February 3, 2015, - 4:36 pm

How Would You Respond to Barbaric Muslim ISIS Murder of Jordanian Pilot? What I Would Do . . .

By Debbie Schlussel

**** UPDATE, 02/04/15: Too Bad Jordan’s King Abdullah Won’t Send ISIS a Black September; ISIS Ties to Palestinian Rebellion ****

How should Jordan respond to the barbaric ISIS murder of a captured Jordanian pilot it was holding hostage?


Did you watch the video of the Barbaric ISIS murder of First Lt. Moaz Al-Kasasbeh, in which ISIS doused him with gasoline and burned him alive in a cage, then dumped construction rubble on top of him? I can’t and won’t watch because I would have nightmares for years. But I just heard Shepard Smith describe the video in great detail on FOX News on XM (I don’t have cable but the loaner car I’m using has satellite). It was bad enough just imagining it from Smith’s graphic description. Remember . . .

THIS. IS. ISLAM. It has always been Islam. It will always be Islam. These baloney calls for reform by Western leaders are ridiculous. The way you reform Islam from within is you leave it. The way you reform it from without is you destroy it.

The Muslim savages in ISIS murdered this man, a fellow Muslim–a fellow Sunni Muslim (who is probably a Palestinian as most Jordanians are), a month ago and spent the rest of the time producing this video as if it were Xbox and pretending they still had this guy alive. And while it is basic math for a country to ask for proof of life before making a trade for a hostage, I think the Jordanians must have had some inkling that the pilot was already dead, especially when ISIS didn’t respond with any such proof. It is the Jordanian government that is the source of the claim that the pilot was executed on January 3rd.

So, how should Jordan respond? And how should America respond, given that ISIS has an American hostage–a woman? If I were King Abdullah of Jordan, here’s what I would do:

While King Abdullah is under tremendous pressure to stay out of the ISIS fight, he is now in it, and any lack of response is the same Obama wimpitude style that emboldens the group morally and PR-wise. Abdullah should immediately execute that Islamic terrorist biotch that tried to blow up a wedding in Jordan. Sajida Al-Rishawi, an Iraqi woman who–with her hubby–staged a terrorist attack on a Jordanian wedding (but her bomb belt/vest/whatever didn’t go off), should have been dead long ago. She should have been executed, but instead she sat in Jordanian jail.

Tomorrow, Al-Rishawi should be hung, and her hanging should be televised with a personal message to ISIS. Then, Jordan should execute 10, maybe 50 more, maybe even 100 of the Al-Qaeda terrorists it has in its prisons. You might say, well, that’s Al-Qaeda, but this is ISIS. Well, no. Actually, ISIS began as Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Mrs. Al-Rishawi was an Al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist. She’s one of them, and that’s why ISIS wanted to trade for her.


Sajida Al-Rishawi: This Terrorist Kalbeh [Bitch] Must Die

Some might say that the Jordanians should brutally execute her and the others the way the Jordanian pilot was in gasoline-doused flames. No, the Jordanians–even though they are mostly Palestinian, Jew-hating scum for whom I have no affinity–don’t need to stoop to that level. We in the West–and Jordan is supposedly our ally–don’t do that kind of thing. We aren’t savages and animals like that. Hanging is good enough.

As for ISIS’ disgusting high production value video of the brutal murder of this pilot, well, they learned from Hollywood. I always get mad when I review movies that include this brutal kind of killing, but, unfortunately, I find Hollywood producing ever more brutal, torture-porn types of movies. It’s sickening. And these sickening terrorists murdering others in the name of Islam like that kind of thing. They emulate it. And then they use it for propaganda.

The depiction of the pilot’s execution appeared to have been carefully produced. It shows him walking on a dirt path in an orange jumpsuit, the same uniform worn by Western hostages in other execution videos released by the Islamic State, meant to evoke the garb worn by prisoners at the American prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The pilot’s movements and expressions appear forced, as if he had been made to walk the sequence several times.

In the final minutes of the video, he is shown inside a black-barred cage, his jumpsuit soaked in what appears to be gasoline. A hooded Islamic State fighter theatrically lights a torch. The pilot is engulfed in flames. He is shown collapsing to his knees, then falls backward.

