October 12, 2010, - 12:46 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Toby Keith’s Illegal Alien Chica – Maid Freed by ICE, Sheriff Under Keith Pressure

By Debbie Schlussel

He’s just come out with a new album and describes himself on magazine covers as an “American patriot” and a “family man.”  In July, he performed at a nationally televised Boston Fourth of July celebration on CBS.  But DebbieSchlussel.com has learned that Toby Keith Covel–the full name of the country singing star who uses the stage name, “Toby Keith”–apparently knowingly employed an illegal alien housekeeper/cook at his Oklahoma home for some time.  The woman is a Mexican national and was previously deported from the United States prior to her apparent employment by Toby Keith.


Moreover, sources say that after the woman was discovered and apprehended by Oklahoma law enforcement authorities, Keith repeatedly phoned from Ireland, yelling, screaming, and whining until the woman was released, even though she was ordered deported and standard procedure would be to lock her up until deportation.  The sources say Keith’s behavior and vehement reaction was that of a man who wasn’t merely the employer of an illegal alien, but someone with whom there was “much more” going on with this woman. And, they say, he got special treatment for his illegal alien chica, with her improper release from the Cleveland County, Oklahoma jail. The events, they say, happened in late 2009 or early 2010. Online records and statements on his own website show that, indeed, Toby Keith was in Ireland in concert and on vacation with his family in November 2009.  Keith is married with three children.

The sources say that the woman was stopped by authorities when she was driving in Cleveland County, Oklahoma near Toby Keith’s home.  She did not have a driver’s license and could not speak English.  The woman allegedly told authorities–through a translator–that she worked for Toby Keith.  The Cleveland County (Oklahoma) Sheriff’s deputies who arrested her, booked her into their jail facility, but she was ultimately released to freedom by Cleveland County Sheriff Joe Lester (whose opponent in a previous election was backed by Toby Keith). The sources say that, at the time, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in Oklahoma City were processing the woman for removal from the United States, but they were ordered by their supervisor to release the woman, even though she had previously been deported. A previous deportee is almost never released when caught again. But Toby Keith–a high-dollar donor to the Republican Party and the George W. Bush Presidential campaign–apparently has clout.

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October 11, 2010, - 4:16 pm

I Called It – Schlussel Flashback ’07: “Tom Brady, Woman of the Year,” Poster Boy for Chickification of American Men

By Debbie Schlussel

Not sure why everyone is so up in arms about NFLer Randy Moss saying that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady looks like a girl in his effeminate Justin Bieber haircut.  He does and he is.  I called it back in 2007, when I named Brady, the DebbieSchlussel.com Woman of the Year.

The guy is a wimp.  He’s a pretty boy who does whatever the real man in his relationship, supermodel Giselle Bundchen, tells him.  TMZ used to follow him in New York and call him, “Errand Boy!  Errand Boy!” because he wore a man purse and ran around the city picking up her packages and doing her errands, even while he was supposed to be healing from a serious leg injury during the NFL season.  It’s why I often refer to him as “Tom Brady-ette” on this site. And that’s not to mention how he basically abandoned his son and the kid’s mother, supermodel Bridget Moynahan, for Bundchen.  None of that is the behavior of a real man.  I can’t call out men in Black America for doing that and not call out Tom Brady for doing it, too.  The damage to American society is the same.

And, as I noted then, Brady posed in these really effeminate cologne ads, looking very girly.  Now, with his stupid haircut, he looks like a pre-op tranny.  He says his wife won’t let him cut it.  Spoken like a true wimp.  Dude, be a man.  And if it were just him, I’d say, who cares?  Unfortunately, he’s the poster boy for the ongoing chickification of American men–for America as GirlieMan Nation.

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October 11, 2010, - 2:48 pm

The Dumb Israeli Loyalty Oath & Freezing Israeli “Settlements”

By Debbie Schlussel

Many readers have asked for my thoughts on the loyalty oath bill, which passed Israel’s Cabinet.  It requires Israel’s new citizens to pledge loyalty to a Jewish and democratic state. Outrage over and commentary about it are much ado about nothing.


I don’t object to the oath, I just think it’s stupid, half-assed, and a symbolic move meant to assuage right-of-center Israeli Jews on more important issues on which the Israeli administration the wrong substantive position, like building homes on the so-called “West Bank,” including suburban Jerusalem (supporting a year-long freeze and leaning toward another one). The oath won’t accomplish a thing, other than more bad publicity on the world stage with little to show for it. I liken it to the many times that Israel went into Gaza, etc., and didn’t really mean it or finish the job. (Everybody else was gushing over it, but I knew better, and I was right because they left with HAMAS further empowered and more lost Israeli lives, plus Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit still in captivity.) It’s just costly window dressing. Useless.

