Islamo-Panderer-in-Chief: Obama, FOIA & the Dead Bin Laden Pics (& GOP Rep Rogers)

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Obama: Osama “Not Islamic Leader;” Reality Check: Most Popular Figure in Islamic World; Why Honorable Sea Burial?

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FUNNY Video: South Central Reacts to Royal Wedding + Am I the Only US Chick Who Doesn’t Care?

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OUTRAGE: Angry Feminists Assassinate Noted Surgeon’s Career . . . Over Nothing

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Islamo-Pandering Prosecutors vs. the First Amendment

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Rabbi Joseph Krakoff: Synagogue Bans Schlussel, Hosts HAMASnik/Israel Boycotter

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French Burqa (& Niqab) Ban Attacks Symptoms, Not the Problem

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Fox News, O’Reilly Steal Schlussel Exclusive on Fake Obama Selective Service (& Clear Him?)

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Saying Good-Bye to the Real Sidney Lumet: Embraced Liberalism to Reject Judaism

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Frauds: House GOP Wimped Out to Obama, Cut Defense, NOT NPR

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