October 15, 2010, - 4:43 pm

Today’s Oprah . . . Produced by Bin Laden

By Debbie Schlussel

If I were Osama Bin Laden, I’d shut down my video propaganda operations and outsource them to Oprah.  But judging by today’s Oprah episode, looks like she’s already on the payroll. Here’s the topic:



(Oprah artwork by Six Meat Buffet/Preston Taylor Holmes)

There is plenty of help available for American veterans.  Yes, some of them are, sadly, homeless.  But Americans spend billions on assistance programs . . . if the veterans would only take advantage.  But that’s not the story I’m now watching on Oprah.  Instead she’s telling American viewers–and those who watch her show in places like America-hating Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the Palestinian-occupied parts of Israel–that:

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October 15, 2010, - 4:10 pm

Joining the NOW Hags: Bimbo Reporter-ette Now All Indignant About Jets Locker Room

By Debbie Schlussel

I thought the Ines Sainz story was over.  But I was wrong.  The bim reporterette from Mexico’s TV Azteca announced yesterday that she’s returning to work and has now joined the NOW hags and the rest of the angry feminist crowd.  After originally saying she didn’t feel harassed when she dressed provocatively and some football players dared to whistle at her and throw the football near her, she’s now saying she refuses to go back into the New York Jets locker room and is crying sexism.  Puh-leeze.  Enough already. This is the reason women shouldn’t be in the locker room with male athletes . . . whether it’s the men of the NFL or the men of the WNBA. More absurd is that the NFL responded to all of this by developing a “workplace conduct program.” Um, is there a workplace conduct program at a strip joint? Cuz’ she acts like she works there.

Ines Sainz Measuring “Something” on NFL Player Bertrand Berry in 2009

She’s a model with breast implants who wears tight and low-cut clothes.  As I wrote when this story first percolated, men staring and whistling at that is a problem because . . .?  It’s human nature.  Does she think she was hired for her “brain” and sports acumen?  If she doesn’t like it, perhaps she shouldn’t wear get-ups like the one she wore on FOX News.  I really don’t know how this male FOX anchor managed to keep his eyes on hers.  Clearly she wanted him to see what everyone else is looking at (though it appears he sneaks a few peaks).  If you don’t turn down the volume, it’s like hearing Charo drone on.

Generally, if you don’t dress like a ho, you won’t be treated like one.

Like I said before, I agree with Jimmy Kimmel on this . . .

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October 15, 2010, - 3:37 pm

The Usual Suspects (With a Twist): US Muslims Use Kosher Deli for Fraud

By Debbie Schlussel

So, three Mohammeds and an Islam start a kosher deli . . . and use it for massive tax fraud against the U.S. No, it’s not the beginning of a bad joke. It’s the beginning of a bad reality perpetrated by a ring of several Florida Muslims.

This is one of those times when Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar can leave the room, as can anyone else who still refuses to face facts.  Because this involves not just ONE guy named Mohammed–but THREE of them–and another guy named Islam . . . and a particular religion of the same name whose adherents make up a significant percentage of those involved in fraud by convenience store and gas station owners–numbers way beyond their percentage of the American population.  But, hey, I’m sure the fact that half of ’em are named Mohammed or Islam is well . . . as the French would say, Quelle Coincidence!  Right?


Three Mohammeds & an Islam Perpetrate Massive Tax Fraud

What isn’t a coincidence is that these Muslims used a kosher deli to begin perpetrating their massive fraud. (New here, but not in Israel, where Palestinian Islamic terrorists frequently dress up as Orthodox Jews to conduct terrorist attacks.)

At least eight Palm Beach County residents – including the two alleged kingpins – are among 23 people arrested this morning in a 5-county sweep of 13 South Florida convenience stores and service stations that authorities say withheld more than $1 million in sales, unemployment and corporate taxes.

Arrested were 22 owners or employees of stores, all Bangladeshi natives, as well as the operation’s Delray Beach-based accountant, according to a 131-page affidavit that details a 3-1/2 year investigation.

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October 14, 2010, - 2:50 pm

COMPLETE VIDEO: Watch Bill O’Reilly Surrender Testicles to “View” Hags Over Islam, 9/11

By Debbie Schlussel

Earlier today, I told you about daytime TV’s most moronic moment ever. Two co-hags on ABC’s “The View” walked out on Bill O’Reilly because he had the nerve to say that Muslims perpetrated the 9/11 attacks.  But don’t worry.  His “nerve” was short-lived, because he quickly apologized to Muslims and the co-hags, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, returned upon his moronic apology.  I didn’t have the entire video to post, but I do now.  It’s Must Watch Moron TV.  I repeat to Bill O’Reilly:  Dude, WHERE. ARE. YOUR. TESTICLES?