America has a loyalty oath, too.  It’s called the Pledge of Allegiance.  And for new citizens, there is a different oath–to the U.S. Constitution.  But, like most Muslim citizens who take the oath here, the ones who take it in Israel will lie and won’t mean it.  So, why require it?  It’s irrelevant and useless, and the whole point of it provokes unnecessarily without achieving anything.  Few Muslims in Israel apply for citizenship.  As for those few Muslims, and some Christian Arabs (who mostly identify as Palestinians), who do become Israeli citizens, it’s not like they won’t lie.  They hate Israel and Israelis.  They’ll say whatever they have to say to get what they want.  The oath means nothing.

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October 11, 2010, - 1:33 pm

NYTimes Cites Schlussel, Picks Up Wilcox “CHiPs” Undercover Informant Story

By Debbie Schlussel

When I reported, early this morning, that it appeared former “CHiPs” star Larry Wilcox played real-life undercover informant for the feds as part of his plea deal, I meant to end with, “How long until the mainstream media picks up my exclusive reporting? 3-2-1- . . . .”  (But since it was the middle of the night, I forgot that part.)



Well, it didn’t take long.  Just an hour ago, the New York Times picked up my entire story, citing me.  DebbieSchlussel.com . . . we do the reporting and legwork that some Americans–mainstream media reporters–won’t do:

Larry Wilcox, who became famous for his role as Officer Jon Baker on the hit television series “CHiPs” decades ago, may have recently reprised his role of working in the world of law enforcement. . . .

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October 11, 2010, - 3:25 am

EXCLUSIVE – Undercover Brother: CHiPs Star Larry Wilcox Was FBI Informant After Guilty Plea

By Debbie Schlussel

**** UPDATE: New York Times Cites Schlussel, Picks Up Larry Wilcox “CHiPs” Undercover Informant Story ****

File this one under “Life Imitates Art.”  Sort of.

Larry Wilcox played a cop on TV, but DebbieSchlussel.com can now exclusively report that this summer, in real life, Wilcox apparently served as an undercover informant for the FBI, Justice Department, and Securities and Exchange Commission.

On Friday, I told you about the criminal charges against former ’70s and ’80s cop show “CHiPs” star Wilcox for securities fraud in the penny stocks arena.  But, unlike the rest of the mainstream media, I actually read through the file, and I can report that Wilcox already pleaded guilty, in July, to one count of criminal conspiracy to commit securities fraud.  The Los Angeles Times now incorrectly reports that Wilcox is scheduled to plead guilty.  In fact, his plea agreement–read it here–was entered into on July 2nd and entered into the federal court record on Thursday of last week (October 7th).  Because he has already pleaded guilty, the only thing still yet to happen for Wilcox in the case is sentencing, which isn’t likely to occur until after the trial and/or pleas of his co-defendants, Anthony Mellone and Alex Parsinia.

And DebbieSchlussel.com can exclusively report that Larry Wilcox apparently served as an FBI undercover informant against his co-defendants, Mellone and Parsinia, neither of whom entered into a plea agreement and were probably unaware of the looming federal criminal charges until or just before they were filed on Thursday.  More details . . .

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October 8, 2010, - 6:25 pm

1/2 of CHiPs Charged: Say It Ain’t So, “Officer Jon”

By Debbie Schlussel

As a kid growing up in the ’70s and ’80s, I used to watch “CHiPs,” about two motorcycle-riding cops in the California Highway Patrol, starring Erik Estrada as Officer Francis Llewellyn “Ponch” Poncherello and Larry Wilcox as Office Jonathan “Jon” Baker. “Ponch & Jon” in their aviator sunglasses were must see TV for my babysitter, and she would let us stay up and watch. I especially liked the show’s theme song, which has stood the test of time, even if the corny show and plots haven’t. I mean–come on–a cop show, during which (the late) Laura Branigan breaks out in song, singing “Gloria” on the streets?

CHiPs was originally written as Wilcox’s vehicle, and he was supposed to be the main star, not Estrada. But all of the girls liked the cheesy Estrada, and he became the major player of the show. Still, I always thought the all-American Wilcox was the better looking of the two and grew better looking as he got older. Even at age 63, he has aged well and still looks pretty good. Sadly, the aging’s likely to  speed up a little, as yesterday, the feds filed civil and criminal charges against him in Federal Court in Florida. Read the federal complaint here. And here’s a brief summary of the accusations, which, according to the complaint, include Wilcox allegedly agreeing to kickbacks in an FBI undercover sting operation:

Federal authorities filed civil and criminal charges against a group of penny-stock promoters accused of manipulating the volume and price of microcap stocks in a series of alleged kickback schemes.

