September 16, 2009, - 11:28 am
Desperate Housewife’s “Occupied America”: Actress Pimps America-Hatred
Hey, you know who hates America? Eva Longoria Parker, that’s who. At least, the reading choices she promotes on national broadcast TV seem to indicate it.
Eva Longoria Parker’s “Occupied America”
The “Desperate Housewives” star–whom America made rich beyond her wildest dreams–was interviewed on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” last night. For some strange reason, the Kimmel show–which usually posts video of interviews on YouTube–hasn’t posted video of this one.
During the interview, Longoria Parker–who has already come out in favor of ObamaCare (saying America is racist against minority children without it) and amnesty for illegal aliens–disclosed that she is getting a Masters Degree in Chicano Studies via online courses, “so I can be educated and have a background in my activism in the Latino community.” She also told Kimmel,
Yeah, I lost my book. And I had everyone on “The Desperate Housewives” set looking for my copy of “Occupied America.”
Um, is America “occupied”? Well, only if you buy into in the Aztlan reconquista baloney spouted by Rodolfo F. Acuna in “Occupied America: A History of Chicanos,” which has a “Stop Reagan: Public Enemy of the Poor” sign on the cover of one of its recent editions. The book is one of the most anti-American, anti-non-Latino books in existence. And sadly, it’s the textbook for many Latinos around America, educating them to–like Longoria Parker–hate America from within. A friend of mine–a former Communist Party member–notes:
The author is the same Rudy Acuna who teaches (or once taught) at Cal State Northridge, he is a Communist Party member. I am talking real live member, not a sympathizer or confidante. Rudy used to brag at meetings how he used his platform as a teacher to propagandize.
Acuna hates America, and his book is a one-sided demonization of Americans throughout American history. You know the drill. If Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton wrote a history book of America, it would be the same drivel.
Here are just a few reviews from, to clue you in on what this ingrate diva is approvingly telling America she’s reading and studying:
R. York:
The author of this book is a liar for one, and two he absolutely hates Americans and America. He is very bias and has nothing good to say about anybody in America, a history book should not be so prejudice.
Example: During the 50’s Catholic churches would have English classes to teach Mexican immigrants English so that they could better themselves and get better jobs. The author accused them of trying to rape the Mexicans of there culture and assimilate them. How can you blast someone for trying to help?
Don’t buy this book unless you have too as I did for a Class.
R Acuña’s treatise of Mexican Americans (now called Chicanos or Pochos) includes what many would call ‘the Underside of American History’ (search title). The fact is, America waged war against the Mexicans, using many of the same methods that we now accuse those of Iraq or Bosnia of using, and differs little from the ‘ethnic cleansing or genocide of the modern world. In school, most US Americans are given a glossed-over summary of key US propaganda regarding the history lessons that politicians want people to know, rather than an objective, ‘tell-it-like-it-is/was’ history that encompasses true social responsibility.
The wars waged against the mostly poor mexican countrymen, living in Mexican territory, under siege from an offensive US American anglo army, parallel little of the ‘good american’ reputation widely distributed today. The author, in his extensive research, pulls up countless accounts of slaughter, rape, torture, mutilation, and abuse of mexican men, women, children, mostly incited as a sort of blood sport by American cavalry, enlisted men, volunteers, and associates, as well as the leveling of Mexican cities and towns just for target practice. To add to the war crimes, most of the Americans involved, even the command of Zachary Taylor, were never brought up on any charges, nor even in the most slightest way, reprimanded for their actions. Of course, if the truth were known by many, or the school kids of today taught the real truth, Perhaps people would have an entirely different view of what America Wants vs. what America will do to get it.
A Customer:
It’s amazing that a book so biased, and based on multicultural group-think name-calling, can be taken seriously at all. From the comfort of a tenured chair (how terribly “oppressed” the author is), the author dribbles out subjective drivel that aims to build the self esteem of his own group-think coterie–not to encourage rational, objective scholarship. The “we are good, you are evil” theme is getting very boring and tiresome for many people. Get over it.
What Acuna talks about in this vast overview is very true and enlightening. However, it purports to be a history book, and all great history books must be objective. Unfortunately, by being a textbook for a discipline that calls for a very narrow minded view of history (namely, that of the Chicano exploitation by the United States), it cannot possibly be objective. Acuna resorts to name-calling and demonizing those who oppressed Chicanos and although it is deserved, in a history text slandering is verbotem if the text is to be respected. What this book amounts to is a one-sided argument, although in all fairness the other side would have to be the “official” US history that academia has forced on us.
Hmmm . . . with Eva Longoria pimping America-hatred and Ashley Judd hosting a classmate minstrel show at Harvard, it’s time to flunk these airhead actresses out of grad school. Just shut up and act.
Tags: ABC, America haters, America-hatred, amnesty, Chicano Studies, Communist Party, Desperate Housewives, Eva Longoria, Eva Longoria Parker, hating on America, Immigration, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Masters in Chicano Studies, obamacare, Occupied America, Rodolfo Acuna, Rodolfo F. Acuna, Rudy Acuna
I’m currently reading a book about ancient Athenian culture, and the Athenian Senate had a process whereby a citizen could be booted out of Athens, if that person did not adhere to or follow Athenian ideals and principles, essentially being un-Athenian.
America, love it or get kicked out!
Rick on September 16, 2009 at 11:52 am