Truly disgusting and barbaric. Again, this is Islam. So, how will Muslim Jordan end up responding to this snuff film in which one of its own is snuffed out?

Then, there is America and the American woman hostage of ISIS. While I believe that the Navy SEALs and the Rangers are there for a purpose, and they should rescue Americans, longtime readers know my position on Americans who go wandering in Syria and Iraq and that region looking for ISIS. Many of them are “journalists” who aren’t particularly proud of America and don’t care about its interests. They are American by birth and only “AMERICAN!” when they’ve been taken hostage by the Muslims over whom they constantly gush. Then, suddenly, they are “patriots” who want Navy SEALs to risk and sometimes lose their lives to rescue this trash. Sorry, but I don’t feel bad for these hostages.

Ditto for the ones who go over there as “aid workers” because they feel more pity for Muslims who hate us than they do for Americans who need their help on U.S. soil. Some of these have converted to Islam. And ISIS murders them anyway. This White guilt stuff and infidel self-hate stuff gets old real fast.

If anything, the Jordanian pilot was the only ISIS hostage with any legitimate reason to be rescued. He was shot down and captured by ISIS, while he was fighting them on behalf of Jordan. The rest are just “trying to understand” ISIS and show us the group’s “legitimate grievances” against America, against Gitmo, against our troops who once were in Iraq and are back again, etc. They spend their careers telling us how nice the cobra is and when they get bitten and want to live, suddenly, they are Americans. I don’t care for those hostages and don’t give much of a crap about their fate. Sorry. Who is the American woman, and why is she there? Probably more of the same.

So, I’m not so sure America should do anything but continue the drone and other air strikes on ISIS and support King Abdullah, urging him to take to heart and practice “The Untouchables” method as preached by Sean Connery. In case you aren’t familiar, here’s a video refresher on “the Chicago Way.”

So, do you agree with me? How do you think Jordan should respond? Do you really think America should get involved with this until they target Americans OTHER than anti-American “journalists” and wandering idiots?

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52 Responses

Debbie – I never knew you were such a pacifist – 🙂

Seriously the majority of the electorate in the West enabled all of this through the scum they elected to lead them. No one will take on Islam and smash it.

I_AM_ME on February 3, 2015 at 5:16 pm

I couldn’t watch it either. I already have enough trouble containing my anger. People can call me sick but I would thoroughly enjoy every second of slaughter I could rain down on these scum. You really have to ask yourself how mentally deranged Obama, the Democrats and many libertarians are, not to mention some Republcans who can sit back and not be moved to do something about this insanity.

Daniel Middleman on February 3, 2015 at 5:16 pm

Debbie, looks like King Abdullah heard you – the Sajida biotch is to be executed tomorrow. Along w/ maybe a few other prisoners that the Jordanians have.

Like I said before, I think that all Western countries should allow all Muzzies who want to go to Syria to go there, ONE WAY. Aside from that, there’s another thing I think the West should do – keep fueling the civil war itself. In other words, keep supporting whichever side is losing in the constant battle b/w the Assads and ISIS, and sure, toss in the Free Syria Army as well as the Kurds, if one wishes. And allow, indeed encourage, Muzzies from elsewhere in the world, to go to Syria for the connecting flight to their 72 Helen Thomases. Now if only there was a way to get ISIS to battle the likes of Hamas, Hizbullah, al Qaeda and other Islamic groups.

One thing – I was listening to Shepard Smith’s description on Sirius’ FNC channel, and after all that, the usual standard disclaimer came – it being a perversion of Islam yada yada yada. At which point, I changed channels to Hairnation. Problem is that ISIS could threaten to behead or cremate alive any of our MSM guys, and they’d still proclaim how peaceful Islam is.

Infidel on February 3, 2015 at 5:17 pm

    They have done that ad nauseum.

    I wouldn’t mind if IS beheaded our Western leaders and journalists.

    These idiots are perfect Darwin Award candidates.

    NormanF on February 3, 2015 at 5:57 pm

Oh, one more thing – I don’t care how Jordan chooses to execute them – whether by hanging, firing squad, stonings, beheadings, incinerations, or whatever they feel like. Heck, they could check out their hadiths, and pick something they consider suitable

Infidel on February 3, 2015 at 5:19 pm

    Drowning them in pig blood seems appropriate to me.

