January 16, 2006, - 3:25 pm

Radical Islam Wishes You A Happy MLK Day, Part Ithnan (Two)–Abu Moskowitz Update

Last year, at this time, we recognized our friends at the Islamist, terror-supporting ADC (American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee) for their Read the whole thing, .

I Have a Nightmare: “Former” Islamic Terrorist Imad Hamad
(left) and ICE’s Abu Moskowitz (right) Will Celebrate King Day Together
This year, we do so again. We find it odd that the ADC continues to milk the images of a civil rights leader for their own support of terror–Islamist mass murder of innocent people around the world–which they claim is also “civil rights.” But the ultimate civil right is life, not death or the right to murder innocent others.
That’s exactly why we question ADC’s odd support for memorializing King, today, all while the group continues to support and defend these “civil rights” activities:
* Mass torture, rape, and murder of Black Christians and animists, and, now, even Black Muslims, in Sudan by its Arab Muslim government (What was that King said about judging people by the content of their character, NOT the color of their skin?);
* Mass murder in the form of homicide bombings and beheadings against people based on religion (throughout the Muslim world); and
* Attacks on Black customers by Arab Muslim gas station owners, here in America.
And the list goes on. ADC has been involved in defending all of these outrages. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream, and ADC supports a nightmare.
So we find it odd that ADC continues to sponsor essay contests in King’s name. And, oh yeah, if you are Black you need not apply. The essay contest, sponsored by ADC’s Michigan chapter (headed by “former” terrorists ) and touted today by its national headquarters, is ONLY open to Arabs and Chaldeans. If you are Black, tough shawarma. Again, what was that about not judging by the color of your skin?
We’re sure Dr. King would be very proud.
We note that the event will be on January 27 (NOT King Day) at the Bint Jbeil Cultural Center (BJCC), so named after the South Lebanese city that was and is a stronghold for Hezbollah terrorists.
Members of the BJCC are strong supporters of the terrorist group, and we hear that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Special Agent in Charge a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz” was hanging out with them, in attending last year’s ADC King essay contest award dinner–along with his terrorist crony Hamad. We expect the two will be hanging together, chowing down on tabouleh and hummus, again, at this year’s even–hosted by boxing daughter Laila Ali.
Because, after all, breaking pita with terrorists–that’s what Martin Luther King Day is all about. Isn’t it?
Remember these words spoken by King. They are strongly at odds with ADC’s mission, and we doubt they will be in any ADC winner’s essay:
“When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism.”

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2 Responses

Don’t forget that King helped sell more people into slavery than Lincoln freed. King limo’d to the head of a parade a whole lot of other people had already started.

Walter E. Wallis on January 16, 2006 at 8:32 pm

MLK,who would honestly be a contender for Public Enemy #1 among honest Muslims,for his “anti-Zionism is anti-semitism” comment,deserved to be in a limo with the good guys at the front of any
line;it’s unfortunate that his memory has been
descecrated by frauds such as Jesse Jackson,Lewis
Farrakhan and Al Sharpton,who also descrated the late Rosa Parks with their eulogies.

jaywilton on January 17, 2006 at 12:12 pm

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