October 29, 2013, - 3:25 pm
Guess the Religion?: Gay Men Ordered Out of Chicago Taxi Cab After Kiss (on Expressway @ Midnight)
I personally don’t want to see anyone kissing in front of me, gay OR heterosexual. My view is “get a room!” But it’s always interesting how the media is never up in arms–nor is the gay community–when MUSLIMS are intolerant of their lifestyle. When it’s Christians or Jews, the gay community is on the offensive, vandalizing Mormon churches over the Mormons’ support of Prop 8 (as I noted on this site), but not mosques, even though Muslims supported Prop 8, too. And, so, it goes with this case of a Muslim cabbie kicking gays out of his cab over a kiss. Note how the driver’s very tolerant religion is never mentioned.
A gay couple filed a human rights complaint on Monday against a Chicago-area taxi company because a driver told them to leave his cab after they kissed in the back seat. The couple, Matthew McCrea, 30, of Chicago, and Steven White, 29, of West Hollywood, California, say they had exchanged a brief kiss in the back of a Sun Taxi cab when the driver pulled over on a busy expressway on a rainy night and told them to get out.
Though the driver has been fined by the city over the May incident and fired by his company, McCrea and White say they took their complaint to the Illinois Department of Human Rights to help others who might find themselves in a similar situation. The complaint asks for unspecified compensation. . . . The complaint, which was filed by gay advocacy group Lambda Legal, said that after the couple refused to exit the cab, the driver began driving “recklessly” until he stopped in a store parking lot. The couple refused to leave until police arrived.
When an officer questioned the driver, Jama Anshur, he said McCrea and White had been “making sex,” the complaint said. The officer let Anshur drive off, and waited with the couple until they found another cab. The driver was fined $1,540 by Chicago’s cab-regulatory agency over the incident, according to the complaint, and Sun Taxi fired him, according to Sun’s general manager Jong Lee. Anshur, who was named along with Sun in the complaint, could not be reached for comment.
Watch the video at the link above.
By the way, since the Muzzie driver was fired, watch for him to sue (and maybe get the Obama EEOC to take the lead) for religious discrimination. A Christian could never do this–he’d have to accept the gay PDA in his face uber alles. But Muslims can do whatever they want and we must comply. That’s the very definition of shariah, and we’re movin’ there real fast. In many ways, we’re already there and have been for some time.
Tags: Chicago, how Muslims treat gays, Islam, Islam and gays, Islamic intolerance for gays, Jama Anshur, Jihad, Matthew McCrea, Muslim cabbie kicks gays out of cab, Muslim intolerance for gays, Shari'ah, sharia, Steven White, Sun Taxi
“But it’s always interesting how the media is never up in arms–nor is the gay community–when MUSLIMS are intolerant of their lifestyle. When it’s Christians or Jews, the gay community is on the offensive, destroying Mormon churches over the Mormons’ support of Prop 8 (as I noted on this site), but not mosques, even though Muslims supported Prop 8, too.”
Where do gays and others learn these unwritten rules?
Not a peep when Iran was proudly hanging gays in public squares.
Same thing with militant feminist groups who go mute when muslim countries institutionally oppress women.
DS_ROCKS! on October 29, 2013 at 3:38 pm