By Debbie Schlussel
Just as I do not assume I know what is going on in your life or behind the scenes at your workplace, don’t assume you know what is going on behind the scenes here at You don’t.
On Friday Morning, when I learned that Republican Dr. Rob Steele was leading John Dingell (D-Hezbollahstan) in the polls, I planned to write a piece about it. But I do my homework and did not want to recommend readers donate to Dr. Steele, unless I knew for sure what his positions were on the Middle East, positions that are markedly absent from his campaign website. Sadly, I could not write and post my piece on Friday because of Steele and his campaign. After a scheduled interview with Steele that didn’t happen and then repeated obfuscation, lies, and good cop/bad cop routines from his staff, including incompetently dishonest campaign manager Mike Marzano and some sock puppet “female doctor” they had repeatedly e-mailing me, I finally talked to Dr. Steele, yesterday morning, after I confronted him by dialing *67 (private/anonymous caller) to his cell phone. Dr. Steele gave the right answers to my four brief questions (questions I’d e-mailed to the campaign on Friday), and I’ll be writing about it later today, as I had planned. But people, including a Facebook reader–whose exchange with me is posted, below–assume. They think they know what I’m doing and what I’m not doing. And they don’t. And–contrary to the saying–when you assume, it makes an ass only out of you, not me.
So, here’s the Facebook friend exchange I had–a person I don’t know who is apparently irked that I dare expose Toby Keith for the illegal alien-enabling fraud that he is, because Toby Keith is a “conservative Republican.”
Longtime readers know that I am not a partisan. I owe nothing to the Republican Party (which, incidentally, worked tirelessly against me in support of liberals, both times I ran for office). I call out all people of all stripes when they are phonies. Those who do not are the problem. And here’s another thing: the line that this is “the most important election in our lifetime” is kinda like the host of “The Bachelor” constantly saying, “The most dramatic rose ceremony ever.” PUH-LEEZE. Sorry, but if you think a ton will change simply because the Republicans are in power, think again. I’ll be voting Republican, but not in the throes and blinding hazes of any fantasy that GOP candidates for the House and Senate are some great moral paragons different than they were for the last several decades.
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