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October 8, 2010, - 6:01 pm

Weekend Box Office: “Secretariat,” “Waiting for Superman,” “Ghettophysics,” “Never Let Me Go,” “Kind of a Funny Story,” “My Soul to Take”

By Debbie Schlussel

Sad to say, I really did not care that much for any of the new movie releases.  But since I suffered through ’em, please suffer through my reviews (because of dueling movie screenings, I did not see “Life As We Know It”):

*  “Secretariat“:  This is billed as feel-good horse-racing/sports movie of the year.  But it’s really a movie promoting feminism and the original Sarah Palin, Penny Chenery, the owner of Secretariat, the horse that won the Triple Crown in 1973.  Chenery (played by the beautiful Diane Lane) abandoned her family and left to a horse farm for a long period of time to raise a winning horse.  Was it worth it? Only if you think having a winning horse is more important than being there to raise your family.  Chenery had four young children, and she wasn’t there for them.  We’re shown scenes of her missing family events and talking to her kids and husband on the phone.

Chenery’s husband, Jack Tweedy, is, of course, the villain, because he has the nerve to want his wife home raising the family while he practices law.  The nerve.  But, predictably, he comes around to Gloria Steinem’s worldview and tells her,

You’ve taught them [their kids] what a real woman is.

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October 8, 2010, - 3:03 pm

Only Moronic “Parents” Are “Waiting for Superman”

By Debbie Schlussel

At the end of “Waiting for Superman,” we watch several inner city families (and one suburban one) attending lotteries held to determine whether or not their kids will get to go to a few successful charter schools, where education is leaps and bounds above that of public schools and most kids attend and graduate from college.  The odds are slim because many kids have applied for only a very few slots.  Parents are crying and destroyed because their kids mostly didn’t win the coveted slots, and now, their kids’ futures are over (in their minds).

Here’s a tip:  if your kid’s whole future depends on winning the lottery, you’re incompetent–a bad parent and you made the wrong choices that got you to this point.  You brought your kid to this brink, NOT the public schools.  You didn’t teach them at home and you made the wrong choices even before that.  Sadly, that’s not the point of “Waiting” at all, but it should have been.  Nope, the point is that it’s our fault.  It’s everyone’s fault but the parents.  And that’s absurd.  But it’s chic to do that in our take-no-personal-responsibility culture.

You may have been subject to some of the excessive hype about this “documentary” gushed over by ignorant liberals (including Oprah) and directed by Davis Guggenheim (a/k/a Mr. Elisabeth Shue), the man who made another fake documentary, Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” and the Barack Obama film Democrats saw at their national nominating convention in 2008.

Don’t believe the hype.  This movie contained no new information–not to me, not to you.  And that’s why I had to laugh at a Detroit screening, this week, of “Waiting for Superman.”  The gasping, shocked–shocked!–liberals couldn’t believe how bad America’s public schools are.  That’s news?  That some–yes, only some–charter schools are better, isn’t news either.  It’s like people who see this movie are just discovering America . . . and ‘lectricity and sliced bread.

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October 8, 2010, - 12:10 pm

Welcome to Detroit, Where They Go Out of Their Way to Screw Themselves

By Debbie Schlussel

If you live in the Detroit area, stories like this are a dime a dozen.  But they illustrate exactly why Detroit will never recover from its desperate situation and why things will only become more desperate.  The people of Detroit elect bigoted Afro-centric racists like JoAnn Watson over and over and over again.  And even with a reasonable Mayor like Dave Bing–who is essentially a Republican in Democratic clothing–nothing good will ever happen because people like Watson run the show.  In this case, even a Black man, Claude Strickland of Motown Boxing Club, can’t win because he doesn’t live in the right decrepit zip code for Ms. Watson.

Claude Strickland Not Black Enough for JoAnn Watson b/c He Doesn’t Live in Detroit

It was supposed to be a knockout deal for Detroit youths.

Veteran boxing instructor and former professional boxer Claude Strickland had applied to coach the sport for children ages 7 to 18 for Detroit’s Recreation Department.

But when the $10-an-hour contract reached a City Council committee Thursday, Councilwoman JoAnn Watson said she wouldn’t support spending Detroit tax dollars on someone who lives outside of the city. Strickland lives in Sterling Heights.

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October 7, 2010, - 6:17 pm

VIDEO: If Ever There Was a Clear Death Penalty Case, This Is It

By Debbie Schlussel

I think the death penalty should be used very, very rarely because, as a practicing attorney (including criminal defense), I see so enough people who aren’t guilty getting the shaft in our justice system and so many other people who deserve to spend the rest of their lives rotting in prison with a new “boyfriend,” rather than being instantly put out of their misery, once their never-ending appeals are exhausted.  But in cases in which we are absolutely sure who did it–not based on circumstantial evidence–and where the actions are so horrific, the death penalty must be used.  And if there was ever such a rare case, this is it.  You’ve probably heard about this case, in which most of the Petit family–a wife and two young daughters–were brutally raped and burned alive (only the mother was killed before being set afire)–and these “men” who did this are animals who deserve to rot in hell, not prison on your dime.  Watch this vivid ABC News video report.  It will make you angry.  It made me angry. 

Dr. Petit must live with this memory every single day, and it must be very tough.  Say a prayer for him and his deceased wife and daughters.  May they rest in peace.  These two men took that away from them on earth.


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