April 28, 2015, - 6:15 pm

Irony of the Day: Famed Murderer Tells Baltimore Race Rioters Not to Be Violent; “We Know We’re Not Getting Justice”

By Debbie Schlussel



Violence Expert: Ray Lewis Demonstrates His Stabbing Skills @ Murder Trial

Now that I’m finally (thank G-d!) a little better, my website has been having problems and we are fixing them. In the meantime, I can’t let things go by and say nothing as a famous murderer tells the violent race-rioting looters of Baltimore to stop the violence and that “we’re not getting the right justice” (which is funny, given that he did no time for murder). I mean, this guy murdered two men (two Black men–but when Blacks murder Blacks nobody cares). The irony is thick, but ESPN and the other media don’t quite seem to get it:

Follow Me on Twitter (and note I made a mistake in the Tweet–he only killed two people, not three) . . .

Ray Lewis, former NFL star, current ESPN blowhard, and murderer of two men, Jacinth Baker and Richard Lollar, had the chutzpah to tell the race rioters of Baltimore–who are attacking innocent cops and destroying businesses and property–not to be violent. Um, look at the mirror, honey. It’s a great message to tell these followers of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to stop the violence. But it’s an empty one coming from a hypocrite who got away with it, which is exactly what Ray Lewis is. But, hey, he did get away with it, which is why he doesn’t get the irony–the utter hypocrisy!–of his message. Also ironic: that a murderer who stabbed two men to death and went free, tells the Baltimore rioters, “We know we’re not getting the right justice.”

And, predictably, ESPN doesn’t get it–or, rather, pretends it doesn’t get it–because the cable sports behemoth hired murderer Lewis as one of its football talking heads. (Oh, and by the way, I know from an inside source that the men he murdered were gay, too. And Lewis couldn’t handle that.) After stabbing Baker and Lollar fatally, Lewis hid the knife and quickly hid his bloody clothes. He got away with it all in a worthless plea deal, in which he was supposed to testify against his fellow murderers but didn’t say anything incriminating. His testimony was, “They be trippin’. I be trippin’.” Yup, and now your fans and “peeps” in Baltimore be trippin’, too. And why on earth would they listen to you, a two-time murderer who should be in the Big House for life, when you preach non-violence.

It’s kinda funny hearing Lewis say, “We know we’re not getting the right justice!” Um, actually, that’s a statement more appropriate for the relatives of Baker and Lollar, when Ray Lewis went free after murdering them.

Ray Lewis laughed all the way to the bank and more NFL Super Bowls after committing the ultimate violent act against two people. And now the racist looters of Baltimore are laughing, too.

They’re getting “theirs.”

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27 Responses

I find it odd that, just as Hillary is slipping and O’Malley seems to be gaining momentum, Baltimore happens. Just like that, he’s done. Hmmm. Not that I care what happens with Dems.

adam on April 28, 2015 at 6:24 pm

Ray Lewis was not found guilty of murder. Ever. You calling him a murderer is slander, is that correct? Also there were two other people involved, and the won the case in trial. Now someone did stab and kill two people, but who was it? Was it Ray, was it, his two homeboys. You cannot say he murdered two people. Just wrong, wrong wrong.

BB: Ray Lewis and his two “homeboys” murdered these two men. Each of them held knives and did the stabbing. Ray Lewis completely lucked out, as he was given a plea deal to testify against the other two men and be granted complete immunity from prosecution despite his role in the murders. Prosecutors were completely disappointed because Ray Lewis said nothing in his testimony other than, “I be trippin'” and the like. So what if he was never found guilty? That’s because he never faced justice and stood trial. And O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony were in fact acquitted of murder. But I feel confident in saying, THEY DID IT. DS

Be Better on April 28, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    Ray Lewis was not found guilty of murder. Ever. You calling him a murderer is slander, is that correct?

    Actually, no. In America, we are still free to say whatever we believe to be true. (The law in European countries is quite different – they protect the right of powerful people to guard their “honor” even if that honor is based on lies.)

    Generally, it is only slander to make a claim that the speaker KNOWS to be untrue.

    At a murder trial, the accused is either found guilty BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, or he is found “not guilty”, which merely means the jury was not SURE of his guilt. “Not guilty” does NOT mean “innocent.”

    Even where a court has made a decision, citizens in a (still) free country have the right to criticize the decision, either saying that the man found guilty is actually innocent, or that a man who walked should hang.

    Guardian Angel on April 28, 2015 at 10:30 pm

      BB and GA–Although this is a minor point, when BB suggests that Lewis was being slandered, he incorrectly uses “slander” when he really meant “libel.” These legal concepts are related but different. To etch the distinctions of these concepts into my mind when I was in college, I invented a simple alliterative trick that will help you to apply the correct term. If the defamation is spoken it’s slander (both begin with the “s”); and if the defamation is in a “literary” form it’s libel (both begin with “l”).

