October 28, 2013, - 2:25 pm
Royal Christening Irony: Prince George Dunked in Water from Israel, the Country Shunned by UK Royals
I’m tired of hearing about the world’s richest welfare queens, the British Royal Family, and the Christening of Prince George, the heir to the British throne. But I noted one ironic detail over and over and over in the many gushing news reports of this “important!” event: that Prince George, son of William and Kate, was dunked in water from the River Jordan.

Hmmm . . . guess where the River Jordan is? And guess where the water came from? Yup, Israel. Yes, the same Israel to which the British Royal Family has NEVER made an official state visit. And probably never will.
Uh-huh, the same country that Queen Elizabeth has deliberately NEVER visited. The same country William and Kate–who seem to have been to every G-d-forsaken Pago Pago and Walla Walla–haven’t been to, and probably never will for the same reasons as those of Wiliam’s grandmother. Yes, the same Israel that was “visited” only once by Prince Charles, and that was for a funeral of a head of state (former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin). Charles made sure that the world knew that he was not there–in the JOOOWISH state –in any official capacity as a Royal from the UK (in what capacity, then, pray tell, was he there?). Yes, the same Prince Charles who instructed America that he would be the “ambassador of Islam” to us because, in his words, we Americans and Westerners don’t understand what a peaceful and beautiful religion it is (which is why he’s Anglican). That was after he said he wished he was a tampon (yup, he really said that!).
Charles’ two senior aides also trashed Israel in e-mails on which they accidentally copied the Israeli Ambassador. Morons. They teased Israeli officials, saying they were entertaining a trip to the country, when they actually said in their e-mails that they had no such intentions, and so on. Read the rest of this entry »
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Tags: Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop of Canterbury Jewish, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, British Royal christening, British Royal Christening water from Israel, British royal family, British Royal family anti-Israel, British Royal family Islam, British royals, British Royals anti-Israel, British Royals Arab Boycott of Israel, British royals Islam, British Royals Israel, Israel, Justin Welby, Prince Charles anti-Israel, Prince Charles Arab Boycott of Israel, Prince Charles Israel, Prince George Christening, Prince George Christening River Jordan, Prince George Christening water from Israel, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth anti-Israel, Queen Elizabeth arab boycott of Israel, Queen Elizabeth Israel, River Jordan, River Jordan water, River Jordan water British Royal Christening, River Jordan water Royal Christening, Royal Christening, Royal Christening water from Israel, water from Israel, water from River Jordan