November 18, 2005, - 3:55 pm

Three Cheers for Sen. Akaka: Bill Requires Minimum Standards for DHS Appointees

I’m not generally a fan of Hawaii’s liberal Democrat Senator Akaka.
Still, he deserves kudos for his new bill. It requires certain minimum standards in qualifications for Homeland Security appointees, a problem in the case of ICE Princess-in-waiting , President Bush’s nominee to head Immigration and Customs Enforcement, whose main qualifications are: 1) she for the job; 2) makes fabulous ; 3) sleeping with DHS Secretary’s Chief of Staff; and 4) niece of a prominent retired general.
Akaka’s bill, if it passed, would presumably nix the Myers nomination–assuming she didn’t get away with flat-out LYING about her management experience, as both GOP and Dem Senators have allowed her to, thus far.
Let’s hope that even though Akaka is in the minority party, just this once, he has the juice to push his bill through. And if he does, could he please also add something to keep out , too? . . . .

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