      But whether Debbie says it orally of puts it in writing, as in this article, her statements weren’t defamatory in any event. Just because ex-football players such as Lewis and Simpson manage to fall through the legal cracks, doesn’t mean they didn’t participate in the crimes. Similarly, DNA evidence has exculpated some individuals who have been judged to by guilty of crimes.

      Ralph Adamo on April 29, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    Darn it Debbie you beat me to a great reply to that pea brain Be Better. Just because a guilty person gets off on a technicality it doesn’t make him or her innocent. Like Debbie said homeboy Ray Lewis is in the same boat as OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony. A trifecta of scumbags that got away with it.

    Ken B on April 29, 2015 at 3:33 pm

“In America, the perception is that crimes committed by White people are explained as deviations of the individual but have nothing to do with their race. However, crimes committed by Blacks or Latino’s are somehow attributed to the whole race,” states news columnist and political analyst Edward Whyckoff Williams. There are an estimated 40 million Blacks in the United States. African Americans were arrested for committing 2,940 documented murders in 2012 per the Criminal Justice Information Service Division.

Compare that number to the approximately 40 MILLION BLACKS in the country and you will clearly see that only a very small percentage of the Black population participates in criminal activity. Only about 1 percent of African-Americans and no more than 2 percent of Black males will commit a violent crime in a given year, according to a 2013 report entitled Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice by Timwise.org. Moreover, overall violent crime is down sharply over the last 7 years throughout the country.

Furthermore, let’s break down inner city street crime beyond the so called stats. Most of the murders taking place in major cities like NYC, LA, and Chicago are gang related and drug related. It has nothing to do with race. Gang related crime has been a problem going all the way back to the 20?s, 30?s, 40?s, 50?s and 60?s.

During those times the gangs were mostly Irish, Italian, Jewish, German, Polish, etc. The murder rate among those gangs was very high. They were responsible for thousands of murders. In fact, the White gangs during those eras invented the whole concept of drive by shootings. The gangs of the past focused on robberies and burglaries. When the White gangs of the 20?s, 30?s, 40?s, 50?s and 60?s were slaughtering each other by the thousands, the media did not label it as “White on White Crime.”

Instead, they classified it as “Gangland Crime.” Thus, in terms of the media coverage and depiction, they isolated the “gang menace” from the hard working individuals during that era.

Today, although many white gangs still exist, most of the street gangs are Black and Hispanic. They focus more on drug dealing and gun running as a way to finance their criminal enterprise. However, instead of isolating the gang menace, the mainstream media focuses on all black males as the face of crime. Hence, they label it as “Black on Black Crime” when it is really mostly “GANG RELATED and DRUG RELATED CRIME.”

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), a staggering 67% of gun homicides in 2012 were gang-related. The system refuses to eradicate the gang problem because the gangs fuel the multi billion dollar Prison Industrial Complex by supplying it with a steady stream of 1st time and repeat offenders. The real problem with inner city crime is the Gang menace and not all Black males.

Be Better on April 28, 2015 at 6:49 pm


They butchered the Native Americans, Enslaved The Blacks and Then Built Churches on Stolen Land and proclaimed “In God We Trust.” Sadly, America was built on violence. America’s foundation is violence.

America glorifies gangsterism and gangsters like Jesse James, John Gotti, Ma Barker, Bonnie and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, Dutch Shultz, Bugsy Siegel, John Dillenger, Al Capone, Meyer Lansky, Baby Face Nelson, Billy the Kid, Machine Gun Kelly, Lucky Luciano, Sam Giancana, Albert Anastasia, Charles Manson, etc, The end result are men like John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Ted Kaczynski, Timothy McVeigh, James Holmes, The Son of Sam and many more. But America degrades Gangsta Rap. That’s hypocritical.

Even the Kennedy’s made their fortune from Bootlegging and violence. And some of the other Robber Barons did as well. Sadly some Blacks try to mimic the American mindset of gangsterism and violence.

Post it forward on April 28, 2015 at 6:52 pm

“And why on earth would they listen to you, a two-time murderer who should be in the Big House for life…”

I think because his victims were perceived as being gay (hate crime) that he should’ve been executed by lethal injection.

DS_ROCKS! on April 28, 2015 at 7:02 pm

Miss Schlussel:

I’m glad you’re feeling better.

BUT – – – ,

If you’ve got what I’ve got, then look out!

When you think it’s all over with, because you’re starting to feel better, that’s when it hits you all over again, just as hard, or even harder than before.

I wish I knew what to tell you.

I took my last dose of prescription narcotics, and that helped a lot.

In fact, it seemed to be the only thing that worked – – – , for about a day.

