Who Are Huwaida Arraf & Adam Shapiro? Gaza Flotilla Leaders Sheltered “Mike’s Bar” Homicide Bombers

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Scary VIDEO: Gaza Terror Flotilla & Animal Life Imitates “Art” in Turkey: Barbarians Attack Israeli Embassy

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Islamic Terrorist Writes Me: Will Ibrahim Parlak Finally be Deported?

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“Sex & the (Islamic) City 2”: Ugly American-ettes v. Glamorous “Ugly” Muslims

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Stupid American Tourists & the State Dept That Loves Them

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Buh-Bye, PC Jack Bauer: Plug Shoulda Been Pulled Long Ago

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Donald Trump, Dhimmi: Miss Hezbollah Rima Fakih Wins Miss USA; Rigged for Muslima? Miss Oklahoma’s Arizona Immigration Answer

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To Those Opposed to the Ground Zero Mosque

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EXCLUSIVE: Miss USA Contestant is Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah Supporter, Used Pageant Name to Promote Muslim Female Subjugation; Hezbo Taqiyyah Allows Bikinis?

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Big Fat Liars: People Mag Picks Morbidly Obese Actress as “World’s Most Beautiful”

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