    Big Al on February 4, 2015 at 9:18 am

In light of atrocities like this (which, as has to be noted over and over again, is Islam), a very old saying will have to be amended in order to describe perfectly those who persist in being Islamo-panderers even after all this obvious barbarity and savagery:
“Keep lying down with fleas, and you’ll end up sleeping with the fishes.”

ConcernedPatriot on February 3, 2015 at 5:36 pm

    Sorry, jumbled it up a bit. It should read:
    “Keep lying down with dogs, and you’ll end up sleeping with the fishes.”

    ConcernedPatriot on February 3, 2015 at 5:38 pm

The Jordanians are executing the Islamic terrorists they hold.

This is the Arab way – and Arabs will never wimp out like the West does.

They know who they are and they deal with them as Islamic terrorists should be dealt with.

That’s the way it ought to be done.

NormanF on February 3, 2015 at 5:40 pm

As long as Mecca stands, this will continue. Draw your own conclusions.

Benyamin on February 3, 2015 at 5:48 pm


    If Mecca was to disappear tomorrow, it’s ruins or location where it once stood(if it was vaporized) would be martyred holy ground and a useful recruiting tool for more terrorists.

    The only way to stop terrorism is to destroy the entire terror infrastructure, which includes vigorously going after the vermin who give them financial support, many of these supporters live here in the US, and have posed for pictures with Presidents Bush and Obama.

    Scott on February 4, 2015 at 1:20 am

      Thermobaric/FAE would seem a perfect response–

      According to a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency study,[27] “the effect of an FAE explosion within confined spaces is immense. Those near the ignition point are obliterated. Those at the fringe are likely to suffer many internal, and thus invisible injuries, including burst eardrums and crushed inner ear organs, severe concussions, ruptured lungs and internal organs, and possibly blindness.” Another Defense Intelligence Agency document speculates that because the “shock and pressure waves cause minimal damage to brain tissue…it is possible that victims of FAEs are not rendered unconscious by the blast, but instead suffer for several seconds or minutes while they suffocate.”[28]

      ayatollahowmany on February 8, 2015 at 2:17 am

We should back Jordan not only because its our ally but because its fighting those savages.

We should tell them to keep bombing the hell out of the vermin.

The Air Force pilot they murdered is a far better man than they will ever be.

And it goes to show that they don’t treat fellow Muslims any more kindly than they would treat the rest of us.

What’s ironic is the Arab World is getting a taste of the Islamic terrorism monster they so assiduously cultivated.

Its not fighting the West or even Israel – its devouring them alive. I can’t exactly say they didn’t have it coming.

When you let lose cobras in your own yard, expect to get bitten and quite possibly to die.

NormanF on February 3, 2015 at 5:49 pm

Great column! A very important question for a world very far behind on the issue (and twice as much too PC)!

THIS is the gist of it all & what I think about daily…

“THIS. IS. ISLAM. It has always been Islam. It will always be Islam. These baloney calls for reform by Western leaders are ridiculous. The way you reform Islam from within is you leave it. The way you reform it from without is you destroy it.”

AMEN. But what troubles me is that almost NOBODY is ready for this. I sure am. Even so-called “Conservatives” won’t stop qualifying “Islam” as RADICAL (or extreme) Islam. No one wants to call the scourge of Islam the scourge it is. No one wants to see it as what it actually is.

I’m sick of it. Time is ticking away and Moooooslims are gaining ground while the dopes of the world wring their hands and try to pretend it isn’t as dangerous as it indeed is.

I can’t get beyond that. As long as we are stuck there I cannot even move forward because I know I am on the correct side but in a very small minority. The size of the group does not trouble me (that I’m in) it’s the advancement of the Satanic Moooooooslims that troubles me. Daily.

Skunky on February 3, 2015 at 6:09 pm

Since the State that puts the I in Islamic did this a month ago apparently they are obviously expecting the execution.
Islamic State executing people long in advance and then negotiating is not unusual. So they’re playing a cat and mouse game.

Fake negotiations for their terrorists to my mind served the purpose of pointing the Jordanian vengeance in that direction. Their deaths will not phase Islamic State at all.

