March 20, 2012, - 3:30 pm
Huckabee Uses Limbaugh Advertising “Crisis” to Pimp Competing Show; Attacks “Jewish Reporter”
Many have tried to go up against Rush Limbaugh’s nationally syndicated radio show, and all have failed since none have been able to match his audience or influence. Bill O’Reilly, Fred Thompson, Ed Schultz, you name it–all down to defeat. But the most disgusting challenger to date is the latest one: Mike Huckabee, who is using the liberal-left-manufactured “advertising crisis” over the truthful Sandra Fluke comments to try to horn in on Limbaugh’s audience in the same time slot. Hucksterbee, over the weekend, railed against a “Jewish reporter” on his FOX News show. He did this while he whined in commiseration with John Ramsey, the never-cleared (contrary to Huckster’s claim) suspect in his dressed-like-a-whore young girl’s murder, who is pimping a new book he wrote to further profit off his daughter’s death. (The video’s below, and his appalling comment is at approximately 2:40.) For some strange reason, Huckabee found it necessary to selectively emphasize a part in Ramsey’s book that “a JEWISH reporter … tried to get you to ….”
Here is my prediction on the ever-changing fraud, Hucksterbee: he will fail. He’ll probably get a few Cumulus stations to replace Rush with his Cumulus-syndicated show. But Rush will go on competing stations and kick the crap out of the Huckster in the ratings.
Huckster has no moral compass. He has no ideology. While, today, he is Israel’s best friend and right wing on the Middle East, not long before that he wrote an article in Foreign Policy magazine attacking U.S. policy in the Middle East and blaming it for our troubles and why terrorists hate us. Yup, typical left-wing, blame-America-and-Israel BS. And he wrote that before he was gunning to get his FOX News show and high-paid contributor gig. He did a 180 when he began running for President. But we saw his true colors when he attacked the ethnicity and religion of a liberal reporter he didn’t like. Aren’t there liberal Christian and Muslim reporters? Of course there are, but Huck wants you to know about the JOOOOS. Yes, Ramsey wrote about it in his book, but Hucksterbee chose to highlight it and point out the religion on FOX News to appeal to anti-Semites. Read the rest of this entry »