August 20, 2014, - 5:51 pm
James Foley Just Like Daniel Pearl: Another Pan-Jihadist Who Was Murdered by ’em Anyway
James Wright Foley, beheaded yesterday in an ISIS/ISIL/IS video, is a lot like Daniel Pearl. Like Pearl, he thought he knew better than the rest of us–that these Muslims were decent guys who would be nice to you if only you were nice to them. And like Daniel Pearl, who championed the causes of the most extremist Muslims–Islamic terrorists–in his “reporting,” Foley was beheaded and slaughtered like a halal dinner. Foley wasn’t new to this game, either, and should have known better because this almost happened to him before.
THIS. IS. ISLAM. . . .
This wasn’t the first time he was kidnapped by his Muslim buddies, whose extremism he championed. And not the first time they killed a fellow pro-jihad journalist in his midst. In 2011, Foley was kidnapped and nearly executed by other Islamic terrorists he championed against Qaddafi in Libya. He was kept in captivity by them for 44 days, and at least one other journalist–a photographer–was executed by them. Yet, he continued to champion their cause anyway. Because, again, he “knew better” than logic would dictate. You’d think that after being imprisoned and nearly killed by Muslim “freedom fighters,” he’d face the music and go home. But, no, he found a new group of even more brutal Mohammedan “liberal democrats” who finally finished him off.
Foley, like most of the other “journalists” who went to Syria, was there to champion the cause of the Syrian rebels. He wanted American taxpayers and NATO to finance, arm, and train them against Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, the same thing Foley championed in Libya (and how did that turn out?). He, like Obama, McCain, Romney, and Paul Ryan, wanted us to side with these guys, insisting that the Free Syrian Army–a very tiny part of the Syrian rebel amalgam–was “moderate” and that by giving them arms, money, and training, we would impose HAMAS/Hezbo-style “democracy” on Syria, instead of keeping these people with the brutal dictator that most Muslims really need in spite of–and because of–themselves.
We, unfortunately, did provide some arms, CIA advisers, and the like to the FSA. And guess what happened? The FSA disintegrated into ISIS, which was inevitable because, hey, it’s Islam. And, now, all of that–the arms, etc.–is in the hands of ISIS.
If you go to the Middle East to cheer on Muslim extremists, insisting that they should have democracy, guess what happens to you? You get gang-raped (Lara Logan), and you get beheaded (Foley and soon Steven Joel Sotloff–who will probably be forced to repeat the “I Am a Jew” statement that Daniel Pearl was forced to say in his halal slaughter video). We didn’t tell these people to go there. It’s not like they were dummies (or maybe they were) and didn’t know that these are Muslims, and this is what they do. That they were in denial and put themselves at risk is something they did to themselves.
And why is ANYONE shocked by this beheading video? Have we really forgotten Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg and British and American and South Korean contractors being beheaded by these bahayim and hywonot (Arabic for “animals”)?
This guy, Foley, and the rest of his scribe tribe aren’t “special” because they are journalists. Journalists aren’t heroes, and despite the public pontifications, they aren’t performing any service for me with their hyperbolic lies parading as accurate reporting. In many ways, they are villains. And, so, they don’t get a special shock or outrage from me when Muslims do to them what they do to everyone else. Being an apologist or self-ordained public propagandist for Muslims doesn’t get you my sympathy. It gets you my disdain and disgust. Even if you lost your head–first figuratively and then literally–in the process. (This guy, by the way, was no fan of Israel either and felt the same way about Palestinian liberal democrats a/k/a HAMAS as he did about the Syrian/Iraqi/ISIS ones.)
Then there is Sotloff. He’s a Jew who was based in Yemen. Moron, or I guess, in his case, Moronowitz. What kind of Jew hangs out in Yemen and Syria? A dumbass and an apologist. And, most likely, a self-hater. Incredibly, this Sotloff dummy–who will be next to the slaughter (NO WAY they will spare a Jew, no way–Daniel Pearl’s silly insistence that he was a Buddhist, or whatever, didn’t matter)–wrote an article in 2010 warning that the Muslim Brotherhood was evil. Um, well, who did he think comprised the ISIS gang in Syria? The North Dakota Society of Wiccans?
These people go in there and cheer onthese open enemies of Western civilization, insisting that they will be better rulers than Muslim dictators, based on what? We see what happened when the Bush Administration poured gazillions of your money into free elections in Gaza. Don’tcha just looooove the democratically elected HAMASniks and their commitment to liberal democracy?
That’s the same thing these dumbasses–these uber-fools–were cheerleaders for in Syria.
And, now, they are seeing how the ISIS they wanted to put into power rules. Again, you lose your head.
*** One last thing: Foley’s mom wailed that her son was a great American. Sorry, but, no, he was not. Great Americans do what’s best for America. Cheering on Muslim extremists is not good for America. It’s, in fact, the exact opposite. He learned the hard way.
And I’ll bet that just before he was slaughtered in the direction of Mecca–as Muslims slaughter infidel humans like they are animals, according to sharia/halal slaughter laws–he probably was still making excuses in his head for these Muslim barbarians. Just as he made those excuses to the rest of us.
He shall be making those excuses no more.
Aleikum As-Salaam, infidel-who-thought-he-knew-better-than-us James Foley.
This is Islam. Got it?
Tags: Daniel Pearl, ISIS, ISIS Jewish fans, James Foley, James Foley beheading, James Foley ISIS, James Foley Israel, James Wright Foley, James Wright Foley beheading, James Wright Foley ISIS, James Wright Foley Israel, Steven Joel Sotloff, Steven Sotloff
These Islamists have to be wiped out. Beaten in such a way that provides generations of their progeny with stories of the terrible beating they received at the hands of the Americans (& any others who wish to commit).
It’s a lot to ask our military to do the savagery necessary to get these jihadi’s to cry surrender but, we will have to out-savage these savages or, they will constantly re-emerge and keep doing this at the behest of their proxies because, terrorists also provide distractions for other agents of evil.
We wipe these punks out, their allies by proxy will lay low…until and unless we’re STUPID ENOUGH to vote another Obama into office.
If we want America and countries like Israel to survive & prosper, we have to kill these people.
We have no other choice.
P. Aaron on August 20, 2014 at 6:16 pm