August 21, 2014, - 3:52 pm
HAMAS Group: “We Muslims Are Behind Ferguson Race Riots; Help Us Mobilize Michael Brown Movement”
Last week, I told you that the HAMAS front group and unindicted co-conspirator in HAMAS terrorism, CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations), was working overtime to insert itself into the violent CAIR race riots in order to pimp Islam on inner city Blacks (and I told you about the ISIS flags on the scene, days before everyone else wrote about it). Now, HAMAS CAIR wants you and the rest of the world to know that it is behind the violent race riots and looting that have been going on in Ferguson, Missouri for nearly two weeks.

HAMAS Muslim “Civil Rights” Group: “We Muslims Are Behind Ferguson Looting and Race Riots; Help Us Mobilize More”
HAMAS CAIR is hosting a conference call today to tell you how Muslims are “mobilizing” the “Michael Brown Movement.” From an e-mail message HAMAS CAIR sent out this afternoon:
From: CAIR
Date: Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 1:03 PM
Subject: TODAY – National American Muslim Call-In on Ferguson, Michael Brown Movement
Over the past couple of weeks, the world has witnessed a massive and growing uprising against police brutality on streets across the United States. In the wake of the tragic police killing of Mike Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager, thousands of protestors — yelling #HandsUp #DontShoot #JusticeforMikeBrown — continue to rise up. The City of #Ferguson has subsequently become a focal point in national consciousness, re-igniting deeper conversations about racism, profiling, police brutality, and police militarization. Join us tonight to hear from a number of Muslim-Americans who have been active, on the streets and online, in this movement; hear perspective on what this moment means for the country and for Muslim-Americans, and learn how to get involved during this critical time.
The conference call is being “moderated” by Dawud Walid a/k/a Delano Anthony Willis, Jr., who has an interesting criminal record. He also cheated on his wife with some other Muslim guy’s wife (Walid’s wife asked for advice online because, she said, her husband was committing adultery, and Walid sought a restraining order against a fellow Muslim with whose wife Walid was allegedly sleeping). Walid now poses as a “civil rights leader,” using that pretense to pimp Islam on inner city Blacks. Among his many pronouncements, “civil rights leader” Walid told Muslims that “Zionists” control the media, that Jews “incurred the wrath of allah,” and that he approves the order of Muslim leader Sa’d ibn Mu’adh (head of the Banu Aus tribe) to exterminate the Jews.
Among the others speakers at this Muslim Michael Brown Movement Ferguson Race Riots confab is anti-Israel HAMAS fan Linda Sarsour, whose surname literally means cockroach in Arabic. And, yes, she is one. Just like the rest of the HAMAS CAIR hatemongers and supporters of Islamic extremism and mass murder.
But, hey, they are behind the Ferguson riots, they say.
Another reason to be on the side of the Ferguson cops (as if there aren’t enough already).
If you want to be in on this conference call, which I’m sure can substitute for your sleeping pills this evening, here’s the info:
JOIN US TODAY – Thursday, August 21st, 2014 – 9PM (EST)
Call: 712-432-1001 – Attendee Code: 416280307#
By the way, I love how HAMAS CAIR continues to hijack Martin Luther King, Jr. (those extremist Muslims sure do love hijacking) by ending its e-mail with this message:
*Martin Luther King: “Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere.”
Hmmm . . . I guess CAIR forgot this MLK, Jr. quote:
When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism
Or this one:
Isn’t this just community organizing 101?
Harry on August 21, 2014 at 4:31 pm