July 3, 2014, - 8:47 am
Shannon Maureen Conley: ‘Nother Loser American Chick Converts to Islam, Helps ISIS, Scopes Out US Church for Attack
Hey, it’s time for another edition of “Looks-Challenged Loser American Chick Converts to Islam for Love & Sharia Adventure” a/k/a “Always Gotta Put My Vagina First.” You knew this was coming: an American chick donating her living body and non-working brain to jihad science.

How many posts like this about loser chicks desperate for male attention who “revert” to Islam have I written over the years? Too many and not enough. As all of these lonely, selfish, stupid American women always put their desperate need for sex first before basic common sense and definitely before their country. Shannon Maureen Conley is just the latest. And she definitely won’t be the last. Far from it, sadly. As I’ve written, they have many websites full of sorry-assed women ripe for the ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State pickins in the name of jihad.
I guess it’s fitting that on the eve of America’s Independence Day, another American chick thinks “independence” means liberating her American body to Islam and helping Islamic terrorists infiltrate and bomb a church. And she was only caught because observant churchgoers paid attention and put their concerns for their lives first before worries about being “tolerant,” “sensitive,” and politically correct. I wonder if this chick was visibly Arabic or Middle-Eastern-looking if they’d have done that, or if the FBI would have paid attention. As we all know, in this era of “If You See Something, Say Something,” when you say what you see, you are mercilessly ridiculed by everyone and everything as a bigot who commits those cardinal sins: reason an logic in the face of the obvious. Don’t judge!
Oh, and by the way, she had CDs of Anwar Al-Awlaki–you know, the American citizen whose “Constitutional rights” Rand Paul (Dinesh D’Souza’s movie hero) says we violated because Rand wanted him to have the ability to kill yet more American citizens. Yup, datz da ticket! Well, the Paulistinians can rest easy because Awlaki’s First Amendment rights (you can’t yell “fire!” in a crowded theater, but you can call for the murder of thousands of Americans?) continue to be exercised long after his death.
A Colorado woman has been arrested for allegedly providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization, the FBI said in documents unsealed on Wednesday. Shannon Maureen Conley, 19, is accused of attempting to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, aka ISIL or ISIS, the terrorist organization currently taking control over parts of Iraq and Syria. The FBI says she was trying to travel to Syria to marry an ISIS member she met online. Once there, she intended to wage jihad — but if not allowed to fight because she is a woman, she intended to use her skills as a nurse’s aid to help Islamist fighters, the agency said in an affidavit cited by the Denver Channel.
The feds say they began investigating Conley in November 2013 after she was spotted on the campus of Faith Bible Chapel in Arvada taking notes. Officials at the chapel, scene of a 2007 shooting in which two people were killed, became suspicious. They asked to see her notes, and then asked her to leave when she became confrontational and spoke of Islam, according to reports. “If they think I’m a terrorist I’ll give them something to think I am,” she reportedly said when later asked about the incident by members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
The FBI says two agents made an “overt attempt to dissuade Conley from violent criminal activity and give her the opportunity to turn away from her intention to participate in supporting terrorist activities,” the affidavit said. The agents also told her she would be subject to arrest if she intended to aid the fighters. “When asked if she still wanted to carry out the plans, knowing they are illegal, Conley said that she does,” the affidavit states.
When Conley told her parents on April 1 that she was leaving for Syria to marry a “soldier,” her parents expressed their disapproval. Seven days later, Conley headed to the airport and checked some bags. Inside them were CDs and DVDs labeled Anwar al-Awlaki, who was an American dissident-turned-Islamic militant who was killed by 2011 drone strike in Yemen.
Alhamdulilah [praise allah], as there are many more Shannons where this one came from, and many of ’em aren’t as moronic and will kill Americans.
Well, I feel so good, everything is sounding hot. . . . You gotta gimme some lovin’.
Cue the theme music . . .
Tags: Anwar Al Awlaki, ISIL, ISIS, Jihad, Shannon Maureen Conley, The Islamic State
Lee on July 3, 2014 at 8:57 am