October 24, 2014, - 2:21 pm

Zale Thompson: Hatchet Jihadist Rantings Same as in US Mosques, HAMAS CAIR; Not Mental Illness, Just Islam

By Debbie Schlussel

You can write the script about the reaction to Muslim Zale Thompson’s hatchet jihad against New York police. The media is telling us he was deranged, mentally ill, and that his anti-American posts online were “rantings.” But his “mentally ill rantings” are the same as you hear at most American mosques, the same comments Muslim imams make publicly in op-ed pieces, the same as those made by officials of HAMAS CAIR–the largest Muslim organization in America.

THIS. IS. ISLAM. . . .



Some other things investigators found on the Navy vet’s computer, like a picture of him wearing a keffiyeh and a disturbing conversation with a Facebook friend, suggest possible links to terrorism. “He says American needs to be punished, from within, and he talks about Middle East issues,” the source said. “He says American is oppressing people overseas and that its military is too strong.”

Um, how are any of these statements different than those regularly whined from the mouths of Muslim leaders and adherents throughout America? They aren’t. They are exactly the same. And, in fact, they are not “insane” statements. They are the statements of those who are clever and collected and seek to take over America from within through immigration, birthrate, and constant demands, whines, and grievances. (And Thompson quoted from the koran on his Facebook profile. Is that insane, too? If, yes, then all Muslims who believe in the koran must be insane also, right?) If Thompson’s statements about America and the Middle East are “insane” and “mentally ill,” then why does America constantly cower to an entire religious cult that constantly makes these statements and, therefore, by definition must be inherently insane and mentally ill?

You cannot have it both ways. Either these statements of hatred against America and its policies in the Middle East are always insane–and all utterers and believers of them must be seen as mentally ill (all 1.8 billion of them). Or they are serious and typical of Muslims (which is generally the case) and, therefore, we must realize that all Muslims are potential attackers of police and citizens and take precautions and make law to deal with them accordingly.

And all this raises another question I’ve raised repeatedly on this site: if all of these Muslim jihadists are insane and mentally ill, what is it about this religion that it has such a high proportion of violent, mentally ill attackers amidst its adherents? How many mentally ill Christians and Jews seek to attack New York police with a hatchet, seek to run over and/or shoot soldiers and guards at war memorials and halls of government in the Western world? How many mentally ill Jews and Christians and Buddhists and Hindus go crazy on airplane flights regularly? And is it mentally ill to scream about allah being great and against U.S. policy in the Middle East? It must be since all of the allegedly “mentally ill” terrorists do these things.

So, basically, they are telling us that the religion of Islam and Muslim views on America, Christians, Jews, and Israel are mentally ill. Thanks for the confirmation.


By the way, one of Thompson’s victims came out of the hospital, but two remain. And one of those victims’ first name is “LaToya.” Hmmm . . . what are the odds that LaToya is Black? And, yet, she was injured during Thompson’s attacks. So much for his rants about America being racist against Blacks, when Blacks end up among the victims of his jihad (as they do in most jihadist attacks on American soil).

One of the rookie cops wounded by a maniac with a hatchet was released from the hospital Friday amid revelations that the suspect had been “ranting about America” before he attacked. But the encouraging report that Officer Joseph Meeker was on the mend was tempered by revelations from sources that a bystander hit by police gunfire that stopped the brutal attack attack might be paralyzed.

LaToya James, 29, who was shot in the lower back, is still recovering at Jamaica Hospital from surgery to remove the bullet, sources said. Also still hospitalized was the mostly badly hurt officer, 25-year-old Kenneth Healey, who was struck by Zale Thompson in the back of the head.


12 Responses

We all know that Churchill said many years ago, Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog.

TRUE words!

It's just me on October 24, 2014 at 2:30 pm

“They” remind me of the “Manchurian Candidate” movie. A few well placed words here, a few there, and wham! A killer zombie looking for fresh meat. No conscience, no feelings, no remorse. All they have to do is go to a local mosque for reprogramming.

QiPo on October 24, 2014 at 3:20 pm

DS, ironically this incident happened a few miles from where I’m currently located and living, it happened in “Jamaica, Queens, NY”, I’ve heard about this incident on the late night news locally where I am in New York, NY and I’ve also read much more about this on online sources, and NYPD folks are investigating this evil attack to figure out whether or not it was religiously motivated, politically motivated, etc., they’re not ruling out “terrorism/terrorist” with this attack.

Since this Zale Thompson was gunned down to death by authorities with his attempt-murder on a rookie police-man, other sources said that when he was in college in his day, he espoused dogmatic “postmodernism” by preaching “black-nationalism”, etc.

And since he merged black-nationalism with Islam (typical of a good number of Black-Muslims), he forgot to realize by him being a cultural-relativist is that African-Blacks in Arab-Islamic countries are treated like garbage, discriminated against and are held as “slaves”. You see folks, the thing with Muslims of my ethnicity (Black) is that about many of them like everything Middle Eastern and Arab, they’ve done some propaganda indoctrinating by saying that: “the hijab and burka are African”, in which it’s NOT, the hijab and burka are Arab-Middle Eastern. Also, many Black-Muslims (as some Black-Christians) reject African culture by saying that African culture is filthy, corrupt, evil, unethical, backward, etc., where it’s the complete opposite, as a matter of fact, African culture is one of the richest cultures on earth today!

