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GREAT VIDEO Analysis on Sean Hannity Freedom Alliance/Freedom Concert Scam

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Radioactive Vannity: Why Roger Ailes Forced Hannity From Tea Party Event

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Responding to Schlussel Expose, Charity Navigator Downgrades Hannity Charity: Freedom Alliance Rating Now Only 2 Stars (“Needs Improvement”)

Monday, April 5th, 2010

Big Business: Who Owns the Freedom Concerts? How Sean Hannity’s Private Jets, Luxe SUVs, Suites Were Paid

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

Semantics of Vannity: New Hannity Soldiers Scam – “Buy My Book, (Non-Existent) Profits Go to Troops Charity”

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fallen Troops; G5s for Vannity?

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

The “Heroes” of Conservative Desperation; Plus HILARIOUS Video: Hannity & Prejean

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

FINALLY: ICE to Arrest Ivan the Terrible/Nazi Demjanjuk for Deportation, Today; Goebbels of Our Time (Hannity Bud Buchanan) Upset

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

Sean Vannity’s Anti-Fairness Doctrine: Hannity Told Ann Coulter She Can’t Appear on Larry King, Steve Malzberg

Friday, February 6th, 2009

Enough, Walid Shoebat: Why is Sean Hannity’s Fake Terrorist Harassing Me?

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008