. It ain’t ‘cuz they’re related. It’s ‘cuz the “servant” is actually a Black slave of the prince who murdered him. His property. Yup, that’s how Islam treats Black people–as sex slaves and murder victims. As I’ve said over and over, there’s a reason Arabs use the words “abed” and “abeed” (slave and slaves) as their word for Black people. Hey, more “Islamic modesty”:

Religion of Peace, indeed:

A Saudi prince killed his servant in their room at a luxury London hotel in a ferocious beating which had a sexual element, a British court was told Tuesday.

Bandar Abdulaziz, was found dead in bed at the Landmark Hotel in central London on February 15 this year, having suffered extensive injuries, including bite marks to his cheeks, the Old Bailey jury was told.

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October 5, 2010, - 2:53 pm

US Nuke Worker Who Joined Qaeda Spoke of Jihad, Stayed on Job – Guess Who Was Prez?

By Debbie Schlussel

Remember Sharif Mobley?  In March, I told you about the Somalian Muslim Al-Qaeda member from New Jersey, who worked at THREE U.S. nuclear facilities, despite showing his extremist side as early as high school.  He is now being held in Yemen for his involvement in Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks, including the murder of a policeman and the serious wounding of another.


Same Old Song & Dance: Qaeda Terrorist Sharif Mobley Worked @ US Nuke Plants Thanks to . . . BUSH

Well, it’s now come to light that when Mobley worked at the various U.S. nuclear facilities, he frequently praised jihad.  Mobley worked at the nuclear facilities from 2002-2008.  Hmmm . . . who was President then?  Obama?  That’s right, it was the “Counterterrorism President,” George W. Bush.  Miss him yet? Think Sarah Palin and the other substandard Republican choices will be any different? Only if you’re on crack.

A New Jersey man accused of joining Al Qaeda in Yemen spoke openly of militant views while working at American nuclear plants, according to a report by the inspector general of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that proposes tightening personnel security rules.

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October 5, 2010, - 12:14 pm

US Value of (Non-Muslim) Human Life: Your Day in “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

By Debbie Schlussel

Today’s lesson is the value of non-Muslim versus Muslim life in America.  Hint:  the latter is worth more than the former.

Remember the left-wing peace activist who recently stabbed a Muslim cab driver in New York?  He’ll get the book thrown at him.  Don’t look for him to spend anything less than life in prison.  But when the shoe is on the other foot–when Muslims kill non-Muslim Americans–deals are cut because our lives are worth less than theirs.  That’s the nadir to which pan-Muslim political correctness has gone in America. Just ask Linda Palm, whose son was murdered with a screw driver by yet another “moderate,” “peaceful” American Muslim.


Abdirahman Abdikarim: “Peaceful Muslim” Murdered Cab Driver With Screw Driver

I’ve been warning about the criminal wildings of Somalian Muslims against non-Muslims all over America. But no-one cares. Most of these Somalians came here, by the way, through Bush-imposed diversity lottery visas and Bush granting of asylum to Somalian Muslims who neither need nor deserve it. Yes, this giant influx of Somalian Muslim criminals to America–many of whom are allied with and recruit for Al-Qaeda’s Al-Shabaab–came under the “counterterrorism President,” NOT Obama. To those of you who say I should ignore this because Obama is President and he should get the blame for Bush’s actions, tell it to Linda Palm and see where it goes.

Linda Palm’s fears came true in a Dakota County courtroom on Monday: The 19-year-old accused of killing her son, a cabdriver, with a screwdriver during a robbery in 2009 was allowed to plead guilty to a lesser charge than first-degree murder.

Abdirahman A. Abdikarim pleaded guilty to second-degree unintentional murder in the killing of Michael A. Palm Jr., 41.

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October 4, 2010, - 6:42 pm

FUNNY Video: Parody of HOprah’s Celebrity Dream Jobs

By Debbie Schlussel

When she’s not using her show to pimp her far-left values–like that transsexual men having babies are a family and that if you don’t vote you’ll get raped (yes, both happened on the show)–Oprah is pimping mindless, useless pap, like what some has-been B-list celebrities might have done had they not made millions for being crappy actors on network television.  Either way, it’s pollution of the mind, and that’s why I just love this funny video, which is actually more entertaining than the actual stuff it’s mocking, courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel. Thank G-d, it’s her last season. Sadly, some other vapid BS will take her place.


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