Sean R. on October 24, 2014 at 3:33 pm

    Huge numbers of black slaves were exported to Arabia, Greater India and other Muslim areas. (Also, the number of white Europeans enslaved in North Africa is estimated to be about DOUBLE the number of black Africans landed in what is now the United States.)

    Why is there so little evidence of black influence in the populations of Arabia and India? Major factors are: (1) many enslaved men and boys were castrated to make them less assertive and to let them serve as harem eunuchs, and (2) children born to enslaved black-African women were routinely killed at birth.

    Guardian Angel on October 24, 2014 at 7:17 pm

Yes, although the word “insanity” is tossed around to describe behavior or conduct that’s not what decent people do, here insanity is falsely used to avoid criminal responsibility.And if Zale Thompson’s “insane” according to anybody, then they must also logically conclude that Obama has requested meetings with those who are similarly “insane.”

For example, on June 13, 2013, the National Security Council (NSC) hosted Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah for a West Wing chat, where this Muslim leader asked for more support for Hamas and Syrian “rebels.” Obama’s envoy to the Muslim world, Rashad Hussain, and senior NSC aide Gayle Smith asked for the meeting as a learning session.

But here are some facts about Obama’s invited guest, Bin Bayyah:

Bin Bayyah works for Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who supports homocide bombings and issued a fatwa calling for attacks on U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Al-Qaradawi, who happens to be the spiritual leader of the radical Muslim Brotherhood, also once vowed to “conquer” America.

In 2004, bin Bayyah joined a radical pro-jihad group — the International Union of Muslim Scholars — which has supported Palestinian terrorists and called for the destruction of Israel.

Last year, the sheik participated in a conference in Mauritania sponsored by the Islamic Society of North America, which the Justice Department has blacklisted as a Hamas front group and named an unindicted terrorist co-conspirator.

During his trip to Washington, bin Bayyah also visited the ADAMS Center, a northern Virginia mosque whose leaders’ homes and businesses were raided by federal agents after 9/11 for terrorist connections.

So, if anyone wants to call Zale Thompson insane, then logically, Obama has also knowingly invited insane people to the White House to get their “input.” And since Obama has done this on more than occasion, they must also logically conclude that Obama himself is also insane, as what US President would knowingly and regularly invite insane people to the White House?

Ralph Adamo on October 24, 2014 at 4:59 pm

Post vanished again.

TTSkunky on October 24, 2014 at 7:03 pm

You cannot have it both ways. Either these statements of hatred against America and its policies in the Middle East are always insane–and all utterers and believers of them must be seen as mentally ill (all 1.8 billion of them). Or they are serious and typical of Muslims (which is generally the case) and, therefore, we must realize that all Muslims are potential attackers of police and citizens and take precautions and make law to deal with them accordingly.

Truer words were never spoke.

DS_ROCKS! on October 24, 2014 at 8:24 pm

“…So, basically, they are telling us that the religion of Islam and Muslim views on America, Christians, Jews, and Israel are mentally ill….”

Yet more to the point, mountains of evidence tells us the death cult of Islam is a mutant life form.

lee of the lower case "l" on October 24, 2014 at 9:44 pm

* tell

lee of the lower case "l" on October 24, 2014 at 9:45 pm

There is no moderate islam and no daylight between muslin and
a terrorist, they are one and the same. That is the only light they must be viewed in because their handbook instructs them to kill the non-believers, Christians and Jews.

Ed Sunderland on October 25, 2014 at 9:46 am

Try to imagine if a vocal Tea Party member had done this. Do you think the media would be shouting that it was just some rouge insane person and that they don’t represent the vast majority of peaceful Tea Partiers?
No, they would be blaming the entire movement.

Steve G. on October 25, 2014 at 8:52 pm

Islam is a bloodthirsty totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religious faith.

The prophet of Islam was a documented mass murdering thieving pedophile. The documentation for that is openly in the Hadiths.

I suspect that it will take a WMD attack of Hiroshima sized proportions for the USA to wake up fully, which is tragic.

Differentiation from delusional disorder or Schizophrenia is relatively simple. Schizophrenia will resent with social deterioration or care for self issues that will not be found in the typical jihadist. Delusional disorder patients will generally not have a world view that will follow a rationale that can be tracked logically; jihad can. (Not that it isn’t despicable and reprehensible, but the logic follows a recognizable pattern)

The solution is very simple: inflict more casualties on the jihadists than they can stand. I recommend 1000 to 1, as that was the standard set by the Palestinians for the return of Pvt. Shalit, and will be too much for the Jihadists to stand.

The sooner we do this, the fewer the casualties we will need to inflict to stop them. But I truly fear we will not wake up until a mushroom cloud hits a city of ours.

Occam's Tool on October 26, 2014 at 12:03 am

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