Seems to me they are probably looking at this only in terms of recruitment and escalation.

Yes, I think they should be exterminated like the genocidal cockroaches they are.
But if this administration was worried about preventing genocide this blemish on the pristinely peaceful behind of Islam would have been surgically removed a long time ago.

japple on February 3, 2015 at 6:46 pm

ConcernedPatriot, I think you meant to write, ““Keep lying down with dogs, and you’ll end up sleeping with the fleas.””

Infidel on February 3, 2015 at 7:17 pm

    No, I clearly meant fishes, due to such people (such as the euphemistic “aid workers”) winding up in the same ultimate fate as the fictitious “Luca Brasi” in the original Godfather movie. No, what happens to these people – due to this being Islam, after all – is far worse than the original “waking up with fleas” of the original saying, hence changing the ending to “sleeping with the fishes.”

    ConcernedPatriot on February 4, 2015 at 4:59 am

Obama’s Islamic State Jayvees are from a Western perspective insane. That’s not an act but it’s stone cold insanity you’re dealing with here.

japple on February 3, 2015 at 7:19 pm

rescue operations are a futile waste of your enemies resources when the hostages are already dead. these hostages can’t and won’t be rescued in my opinion.
there will only be possibly be negotiations. an increase in brutality increases the pressure for those.

japple on February 3, 2015 at 7:33 pm

Oh, yeah and it occurs to me that if Mrs. Al-Rishawi wasn’t really Islamic State’s kind of Al-Qaeda then really they’ve killed two birds with one stone here.

japple on February 3, 2015 at 7:46 pm

Islamic State, al Qaeda, really a distinction w/o a difference. Useful only in terms of encouraging yet another taqfiresque internecine war b/w the 2 of them. Otherwise, why would anyone try arguing that one’s better than the other?

It’s like arguing the relative merits of cat vs dog vs horse excrement. al Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, Hizbullah, Lashkar e Toiba, Jemimah Islamiya, all pieces of the alphabet soup that consitutes Islam.

Infidel on February 3, 2015 at 8:20 pm

I had never heard of you before, but you are now on my required reading list. BRAVO!

Sean Furey on February 3, 2015 at 8:55 pm

Obama will respond by releasing more Gitmo prisoners. You know, as a gesture of friendship.

JeffT on February 3, 2015 at 9:25 pm

Slowly, very, very, slowly lower the ISIS recruits into boiling pig fat feet first. Or draw and quarter them and feed the remains to hogs. Or slow moving steamrollers start at the feet and stop just before the pelvis and then feed the rest to hogs.

Scott M on February 3, 2015 at 9:59 pm

The Kingdom of Jordan just announced the executions have been carried out.


John Robert Mallernee on February 3, 2015 at 11:22 pm

To paraphrase Michael Bien in the movie Aliens –

I say we nuke ’em from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

They wanna go back to the stone age, let us help them get there forthwith.

Disgusted with Media on February 3, 2015 at 11:47 pm

What should Jordan do?

When Jordan eliminates its manifest policy of anti-Semitism, I’ll consider the question.

Until then, I’m busy and do not need the distraction.

Come to think of it! Eliminating their manifest policy of anti-Semitism would be a mighty fine way of retaliating against ISIS. The King should open Jordan to unrestricted Jewish immigration, land ownership and full rights as citizens of Jordan. Yah! That’s the ticket.

If ISIS reacts to that, THEN Jordan gets my blessing to “lower the boom”. Until then, I just don’t care.

Let King Abdullah drive an hour to Jerusalem to visit the PM of Israel; maybe address the Knesset. I typed in driving directions from Amman to Jerusalem on Google Maps and they repled: “Sorry, we could not calculate directions from “Amman, Jordan” to ‘Jerusalem, Israel'”

Not only does Jordan maintain a manifest policy of anti-Semitism, but the multi-national internet giants don’t care.

Sorry Deb. I can’t bring myself to respond to the question. Is it OK if I respond with: “I don’t care.”?????


There is NO Santa Claus (aka TINSC)

There is NO Santa Claus on February 4, 2015 at 12:04 am


    You may be on to something, but I take a little different approach.

    I don’t believe ISIS gives a bleep about any of the prisoners in Jordanian prisons. Executing them will allow ISIS to disingenuously use them as martyrs for recruitment purposes.