But, the narcotics have worn off, and now, I can feel the irritation down inside my bronchial tube.

A nurse at the hospital told me her husband swears by blackberry brandy.

The day after tomorrow is the anniversary of the fall of Saigon.

Maybe it doesn’t mean anything to anyone else, because it was a long time ago.

But, it was my war, and I’ll never forget the dishonor of America’s betrayal of our allies.

John Robert Mallernee on April 28, 2015 at 7:15 pm

Yes, the fall of Saigon was a landmark event in the decline of America. I respect your service tremendously.

Re Ray Lewis, almost as ridiculous is the prominence of convicted felon Bernard Kerik who has emerged from prison as a conservative spokesman explaining what the liberals have done wrong in Baltimore. You expect liberals to bring out someone like Lewis, but it would have been nice, though unexpected, if conservatives had had enough sense to find a prominent law enforcement figure who has an unstained reputation. The fact that Kerik seems to be the only prominent person they can cite shows the poverty of current conservative thinking and the helplessness of law enforcement in the face of the attacks of the rabble. At least half a century ago there was a law-and-order movement.

Or else, maybe conservatives and liberals both share the discredited philosophy that rabble-rousers will only listen to those who have had the same types of legal tangles they have. Like, supposedly an addict will listen more to an ex-addict than they would to someone who has had enough sense never to be an addict.

But if ex-offenders, or not-so-ex-offenders are the only people the rabble will listen to, and they will not accept models who had enough sense to not become criminals in the first place, it is just another example of what bad shape we are in.

Little Al on April 29, 2015 at 3:04 am

Ray Lewis was an NFL player, while his victims were obscure nobodies. Their Black lives did not matter to him, or anyone else apparently. It is indeed nauseating that Mr. Lewis is commenting on the mayhem and destruction that is overwhelming Baltimore.

Worry on April 29, 2015 at 7:06 am

Republicans, Donald Trump isn’t doing you any favors, with his mouth running again. He says the most foolish bigoted stuff. Its saddening. Repubs have such an uphill battle, its comical. Who will say something dumb next week, so repubs lose more ground?

Repukes like Donald on April 29, 2015 at 7:54 am

White people, White people, White people, you are going to sit there and tell me, that this country is civilized with these crazy ass cops doing this dumb crap to these people?
“A Rough Ride” what the hell is this mess. Putting someone in a van, handcuffed, with no seatbelt, and driving around the city taking corners fast, slamming on the breaks so the guy bashes his head up against the screen, is funny? These people come out of the van unable to walk, broken necks, bones, etc. For what? These crazed out folks that shoot up theaters get treated with more respect.

This kid Freddie, they don’t even know why he was arrested. So what, he ran, he ran, so god damn what? He deserved to be murdered? Murdered?

You people sicken me who defend this mess. Sicken me. Yeah the riots are foolish, they make matters worse, agreed, but there would be no riots if these cops weren’t out of control.
I was slow to comment and just watched the riots not really paying attention to why but I just finished reading about this “Rough Ride crap. This is beyond disturbing. Let me ask you this, have they found the cigarettes yet, there Eric Garner was supposedly selling.

Have you people watched the video of the White family FIGHTING with cops in a Walmart parking lot. Those cops fought with them as if it was some regular melee. They didn’t pull a weapon until a family member did, then and only then was someone was shot. GTFOH with this crap. Lol @ the fairness. Lol @ the thought everyone is treated the same. You all critisze the barbaric behavior of those middle east savages, hell these cops ain’t no different dealing with Blacks. Screw off, all of you who defend the behvoir of these cops. ” A rough ride” damn those cops to hell.

Pisses me off

MrBigBrain on April 29, 2015 at 8:32 am

The first time I became aware of Ray Lewis was during his murder trial. Then it was suddenly dismissed and he went on to have a hall of fame NFL career, complete with two Stupor Bowl victories.

Hopewell on April 29, 2015 at 8:44 am

A support group of spousally abused African-American men were upset that their slogan: “BLACK WIVES BATTER” had been hijacked and co-opted by rioters in Baltimore.

Michael Stanley on April 29, 2015 at 10:01 am

Your post is well done.

If Ray accepts a plea deal then he did the deed, trippin’ or not.
As for the government in Baltimore it is led by a liar, who is an Obama wanna bee.

She said “It’s a very delicate balancing act, because, while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.

“And we worked very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to deescalate, and that’s what you saw.”

Wrong. She put the city in the worst position. A lie.

And the big lie:

“I never said nor would I ever say that we are giving people space to destroy our city, so my words should not be twisted.”

This whole ordeal sounds like an Obama press conference.

