December 24, 2013, - 9:58 pm

Cool VW Beetle Christmas Lighting Decoration Pics

By Debbie Schlussel

Even though I’m Jewish and do not celebrate Christmas, I took most of the day out to do work and get food and other things in preparation for everything being closed on Christmas. But, last night, I took a break to take a pic of this very cool neon Volkswagen Beetle Christmas decoration, which is the Christmas lighting display in front of Planterra in West Bloomfield, Michigan.


Technically, I guess it’s not really a Christmas decoration per se, because it is not Christmas themed. But I’ve driven by it a few times and wanted to share it with you. I understand that it’s not a real VW Beetle, but is a life-sized replica made out of plants and Christmas trees and covered in lights. Perhaps I need some photography lessons because I tried and tried and tried (using many of the various settings on my Kodak M341 12MP camera–remember Kodak? What’s that?), but I could not capture the brilliance of this terrific display, whether or not I used the flash and whether or not I used nighttime settings and so on. The intensity and bright green of the lights just doesn’t come out in these photos, below. I took these at nearly midnight last night in the Michigan tundra. It was freezing cold (it was 12 degrees and falling at the time) and snowing, and since I can’t take decent photos with gloves on, I took as many photos as I could to try to capture this, given the weather and me freezing my butt (and fingers) off. For those who are better at photography than I am (and that’s most of you), how would you have captured this better? Pointers for next time?

MORE Photos . . .









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12 Responses

You’d have thunk they would have done an American car up in W. Bloomfield instead of Hitler’s people’s car. Ugh.

DS_ROCKS! on December 24, 2013 at 11:01 pm

I have the VW New Beetle which has nothing in common with Ferdinand Porsche’s original design or its Third Reich origins.

Its a fun little car built on VW’s Golf platform. It wasn’t made in Wolfsburg, Germany unlike the original but in VW’s Puebla, Mexico factory.

The original Beetle continued to be made in Mexico until 2003 when the last model that rolled off the production line which was subsequently shut down.

Its a cool photo – there’s something about a classic car and Christmas lights that works well.

Christmas is a Christian holiday and I disagree with those Jews who want Christians to deny the religious aspects of it. Religious freedom is important and we wouldn’t want Christians or Muslims to dictate how Jews should celebrate their religious holidays!

Orthodox Jews are not at all threatened by Christmas and if every Christian celebrated its true meaning, the world would be a better place! Tolerance begins with showing respect for the faith of others and the pleasure they take in showing appreciation to G-d for all the blessings they have.

In our secular society, the drive to strip Christmas of anything Christian is exactly the problem – a society with no spiritual values has no real future. Christianity isn’t so much a threat to American democracy as the unbridled secularism that’s taken over by default the high culture in America.

NormanF on December 25, 2013 at 2:02 am

    That was my last car, Norm! I loved it. lots of fun for sure. Mine was red with a sun roof and manual trans.

    Meira on December 25, 2013 at 5:07 am

Very cool Deb

ebayer on December 25, 2013 at 2:14 am

You would need a tripod and a DSLR to get a good shot of that.

worry01 on December 25, 2013 at 4:21 am

Debbie, I’ve done enough photography to consider myself semi-pro. You really didn’t do too badly. This is a very hard thing to photograph but you set your exposures for the LIGHTS, not the background or the fact it’s at night. You can’t do it with an auto or camera that doesn’t allow you to set the exposure manually and get the full brilliance and sharpness you are looking for. A class wouldn’t hurt but, good job!

Meira on December 25, 2013 at 5:01 am

The third photo is the best overall because it was pretty well focused, showed the plants and got the lights. The others that showed the lights more brilliantly are out of focus, actually. I actually like the second because, while not technically accurate, it is very artistic and fun.

Meira on December 25, 2013 at 5:05 am

oh, and worry01 is right. a tripod.

Meira on December 25, 2013 at 5:06 am

Thank you for posting it for us to see. I think it is a clever decoration no matter what time of year!! : )

It is just ME AGAIN on December 25, 2013 at 12:00 pm

I appreciate your efforts. We used to drive around the neighborhoods to enjoy the Christmas lights. It’s nice when people put in this kind of effort for the pleasure of all. One needn’t be Christian to appreciate something pleasing to the eye.

Jacalyn Simon on December 25, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Debbie, the key thing was your instinct to photograph this subject in the first place.

skzion on December 25, 2013 at 2:02 pm

I do a lot of photography. A tripod or some kind of rest is best but I think under the conditions you did very well. This is a tough shot. Thank you for your Christmas wishes. And I am thankful for you and your courage and I know when I read your e-mails I will get the facts and the truth. I hope 2014 is your best year yet.

Joel. on December 26, 2013 at 4:05 am

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