    If Jordan wants to execute those terrorist pieces of filth, that’s fine with me. Just don’t expect the executions to “scare” ISIS.

    BTW, did you try driving directions for other parts of the Middle East?

    If you look at Google’s map, Israel is the ONLY country in which its native script(Hebrew) is missing from its major cities. All the other countries on the map including the Arab world, Russia, Greece, China, Ukraine,etc use native script for labeling its major cities.

    Those Jews(Page,etc) who founded and run Google corporation should be called to the carpet and questioned as to what’s up with yet another snub at Israel.

    Scott on February 4, 2015 at 1:01 am

      “Those Jews(Page,etc) who founded and run Google corporation should be called to the carpet and questioned as to what’s up with yet another snub at Israel.”

      They will be called to the carpet. Trust in Hashem.


      There is NO Santa Claus (aka TINSC)

      There is NO Santa Claus on February 4, 2015 at 10:03 pm

Perhaps Jordon is not the only country your advice should apply to.

Little Al on February 4, 2015 at 2:07 am

I watched that madness. His skin melts off, god damn sick. FuQ Islam. Discriminate against Muslims. Evil and they will never change, its in their book.

Die Muslims Die on February 4, 2015 at 2:19 am

Ditto for the ones who go over there as “aid workers” because they feel more pity for Muslims who hate us than they do for Americans who need their help on U.S. soil.

Testify, sister, testify!

DS_ROCKS! on February 4, 2015 at 2:46 am

I watched the short version of the video. It was like some kind of sick barbaric movie trailer. The only way to deal with ISIS is (to quote US Col Ralph Peters): “Kill them, keep on killing them until you kill the last one and then kill their pet goat”.

PaulaMalka on February 4, 2015 at 7:33 am

Aid workers, hikers, foreign ‘students’ etc.?

I guess this is the most recent in the saga of travelers to hellholes during the last 100 years, e.g. to the Bolshevik and Stalinist Soviet Union (sic), Mao’s China, Castro’s Cuba, North Vietnam, Iran, and so on. We have been plagued with accounts from these travelers, or semi-traitors, glorifying these tyrannies. The hikers & aid workers are just the latest in this procession.

Little Al on February 4, 2015 at 8:38 am

The Prez and others keep telling us that 99.99% of all Muslims are peaceful and that Islam is a peace loving religion. That’s not what their Koran states. Why aren’t those 99.99% of “peaceful” Muslim’s taking to the streets & the Mosques to protest the actions of this super small % of violent terrorists? Because they condone what is being done, plain & simple. If they do nothing to stop this violence then they are just as radical & just as guilty.

MuzzCrusher on February 4, 2015 at 9:24 am

I don’t think Jordan should demean itself executing helpless prisoners. a la ISIS, with or without the Hollywood flair. The Arab Legion is still a pretty effective military force. I think they should just go after ISIS and wipe that stain clean.

Tom Umland on February 4, 2015 at 10:29 am

While the majority of your outline is good, Debbie, I would increase the punishment levels to get ISIS’s attention and concentrate on their destruction.

Jordan should execute ALL terrorist prisoners, regardless of affiliation. ALL OF THEM. Egypt should join them, as they are currently suffering an infestation in the Sinai. ALL OF THEM. Then go after them, troops on the ground, with daisy cutters, carpet bombings, napalm, and white phosphorus. ISIS has demonstrated they place themselves outside any present-day warfare conventions, and so they need to be treated accordingly. ALL OF THEM. Arm the Kurds. Heavily. EVIL must be fought.
We also need to stop importing these people. NOW.

realpersonx1 on February 4, 2015 at 10:40 am

Excellent article! I agree with all of what you wrote and most especially, that this pilot may very well be the 1st hostage that had been very worthy of a highly dangerous rescue attempt. Somebody really screwed up because I have read multiple accounts of him walking aimlessly in the desert, for literally hours right after his plane crashed and before Isis got to him. Why in the hell there wasn’t an emergency response team to have saved him is inexplicable to me. I wish that the Jordanian population’s anger and outrage would be significant enough that Jordan’s King would be pressured to put ground troops into Syria, but that is a fantasy. Very typical and disappointing that The UAE has capitulated to Isis and withdrawn from the air bombing coalition campaign.

