November 17, 2005, - 1:20 pm

“Religion of Peace”/ “Our Allies” The Saudis Update

This item is an update of two categories: “Religion of Peace” and “Our Allies,” The Saudis.
A Saudi teacher has been sentenced to three years in prison and 750 lashes(!) for daring to “mock” Islam.
Did the teacher really “mock” Islam (as if that would justify this absurd punishment)? NO!
In a witch-hunt sanctioned by the Saudi government, Mohammed al-Harbi was found guilty of promoting “dubious ideologies” and preventing students from going to wash for prayer.
According to even pro-Islamist BBC, what Harbi really did was criticize Islamic terrorists “who have carried out a series of attacks in the kingdom over the last two and a half years.”
Further, Harbi had the gall to discuss Christianity, Judaism and the dangers of terrorism with students, and posted signs against terrorism around his school.
He also reportedly encouraged his students to analyse differences between the Koran and the Sunna, a body of traditional sayings and customs attributed to the prophet Muhammad.
Sentencing Mr Harbi to 750 lashes and 40 months in prison on Saturday, Judge Abdullah Dakhil accused him of “trying to sow doubt in a student’s creed”.
“Religion of Peace,” indeed.
If there’s any doubt that the Saudis are supporters of–not our allies against–terrorism, this sickening witch-hunt of a good man should end all doubts.
Saudi Arabia: “Allies in the War on Terror”? I don’t think so.
Hat Tip: A friend living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
***UPDATE: Read more about this outrageous episode from our new favorite Saudi expat website, The Religious Policeman (Muttawa).

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6 Responses

I read this story a couple of days ago in other news sources and yet I refuse to believe that this is so. After all of the debate about how the practitioners of the Religion of Peace are such a wonderful, peace-loving group; how they were persecuted by the Christians years ago; and how photos were “faked” showing the kid having his arm run over by a car as the usual Islamic punishment (as proscribed in the Qur’ an) for stealing a loaf of bread (this was the subject of an earlier thread on this blog. It was also documented and acknowledged by the Muslim news agency that took the pics, yet the Libs on this blog refuse to accept it) that they would jail and flog someone for having the audacity to speak of a religion other than Islam (the Muslim death cult)?!
This simply cannot be! This must be more of the Christian/Zionist propaganda campaign against Islam. I say this because the Liberals keep telling me that Islam is the Religion of Peace; Islam is the Religion of Love; Islam is the Religion of Tolerance; Islam is the Religion of Diversity; Islam is the Religion of Inclusion; Islam is the Religion of the Enlightened.
Yet, why is it that everywhere they exist, there is nothing but strife, violence, misogyny, poverty, murder, death, and suffering?

Thee_Bruno on November 17, 2005 at 10:36 pm

Religion of Peace? When was the last time Islam took any act toward peace?
Actually, Islam owes us some answers. They have a lot of explaining to do about the countless terror acts commited against the West.
Can Islamics answer some of these questions? We’re all curious to know.

VarietyPack on November 18, 2005 at 2:26 pm

Religion of Peace? When was the last time Islam took any act toward peace?
Actually, Islam owes us some answers. They have a lot of explaining to do about the countless terror acts commited against the West.
Can Islamics answer some of these questions? We’re all curious to know.

VarietyPack on November 18, 2005 at 2:27 pm

Religion of Peace? When was the last time Islam took any act toward peace?
Actually, Islam owes us some answers. They have a lot of explaining to do about the countless terror acts commited against the West.
Can Islamics answer some of these questions? We’re all curious to know:

VarietyPack on November 18, 2005 at 2:29 pm

Saudi teacher persecuted for trying to set a posit

This was reported a few days ago, but now, here’s a posting that’s mainly on what’s just one of many utterly atrocious incidents going on in Saudi Arabia, past and present: a teacher was sentenced to three years in prison and, worse yet, 750 lashes f…

Tel-Chai Nation on November 20, 2005 at 12:41 am

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