September 26, 2013, - 4:00 pm
Samantha Lewthwaite: Family of Westgate Mall “White Widow” Terrorist Upset Over Schlussel Site
On Wednesday, news broke that Islamic terrorist Samantha Lewthwaite a/k/a “Natalie Faye Webb” a/k/a “The White Widow” is a suspect in last weekend’s massacre at Nairobi, Kenya’s Westgate Mall. Well, I’ve heard from her family, which is upset that I’ve written about and criticized her Islamic terrorist involvement, including with Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists from Mogadishu. The Lewthwaite relative calls me “sinister.” Hmmm . . . I’m the sinister one, not Lewthwaite who apparently murdered 72 innocent civilians and injured 200 of them?
As I’ve noted before on this site, in May 2012 Kenyan police raided the home in Mombassa where she was staying with terrorists linked to plans to attack Westerners in Kenya (BINGO!) and questioned her. Unfortunately, police released her, believing she was an innocent tourist. Once they realized their mistake, she had already fled. It looks like this attack on the mall was a longtime in the making and shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Kenyan authorities, given what they learned about Ms. Lewthwaite nearly 1.5 years ago.
When I wrote about Ms. Lewthwaite a/k/a “Sherafiyah” on this site, back in May 2012, I called her “a stupid, zaftig White chick desperate for a man, who converted to Islam and helped her British Islamic terrorist husband, while he plotted to blow up British subway trains.” Yes, her hubby, Germaine Lindsay, was part of the July 7, 2005 London subway terrorist attack . . . and so was she, despite the fact that publicly she pretended to be a victim and “condemned” the attack (the kinda fake you’d see on “Oprah” when that daytime talk pollution was still on).
Here’s an e-mail exchange I recently had with someone claiming to be her relative who contacted me upset over my writing, but not very upset, apparently, over the murders that Lewthwaite perpetrated in the name of Islam (I’ve kept all typos in, to preserve the e-mail messages exactly as they were sent to me):
From: Lavene Alvey
Date: Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 5:54 AM
Subject: Sam Lewthwiate
To: writedebbie@gmail.comI have just read your email list of comments about Sam Lewthwaite. I am an in-direct relative of her`s and iibegin to tell you what emotions her family a re going through seeing non stop correspondene about Ms. Lewthwaite.. Yes she has done wrong however, it is not her families fault who sadly are reminded time and time again beacuse of email pages like your`s.
No thought is ever spared for the innovent/saddened families! If you had any care in your heart, you would remove your sinister email page about the woman.
Ms. L. Alvey.
My response:
From: Debbie Schlussel
Date: Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: Sam Lewthwiate
To: Lavene AlveyHuh? So because someone has innocent relatives, I’m not supposed to
expose that they enabled terrorists and plotted to kill innocent
Westerners? Are you bleeping kidding? Where is your condemnation of
her and your thanks that she did not get to murder the people she
wanted to? Where is your condemnation of Islam and her life that took
a wrong turn when she chose Islam? Hmmmm . . . . sad.
From: Lavene Alvey
Date: Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 2:30 AM
Subject: Re: Sam Lewthwiate
To: writedebbie@gmail.comEnough is enough as there has been more than enough main media coverage without the likes of you repeating what everyone already knows! Shame on you as you have not for one moment thought of the on going heartache for the woman`s Mother and Father, Sister and Brother!!!!!!!
From what I’ve read about Lewthwaite, she is a predator, and she doesn’t just lust after spilt Western infidel blood. I was wrong that she converted to Islam for a man. She apparently converted (at age 15) for several men, including one whom she chased after (when she was 11) in school in London, but he wasn’t interested in the Muslim-potamus. She since married at least two Muslim penises (including the one that perpetrated the London Tube massacre) and slept with who knows how many more.
Yes, I have a slight bit of pity for her parents, and yes, you cannot always blame the parents for how their children turned out. But not in this case. Where the heck were her parents when she began chasing Muslim boys at 11 or when she converted to Islam at 15 and started wearing a hijab and full-frontal Islamic black-as-death bedsheets? Don’t they–Andy Lewthwaite and Christine Allen–get some of the credit and blame for allowing this to go on, instead of parenting and removing their daughter from such an Islamo-infested atmosphere and reading her the riot act? Lewthwaite’s father is a former British soldier. So, he served Britain, but didn’t protect the West when he “raised” his daughter and indulgently allowed her to become Muslim. Her parents split when she was in elementary school, and broken families are the prey that Islam and Muslims often target. They, sadly, fill the void. If you don’t actively parent, don’t be surprised if your kid pursues jihad (especially as the West becomes more and more infested with Muslims because we did nothing to stop them). Frankly, I think her relatives should be publicly decrying Lewthwaite’s victims and apologizing for her behavior.
But don’t hold your infidel breath for that.
Tags: Andy Lewthwaite, Christine Allen, Germaine Lindsay, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Jermaine Lindsay, Jihad, Kenya, Nairobi, Natalie Faye Webb, Samantha Lewthwaite, Samantha Lewthwaite White Widow, Sherafiyah, Westgate Mall, Westgate Mall Massacre, Westgate Mall Terrorist Attack, White Widow
“Yes she has done wrong”, that’s the kind of thing you would generally say if your relative ran out on her husband and kid for another man maybe.
You don’t say that after somebody has implicated in butchering people in cold blood at a shopping mall.
This dislocation with reality is probably a big part of what allowed the problem to develop in the first place.
Frankz on September 26, 2013 at 8:15 pm