Panhandle on April 29, 2015 at 11:19 am

White people, White people, White people, you are going to sit there and tell me, that this country is civilized with these crazy ass cops doing this dumb crap to these people?
“A Rough Ride” what the hell is this mess. Putting someone in a van, handcuffed, with no seatbelt, and driving around the city taking corners fast, slamming on the breaks so the guy bashes his head up against the screen, is funny? These people come out of the van unable to walk, broken necks, bones, etc. For what? These crazed out folks that shoot up theaters get treated with more respect.

This kid Freddie, they don’t even know why he was arrested. So what, he ran, he ran, so god damn what? He deserved to be murdered? Murdered?

You people sicken me who defend this mess. Sicken me. Yeah the riots are foolish, they make matters worse, agreed, but there would be no riots if these cops weren’t out of control.
I was slow to comment and just watched the riots not really paying attention to why but I just finished reading about this “Rough Ride crap. This is beyond disturbing. Let me ask you this, have they found the cigarettes yet, there Eric Garner was supposedly selling.

Have you people watched the video of the White family FIGHTING with cops in a Walmart parking lot. Those cops fought with them as if it was some regular melee. They didn’t pull a weapon until a family member did, then and only then was someone was shot. GTFOH with this crap. Lol @ the fairness. Lol @ the thought everyone is treated the same. You all critisze the barbaric behavior of those middle east savages, hell these cops ain’t no different dealing with Blacks. Screw off, all of you who defend the behvoir of these cops. ” A rough ride” damn those cops to hell.

pissed on April 29, 2015 at 11:49 am

I just read much of the Ray testimony. Its seems to me that an all out melee ensued, it wasn’t as if, Ray and his homies attacked and killed these people. It appears that some Ohio gang members tried jumping them, and Ray’s homies defended themselves by stabbing them. That is different from murder. People should leave Ray alone. Get off his case.

It is a clear case of self defense from what I read. They were attacked by Ohio gang members.

Be Better on April 29, 2015 at 2:46 pm

    Duh, fool, you read the Ray testimony? Idiot, what do you expect him to say? Do you expect him to say he was guilty in his own testimony?

    Little Al on April 29, 2015 at 2:56 pm

Sorry about the post above. What I was saying is that Freddie Gray had spinal surgery a week and a half before he died, was supposed to be on bed rest and had many prior unsuccessful back surgeries. http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/04/28/did-freddie-gray-have-spinal-surgery-from-car-accident-a-week-before-his-arrest/

Susan on April 29, 2015 at 2:54 pm

What’s your rap sheet like. Here is Freddy Gray’s extensive rap sheet. http://clashdaily.com/2015/04/freddy-grays-arrest-record-heres-the-rap-sheet-of-the-dude-theyre-destroying-baltimore-over/#

Susan on April 29, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    I just read the list. It lends new meaning to the term “revolving door.”

    Primetime on April 30, 2015 at 11:47 pm

A reminder of Chris Rock’s public service announcement:
How not to get your ass kicked by the police.

FactsRule on April 29, 2015 at 3:21 pm

No Susan, who cares what his rap sheet was, this is where people like you don’t get it. The kid didn’t deserve to die. How come people like you cannot comprehend that.

These police are no different than the nuts in the middle east. You don’t put someone in a van, handcuffed and then let then take sharp corners and put on the brakes hard so they bounce around like a pinball game.

Get real. This is sickening. I couldn’t careless about his rap sheet, he never molested any dam kids, or rap some innocent woman. His rap sheet, his previous medical stay is irrelevant.

Be Better on April 29, 2015 at 4:01 pm

Glad you’re on the mend Debbie. Take care

Mochizuki Koga on April 29, 2015 at 5:57 pm

Ray Lewis is certainly an obnoxious and barely intelligible blowhard, but he is not a murderer. I remember the ESPN and CNN legal analysts saying at the end of his trial they had no idea why charges were brought against him. In order to charge murder, you had to prove he either did the stabbing or participated in the assault. The witnesses, including men from the Ohio gang that attacked Lewis’ group, confirmed that he tried to break the fight up. In the end he testified he saw one of his friends making a stabbing motion. Didn’t matter, the jury thought it was self defense. People seem to forget the Ohio group had a gun and shot up Lewis’ limo. From the perspective of a lot of law enforcement, the case looked really weak.

I was kind of glad to see someone famous stand up and call the rioters out. The irony is that Baltimore doesn’t have a voice of respect to speak out besides an athlete with a questionable past? Really, no one besides Lewis that would get that kind of attention? Well, I guess he was better than the mayor.

please on April 29, 2015 at 9:30 pm

@ Please. Exactly, I don’t know where these people get this stuff, he didn’t stab anyone, and it also was a gang melee.
People just want to make him out a criminal, but he isn’t.
This isn’t one of Debbie’s better posts. Its not.

Be Better on April 30, 2015 at 4:18 pm

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