June 11, 2015, - 2:58 pm
FIGHT JIHAD: How YOU Can Help Israel Beat the Anti-Semitic European Boycott – Details

As you probably know, the European Union is stepping up the anti-Semitic Arab Muslim boycott of Israel, requiring many products made in Israel to be labeled as produced in “Occupied Palestine.” At the same time, the EU continues–as I’ve reported on this site–to buy Hezbollah products which fund Islamic terrorism. Many of you want to do something to help Israel and Israelis beat this boycott, and I have some details of at least one way.
And before I give you those details, you should keep in mind another interesting fact: many Israeli companies being boycotted, unfortunately, employ Palestinian Muslims in their factories and manufacturing centers. They will (and many have already) cut back on those employees and the Palestinian Authority will demand the world help them finance their welfare state to make up the difference. You know what that means: you, the taxpayer, in Western countries, including and especially the U.S., will see more of your tax dollars going to fund these Palestinians and their boycotts.
And now for the details. One of the companies affected by the boycott is Psagot Winery, which has many award-winning wines. Its courageous owners, Yaakov and Naaama Berg, lost a big customer in South Africa, because he refused to label his wine, “Made in Occupied Palestine.” Their wine is produced in the Judean Valley, which has always been Jewish land from Biblical times. Their land was not “stolen” from anyone. They are the rightful owners, unless you believe in racist and bigoted redlining laws that say that Jews and those of other ethnicities (including Blacks) are not allowed to own land where Palestinian Muslims lay (false) claim. Oh, and by the way, the Bergs’ winery is in suburban Jerusalem. It’s a six-minute drive from the city. Imagine if Europe and South Africa said, “We will not buy wine made by Blacks in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan (a suburb of Detroit), because only White people should be allowed to own wineries there.” That’s what’s going on here.
JERUSALEM— Yaakov Berg said he first feared for the future of his winery a couple of years ago when a South African importer requested that he label his wine “Made in Occupied Palestine.” He refused, and lost the customer. Last year, his sales to Europe and South Africa declined 50%, hurt by unofficial boycotts of goods made in Israeli settlements in the contested West Bank, Golan Heights and Jordan Valley.
So, to save his Psagot Boutique Winery, located in the West Bank north of Jerusalem, Mr. Berg is trying to reach global buyers by setting up an online store with a warehouse in the U.S. By selling online, he can bypass importers who are embracing the boycott calls and appeal to Evangelical Christians, who he says are eager to support Israel.
Mr. Berg said he would continue to identify his wine’s place of origin as the Judean Hills, a geographic description found in the Bible. “If I sit in my winery and do nothing, I will lose all of my business,” said the 38-year-old vintner, who has been raising grapes and making wine with his wife Na’ama since 2003. “This is my way of fighting back.”
Good for him! And let’s help him.
I love Israeli wines, which are some of the finest produced, and I try to buy wine made in Israel whenever I can, usually from the Golan, but now I will also buy from Psagot. Psagot wines are kosher, which means they are produced by religious Jews. You can buy them here (FREE shipping for a case or more!). Note that Yaakov and Na’ama Berg have a base of customers among religious Christians in America, who are big supporters of Israel. Help beat the hateful EU boycott of Israel and buy from Psagot Winery.
Farmers, factory owners and technology entrepreneurs in the Israeli-occupied territories are scrambling to adapt to the threat that their foreign customers might flee as the boycott movement gains steam. Its organizers aim to force Israel to vacate land on which Palestinians hope to establish a state.
OferTex Textile Recreation recently opened a factory in Egypt, to satisfy European clients who don’t want to buy its cleaning cloths made in the contested West Bank. Farmers in the Jordan Valley have courted Russian customers, although they pay less than European companies for produce. Lipski Installation & Sanitation Products, located in the Israeli-controlled Barkan Indistrial Zone on the West Bank, is hoping to shift the bulk of sales to the U.S. from Europe to help offset the impact of the boycotts. The company makes plastic products including pipes and toilet seats.
I’ve said this many times (on this site and elsewhere, including on FOX News) before. And I’ll say it again, because it is absolutely the stark truth: during Nazi control of Europe, they began by boycotting Jewish-owned businesses. And, now, Europe is doing it again as it becomes controlled by the Muslim Nazis (who have a lot of ties to the original Hitlerian ones, as I’ve noted on this site).
The next time you see or hear a European leader, such as hypocrite Angela Merkel, decry the Holocaust, ignore her and remember that she cares only about politically correct, phony remembrances of dead Jews from decades ago, while she helps lead the EU efforts to persecute the live Jews of today. Hitler would be proud.
You can also help by buying from other Israeli companies based in Judea and Samaria a/k/a the so-called “West Bank.” I welcome any links to those companies. Please post them in the comments section and/or e-mail them to me and I will post them below.
Don’t let the jihadists win. Buy products made in Israel, particularly in Judea and Samaria.
Tags: Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Barkan Industrial Zone, BDS, Israel, Jerusalem, Jews, Judea, Judea & Samaria, Judea and Samaria, Judean hills, Lipski Installation & Sanitation Products, Muslim boycott of Israel, Naama Berg, Psagot Winery, Psagot wines, West Bank, Yaakov Berg
Thanks for this article, Debbie. I am mainly familiar with Israel’s white wines, in particular sauvignon blanc.
Shipping for under a case is $20 flat fee. So, you can mix and match.
skzion on June 11, 2015 at 4:10 pm