Latest Wikileaks NOT NEWS, Confirms What We Knew Re Muslim Nations

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NY Times on Movie Critic Debbie Schlussel v. Paramount Pictures

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Quote of the Day: Absurd TSA Groping Won’t Stop Terrorists

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20 Years Ago: Kahane Murder Foretold ’93 WTC, 9/11; Feds Ignored Qaeda’s 1st Victim

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Don’t Vote For Sami Al-Arian’s RINODhimmis

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Scary Shi’ite: Muslim GOP Hezbo Supporter May Be Elected

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RINO Judge: Dems Right on GOP Judge Who Freed Muslim Illegal Alien Killer

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Bill Schuette on Duty. . . For Hezbollah: GOP Candidate Hangs w/ Terrorism Supporters, Jew Haters

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Another Dumb White Chick: Illegal Muslim Hubby Killed Daughter

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Muslim Tea Party: Why Are Islamic Terrorism Supporters Funding GOP’s “Rocky”?

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