I did watch the video and it was so viscerally disturbing that I had to pause it for some moments so I could unclinch my hands and every voluntary muscle in my body, allow my heart rate to slow down and then take a deep breath. The Jordanian pilot faced his death with great bravery. I found it physically painful to watch what happened to him by the masked savages committing this atrocity and those filming it. I had absolutely NO idea that it would take him so long to die.

Nancy Brenner on February 4, 2015 at 11:03 am

    That was my physical reaction to the video, too (I also kept praying “Please God no, please God no,”) and I think the only reason I watched was to convince myself that he died quickly and with little suffering. What I saw looked to be exactly the opposite and I find myself dwelling on he horrors of what he faced. The sense of powerlessness is the hardest – did NO ONE feel the least bit of compassion for him there? Did no one have any empathy for what that experience, all of it, must be like?

    And yet we humans say we’re made in the image of God. This behavior has been a test of my faith, I’ll admit.

    Mary on February 6, 2015 at 9:18 pm

Is there a strong Arab leader who can join with Israel and other countries to stop this spread of fear? Machiavelli once wrote: “Instill fear in the people and you can control them”

Once IS starts terror spreading in Iran and Saudi just watch how fast they will react.

Bob Whiteside on February 4, 2015 at 11:23 am

mu emotions agree with you,my intellect does not . I’m surprised that you as a lawyer would not first and foremost reference due process and in the same vein ,I’m against that piece of shit Obama , also a graduated lawyer but of little intellect OR emotion releasing those Guantanamo bastards . Now once due process has been finalised , and the realisation is death , I would like to see them swing from the highest gallows . I am somewhat puzzled why ISIS knowing they had killed the Jordanian, neverthe less were negotiating for the release of a specific person, knowing they could not deliver, it’s apparent that put a bullseye on her . Was that the intention? What did she know and not disclose? And/or was the intention to sow the seeds of discord amongst the Jordanians against the king as some grumbling a now appearing ( eg not our war , it’s the USA ‘s !! {notwithing ISIS is next door to Jordan, knocking BUT it’s the USA’s!??}

Bernhardt on February 4, 2015 at 2:30 pm

I doubt that Jordan will do much of anything beyond the executions that it has carried out. Its population probably does not have much of a problem with ISIS.

Worry on February 4, 2015 at 5:23 pm

Debbie, the answer is very simple: ratio 1,000 to 1, Curtis Lemay, all the way.

Realistically, the USA will do nothng at this time, of course.

But the way you eradicate this is by convincing them that the price is too high to pay. In this case, 1000 to one is an appropriate ratio, one SET BY THE PALESTINIANS THEMSELVES. You kill them until they accept a peace treaty on YOUR terms, and then, if they break it, you kill them at the rate of 1000 to one again. Do it person first, then family, then tribe, using DNA matching if possible. In short, multi-culti approach, PROPERLY APPLIED.

That’s all. That’s it. Tom Kratman outlined this rather precisely in “Caliphate,” which is THE novel on this issue.

The assaults, by air, should be done without concern for “collateral damage.” The idea should be that our wrath and power are unbeatable, and we are NOT interested in fighting them, just in inflicting horrifying pain and damage until they stop annoying us. In short, a 21st Century version of a Roman punitive raid.

Occam's Tool on February 4, 2015 at 6:22 pm

Incidentally, while I do not CARE if American Lefty journos are killed by this trash, they ARE sufficient reason to kill 1000 terrorists. Refer to the scene in REPO MAN where his colleagues are explaining quite painfully to OTTO why they are going out to inflict pain on his behalf.

Again, NO boots on the ground. We don’t care to be precise. Collateral damage is part of the punishment properly applied.

How’s that for a savagely logical approach to this? Recall what the Tool was.

Occam's Tool on February 4, 2015 at 6:25 pm

I totally agree about what you said about not feeling sorry for these Americans “in name only” who go over to these countries and get captured. Most of them hate America. They deserve whatever bad happens to them. When these hostages forcibly convert to Islam, the scumbags still kill them anyway. Idiots.

Gianni on February 4, 2015 at 6:59 pm

How should any person of common sense respond?