“View” Hags Are Frickin’ Morons, Ditto for Bill O

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October 14, 2010, - 12:17 pm

UPDATED – MORONIC: “View” Hosts Walk Out on O’Reilly Over Muslims, 9/11; Pinhead O’Reilly APOLOGIZES!

By Debbie Schlussel


OMG, I think I just witnessed the MOST MORONIC minutes on daytime TV. . . EVER.  And that’s tough to do, since the bar is so low. Bill O’Reilly was on ABC’s “The View,” pimping his book, “Pinheads and Patriots.”  And his appearance proved that he and all five of “The View” yenta-hags fit in the former category. This is a great example of why American women (and gay men) who watch daytime TV have minds of mush.


“View” Hags Are Frickin’ Morons, Ditto for Bill O

O’Reilly spoke of the (two-blocks-from) Ground Zero mosque and his opposition to it.  He said that Muslims perpetrated the 9/11 attacks, and Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar went ballistic.  They and Baba Wawa denied that it was Muslims, and they walked off the set live.  Faux-conservative rodent and airhead Elisabeth Hasselbeck then whined about how there are equal amounts of terrorists across all religions, and why can’t we just call them terrorists and we won’t have this problem?”  Huh?  Translator please, as I’m not fluent in Babblish.  Then, Baba Wawa called him out and said Muslims didn’t do 9/11, just a few radicals and that he’s wrong. But, then. . .  But, then. . .  But, then, Bill O’Reilly APOLOGIZED to Muslims, saying he didn’t mean it and that it wasn’t Muslims who did 9/11, but just a few radicals. Wow, this guy is limp. Dude, WHERE. ARE. YOUR. TESTICLES? And, “because he apologized,” Goldberg and Behar walked back onto the set. (It’s indeed embarrassing that this Behar hag was actually a sperm receptacle for multiple Jews.)

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October 14, 2010, - 1:35 am

Old School Music of the Day – One of My Classic Faves (What’s Yours?)

By Debbie Schlussel

Today, I attended a couple of critics movie screenings, including, “127 Hours,” starring hot (and Jewish) actor, James Franco.  It’s about Aron Ralston, the Colorado mountain climber who self-amputated his arm to save his life while stuck under a rock in the wilderness.  Can’t post my review until it debuts in early November.  But one of my favorite songs, Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day,” is on the soundtrack.  It’s part of my workout music, and it’s hard to believe that Withers–who, in my opinion, is one of the most undersung singer/songwriters in contemporary pop music–is 72.

I love funk and R&B, and the ultra-talented Withers–a nine-year U.S. Navy veteran–wrote and performed some great songs in those genres in addition to “Lovely Day,” including, “Lean on Me,” “Just the Two of Us,” and “Ain’t No Sunshine.”  Earlier this year, the New Yorker did an interesting profile on Withers. There have been many iterations and covers of “Lovely Day” over the years, including S.O.U.L. S.Y.S.T.E.M.’s version and a total peversion of the song by Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G.  But none tops  or even approaches the original Bill Withers 1977 song (though I like Withers’ 1980 remix, which is sped up with some extra drum beats added).  Love his singing voice.

What’s your favorite funk and R&B music from the ’70s?

Get Your MP3 Version of Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day” . . .

Bonus Video (Father Plays Piano & Sings “Lovely Day” With His Daughters – Cute):

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October 13, 2010, - 2:31 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Hezbollah Cash Behind Campaign Against Sharron Angle

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, news broke that Muslim activist Tarek Baydoun of Dearbornistan paid for 250,000 robo-calls to Nevada voters against Sharron Angle, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate who will–G-d-willing–beat Harry Reid in November. Baydoun, a recent college grad, in his 20s claims he’s upset with Angle’s comments about Islamic sharia ruling Dearborn. And, in fact, she’s right, as I’ve documented on this site and in my work, more than any other writer or commentator on this earth. But that’s not the scoop here. The scoop is that Baydoun worked for a Hezbollah-funded newspaper and a Hezbollah charity raided by the FBI and that it’s highly unlikely that Baydoun, himself, has the means to personally fund 250,000 robo-calls against Angle.


Sickening: Hezbollah is Targeting Sharron Angle

So who is paying for it? My sources say that it may be Hezbollah cash, funneled to Mr. Baydoun, who identifies himself as a “Democratic consultant.” He’s actually a Hezbollah activist and very open about that. And until Baydoun–a proud supporter of Hezbollah, whose Shi’ite Muslim South Lebanese family is prominent in the terrorist organization–shows us an accounting of where the money came from, it’s pretty safe to assume that the money came from sources connected with Hezbollah.  He now works as a real estate agent in Dearbornistan, where mortgage fraud (committed by his fellow Hezbollah-supporting Shi’ite Muslims) and foreclosures run rampant.  Regardless, Baydoun, himself, worked for Al-Mabarat Charitable Organization in Dearbornistan, for which he raised money and served as spokesman to the press at the time FBI agents raided it in 2007 for financing Hezbollah. (Of course, as I predicted then, the raids were mere “show raids” for the FBI and Bush Administration to actually look like they were doing something against Islamic terrorism. But they refused to ever prosecute or even shut down the charity, which continues to send about $1 million a year to Hezbollah for who knows what.)

