February 3, 2015, - 4:36 pm
How Would You Respond to Barbaric Muslim ISIS Murder of Jordanian Pilot? What I Would Do . . .
**** UPDATE, 02/04/15: Too Bad Jordan’s King Abdullah Won’t Send ISIS a Black September; ISIS Ties to Palestinian Rebellion ****
How should Jordan respond to the barbaric ISIS murder of a captured Jordanian pilot it was holding hostage?

Did you watch the video of the Barbaric ISIS murder of First Lt. Moaz Al-Kasasbeh, in which ISIS doused him with gasoline and burned him alive in a cage, then dumped construction rubble on top of him? I can’t and won’t watch because I would have nightmares for years. But I just heard Shepard Smith describe the video in great detail on FOX News on XM (I don’t have cable but the loaner car I’m using has satellite). It was bad enough just imagining it from Smith’s graphic description. Remember . . .
THIS. IS. ISLAM. It has always been Islam. It will always be Islam. These baloney calls for reform by Western leaders are ridiculous. The way you reform Islam from within is you leave it. The way you reform it from without is you destroy it.
The Muslim savages in ISIS murdered this man, a fellow Muslim–a fellow Sunni Muslim (who is probably a Palestinian as most Jordanians are), a month ago and spent the rest of the time producing this video as if it were Xbox and pretending they still had this guy alive. And while it is basic math for a country to ask for proof of life before making a trade for a hostage, I think the Jordanians must have had some inkling that the pilot was already dead, especially when ISIS didn’t respond with any such proof. It is the Jordanian government that is the source of the claim that the pilot was executed on January 3rd.
So, how should Jordan respond? And how should America respond, given that ISIS has an American hostage–a woman? If I were King Abdullah of Jordan, here’s what I would do:
While King Abdullah is under tremendous pressure to stay out of the ISIS fight, he is now in it, and any lack of response is the same Obama wimpitude style that emboldens the group morally and PR-wise. Abdullah should immediately execute that Islamic terrorist biotch that tried to blow up a wedding in Jordan. Sajida Al-Rishawi, an Iraqi woman who–with her hubby–staged a terrorist attack on a Jordanian wedding (but her bomb belt/vest/whatever didn’t go off), should have been dead long ago. She should have been executed, but instead she sat in Jordanian jail.
Tomorrow, Al-Rishawi should be hung, and her hanging should be televised with a personal message to ISIS. Then, Jordan should execute 10, maybe 50 more, maybe even 100 of the Al-Qaeda terrorists it has in its prisons. You might say, well, that’s Al-Qaeda, but this is ISIS. Well, no. Actually, ISIS began as Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Mrs. Al-Rishawi was an Al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist. She’s one of them, and that’s why ISIS wanted to trade for her.

Some might say that the Jordanians should brutally execute her and the others the way the Jordanian pilot was in gasoline-doused flames. No, the Jordanians–even though they are mostly Palestinian, Jew-hating scum for whom I have no affinity–don’t need to stoop to that level. We in the West–and Jordan is supposedly our ally–don’t do that kind of thing. We aren’t savages and animals like that. Hanging is good enough.
As for ISIS’ disgusting high production value video of the brutal murder of this pilot, well, they learned from Hollywood. I always get mad when I review movies that include this brutal kind of killing, but, unfortunately, I find Hollywood producing ever more brutal, torture-porn types of movies. It’s sickening. And these sickening terrorists murdering others in the name of Islam like that kind of thing. They emulate it. And then they use it for propaganda.
The depiction of the pilot’s execution appeared to have been carefully produced. It shows him walking on a dirt path in an orange jumpsuit, the same uniform worn by Western hostages in other execution videos released by the Islamic State, meant to evoke the garb worn by prisoners at the American prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The pilot’s movements and expressions appear forced, as if he had been made to walk the sequence several times.
In the final minutes of the video, he is shown inside a black-barred cage, his jumpsuit soaked in what appears to be gasoline. A hooded Islamic State fighter theatrically lights a torch. The pilot is engulfed in flames. He is shown collapsing to his knees, then falls backward.
Truly disgusting and barbaric. Again, this is Islam. So, how will Muslim Jordan end up responding to this snuff film in which one of its own is snuffed out?
Then, there is America and the American woman hostage of ISIS. While I believe that the Navy SEALs and the Rangers are there for a purpose, and they should rescue Americans, longtime readers know my position on Americans who go wandering in Syria and Iraq and that region looking for ISIS. Many of them are “journalists” who aren’t particularly proud of America and don’t care about its interests. They are American by birth and only “AMERICAN!” when they’ve been taken hostage by the Muslims over whom they constantly gush. Then, suddenly, they are “patriots” who want Navy SEALs to risk and sometimes lose their lives to rescue this trash. Sorry, but I don’t feel bad for these hostages.
Ditto for the ones who go over there as “aid workers” because they feel more pity for Muslims who hate us than they do for Americans who need their help on U.S. soil. Some of these have converted to Islam. And ISIS murders them anyway. This White guilt stuff and infidel self-hate stuff gets old real fast.
If anything, the Jordanian pilot was the only ISIS hostage with any legitimate reason to be rescued. He was shot down and captured by ISIS, while he was fighting them on behalf of Jordan. The rest are just “trying to understand” ISIS and show us the group’s “legitimate grievances” against America, against Gitmo, against our troops who once were in Iraq and are back again, etc. They spend their careers telling us how nice the cobra is and when they get bitten and want to live, suddenly, they are Americans. I don’t care for those hostages and don’t give much of a crap about their fate. Sorry. Who is the American woman, and why is she there? Probably more of the same.
So, I’m not so sure America should do anything but continue the drone and other air strikes on ISIS and support King Abdullah, urging him to take to heart and practice “The Untouchables” method as preached by Sean Connery. In case you aren’t familiar, here’s a video refresher on “the Chicago Way.”
So, do you agree with me? How do you think Jordan should respond? Do you really think America should get involved with this until they target Americans OTHER than anti-American “journalists” and wandering idiots?
Tags: First Lt. Moaz Al-Kasasbeh, ISIS, ISIS video, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorists, Jordan Pilot, Jordanian pilot ISIS, Jordanian pilot video, Moath Al-Kasasbeh, Moath Al-Kaseasbeh, Moaz Al-Kasasbeh, Muath Al-Kasasbeh, Muath Al-Kaseasbeh, Sajida Al-Rishawi
Debbie – I never knew you were such a pacifist –
Seriously the majority of the electorate in the West enabled all of this through the scum they elected to lead them. No one will take on Islam and smash it.
I_AM_ME on February 3, 2015 at 5:16 pm