August 5, 2013, - 1:01 pm
If We Had a President With Some Balls . . . : America’s Cowardly Turn w Muslim Embassies & Russia/Snowden; A Bow to Muslims @ Ramadan End
Sadly, in Barack Obama, America has a President with zero testicles. No testosterone whatsoever. Under him, we are not only not cowboys. We aren’t even cowgirls. This week’s closure of U.S. Embassies in the Muslim world–with America responding to terrorist threats like a cowardly, meek fraidy cat with its tail caught between its legs–is embarrassing. It’s reminiscent of the Jimmy Carter years. So is Obama’s weak response to Russia’s granting of asylum to Edward Snowden.

If we had a President with some balls, we would have responded to the alleged threat on our embassies in the Muslim world by strengthening them with lots more Marine guards. We would have mounted men with SAMs (Surface to Air Missiles) pointing in all directions. Note, by the way, we didn’t close one embassy in the Middle East–the only one that is at peace and, yet, refuses to recognize the capital of the nation it is in: the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv (NOT the Israeli capital of Jerusalem) where it should be.
If we had a President with some balls, we would either close multiple U.S. Embassies in the Muslim world–which are basically Muslim Embassies, pandering the Muslim world and NOT ever advancing American interests–permanently or not close them at all . . . ever. Instead, we are closing them for the week in deference to the ending of Ramadan. This is about respecting Islam. It’s about shutting down the “Great American Satan’s” presence in the Muslim world while they celebrate the most “important” part of Ramadan–Eid Al-Fitr. It’s about cowering to them. It’s about Islamo-pandering dhimmitude.
If we had a President with some balls, we’d either keep our embassies there open 24/7/365 or we’d shut them down entirely and permanently for the long-term.
If we had a President with some balls, Barack Obama wouldn’t be talking about toothless, irrelevant non-attendance at international conferences with the Russians. He’d be recalling our Ambassador to Russia and shutting down THAT embassy (the U.S. Embassy in Moscow). He’d expel personnel–even the Russian Ambassador to the U.S.–from American soil, the way the Brits and Australians expelled Israeli diplomats over the assassination of a HAMAS/Iran arms dealer in Dubai, when there has been absolutely no evidence that Israel committed the assassination, though it’s well accepted that the Mossad did it.
If we had a President with some balls, America would do what is necessary to assert our power and command respect around the world. But we just don’t have that.
Instead, we have Barack Obama, President of GirlieMan Nation USA.
And, so, the Muslim world is laughing at us while they celebrate the end of Ramadan–a double celebration. The Russians and the rest of the world are laughing at us because we don’t have any guts to protect our national security secrets and stand tough against the modern-day Benedict Arnold (with apologies to the ghost of Mr. Arnold for the comparison of this snot-nosed Millennial traitor to him).
Sadly, we have a guy with no cojones “leading” the free world from behind. We are cowards, led by the ball-less Coward-in-Chief.
Congrats, America. Eid mubarak [Have a blessed Eid] and molodyetz (excellent, in Russian). Uncle Sam is now a eunuch.
I normally despise the P-word, don’t use it, and find it distasteful and low-class. But this is one of those rare times when it’s entirely appropriate . . .

Tags: Barack Obama, dhimmis, Edward Snowden, Islam, Islamopandering, Putin, Ramadan, Russia, threat to embassies, U.S. Embassies, U.S. Embassy closings
I’d close the embassies permanently. Do we need a reason to have good relations with those hate us? If only Obama had the balls to do it, he’d get something done!
NormanF on August 5, 2013 at 1:15 pm