You’re dealing with an enemy who rejects international so-called law and any other form of civility in favor of their supposedly sacred immutable doctrine.

And that doctrine is the permissible murder and destruction of any person or thing not ” them.”

It is even ” divined ” as a form of superhuman authority by which they declare their will to be superior to all others.

They also say that they have the right to slaughter and destroy at will anything beyond their doctrine.

Face it. You either utterly destroy them or they will destroy you.

To hell with the pious platitudes of the Geneva conventions and United Nations idiocy.

You either destroy them or they will destroy you.

The longer you cowardly wait, the more of ” you ” they will be able to destroy.

Borut on February 4, 2015 at 7:49 pm

    “You’re dealing with an enemy who rejects international so-called law and any other form of civility in favor of their supposedly sacred immutable doctrine.

    And that doctrine is the permissible murder and destruction of any person or thing not ” them.”

    It is even ” divined ” as a form of superhuman authority by which they declare their will to be superior to all others.

    They also say that they have the right to slaughter and destroy at will anything beyond their doctrine.”

    You’re talking about the terrorist apartheid state of Israel, right?

    Zionist Terrorists on February 13, 2015 at 9:12 pm

I am in agreement with the West flexing its strength upon the Daeesh (IS, ISL, ISIL, and their kin; Boko Haram, Muslim Brotherhood, FATAH, HAMAS, and the rest) in order to bring them to their knees in hopes of bringing the rest into the 21st C.
IF they won’t, they can get a one way ticket to allah. The West is dying by 200-300 million paper cuts. Since they seem to want to bleed everyone else to death, we should give them their own medicine. Everyone turn their resources loose to crush this aberration of humanity in order to bring those who will back into the human fold. I wish it could happen another way…

QiPo on February 5, 2015 at 8:48 pm

Aberration of humanity ?
What does jizzlam, have to do with humanity ?

Jizzlam is not humanity. It is provably Satanism. Ever hear of the Sumerian civilization ?

The diametric opposite of the all provident sun god and attributed to the moon was Ahh-Lahh .

Yes, even before Mohamed existed, allah was identified as satan. The mullah jerks can deny this, but it is still the truth. They worship satan. Given their conduct, is it surprising ?

Borut on February 6, 2015 at 1:30 am

Nice post, Borut, thank you. I will not look up what you posted, because I already believe it. Islam is not a religion. I’ve been saying that for a while on this web site, and have believed for decades, Islam is the world’s largest gang, definitely sent from Satan. It’s so apparent, even a five year old, . . .

but so many have eyes that do not see, ears that do not hear, minds that do not understand, and therefore, . . .

we (the human race) will have to be refined in the Fire Of God first. We are on the precipice of The Great Tribulation.

That’s why Debbie was kicked out of The Phony Journalists Klub. People don’t like unvarnished truth. Just like ancient kings of Israel tortured, imprisoned, and killed true prophets of God, so we do today. They called in guys who would use smoke, mirrors and blustering promises of the good life, speaking smooth words.

Like a dog chasing its tail manically, . . .

that’s what we humans are.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on February 6, 2015 at 1:38 am

Thermobaric/FAE would seem a perfect response–

According to a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency study,[27] “the effect of an FAE explosion within confined spaces is immense. Those near the ignition point are obliterated. Those at the fringe are likely to suffer many internal, and thus invisible injuries, including burst eardrums and crushed inner ear organs, severe concussions, ruptured lungs and internal organs, and possibly blindness.” Another Defense Intelligence Agency document speculates that because the “shock and pressure waves cause minimal damage to brain tissue…it is possible that victims of FAEs are not rendered unconscious by the blast, but instead suffer for several seconds or minutes while they suffocate.”[28]

ayatollahowmany on February 8, 2015 at 2:18 am

I submit to you that islam has already had its reform. it happened back in the 1700’s when Saudi kings made the deal with islamic clerics. clerics rule over religion. saud family rules over kingdom. the clerics came up with wahabism, probably to entrench their control equal to that of the saud family. it basically gave clerics life/death control over the family. its managed very well to keep the balance between awful and terrible. cant argue with success, eh?

gingersnap_ on February 10, 2015 at 9:56 am

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