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October 13, 2010, - 12:45 pm

Tired of the Chilean Miners Rescue Story?

By Debbie Schlussel


I don’t know about you, but I am sooooo tired of the Chilean Miners rescue and hearing about it 24/7. Does it make me a bad person because I’m sick of hearing about it?  Am I “insensitive” for not being obsessed and entertained by “All Miners Rescue, All The Time,” just as I was also bored to tears by “All Glorified High School Drop-Out/Muslim Playboy’s Concubine Princess Diana Death TV All the Time” and ditto for “All Spoiled Liberal John-John & Blonde Model Wife Death Over Cape Cod in a Private Plane All the Time”? Talk about frickin’ overkill by airheads in the mainstream media feeding me this baby powder and pretending it’s crack.  Ennui, baby. Ennui.

Last night, my local newscast had a live mine rescue cam running in the side of the screen during the whole newscast. Glad they’re out and that they survived. But c’mon.  Enough, already.  Watching O.J.’s white Ford Bronco on the California Highway was more exciting.  And, in that case, two people died.  These people are alive (which we already knew, two months ago, was gonna be the case).  Great.  Move on.  Next. Sorry, but watching giant tubes like they have at the bank drive-thru pop up from the ground ain’t all that. (And it’s more exciting at the bank.)

And does being in there for two months and then getting out make them heroes, the status to which they’re now being anointed? Don’t believe the hype.  They’re in a dangerous job of which everyone knows the risk when they took the job.  I’m more concerned about American miners who didn’t get out alive and died.

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October 12, 2010, - 10:02 pm

Toss It or . . . Taste It?: How Long is My Frozen Food Still Good?

By Debbie Schlussel

I put this up on my Facebook page (which is over the max of 5,000 friends and 1,000 waiting friend requests, so please join my fan page, where I also posted it), and I’m getting a lot of good–and very funny responses. But now I want yours:

For how long is frozen food still good? I have two packages in my freezer–one of hot wings, the other stuffed cabbage with meat in it. Both are from a Passover 2009, so we’re talking 1.5 years. It says to use within 6 months on the box. But how long is it really good for if it’s been frozen and packaged the whole time? Should I toss ’em . . . or try ’em? I hate wasting but . . . .

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October 12, 2010, - 4:15 pm

Partisan Hacks: When You Assume, It Only Makes an Ass Out of You (Not Me)

By Debbie Schlussel

Just as I do not assume I know what is going on in your life or behind the scenes at your workplace, don’t assume you know what is going on behind the scenes here at DebbieSchlussel.com.  You don’t.

On Friday Morning, when I learned that Republican Dr. Rob Steele was leading John Dingell (D-Hezbollahstan) in the polls, I planned to write a piece about it.  But I do my homework and did not want to recommend readers donate to Dr. Steele, unless I knew for sure what his positions were on the Middle East, positions that are markedly absent from his campaign website.  Sadly, I could not write and post my piece on Friday because of Steele and his campaign.  After a scheduled interview with Steele that didn’t happen and then repeated obfuscation, lies, and good cop/bad cop routines from his staff, including incompetently dishonest campaign manager Mike Marzano and some sock puppet “female doctor” they had repeatedly e-mailing me, I finally talked to Dr. Steele, yesterday morning, after I confronted him by dialing *67 (private/anonymous caller) to his cell phone.  Dr. Steele gave the right answers to my four brief questions (questions I’d e-mailed to the campaign on Friday), and I’ll be writing about it later today, as I had planned.  But people, including a Facebook reader–whose exchange with me is posted, below–assume.  They think they know what I’m doing and what I’m not doing.  And they don’t.  And–contrary to the saying–when you assume, it makes an ass only out of you, not me.

So, here’s the Facebook friend exchange I had–a person I don’t know who is apparently irked that I dare expose Toby Keith for the illegal alien-enabling fraud that he is, because Toby Keith is a “conservative Republican.”

Longtime readers know that I am not a partisan.  I owe nothing to the Republican Party (which, incidentally, worked tirelessly against me in support of liberals, both times I ran for office).  I call out all people of all stripes when they are phonies.  Those who do not are the problem.  And here’s another thing:  the line that this is “the most important election in our lifetime” is kinda like the host of “The Bachelor” constantly saying, “The most dramatic rose ceremony ever.”  PUH-LEEZE.  Sorry, but if you think a ton will change simply because the Republicans are in power, think again.  I’ll be voting Republican, but not in the throes and blinding hazes of any fantasy that GOP candidates for the House and Senate are some great moral paragons different than they were for the last several decades.

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