September 30, 2005, - 12:10 pm

Israel National News Cites Schlussel in Saudi Prince/FOX News Story

After first , Israel National News a/k/a Arutz Sheva, an excellent news source– which I read regularly to see what’s REALLY going on in Israel and the rest of the Middle East–finally cited as the source of their story on Saudi Prince AlWaleed Bin Talal’s acquisition of 5.46% voting stock in NewsCorp, the company that owns and operates FOX News Channel. Unfortunately, the site waited four days to do so–after the rest of the Internet improperly cited them for MY work.
Here’s their report:
Saudi Prince Buys Large Share of Fox News
02:21 Sep 30, ’05 / 26 Elul 5765
( Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal has purchased 5.46 percent of the Fox corporation, according to Gulf Daily News, raising concern that the conservative Fox News may soften its anti-terror stance due to the views of the new shareholder.
Journalist Debbie Schlussel, who originally , notes that Al-Waleed, the nephew of the late Saudi King Fahd, was last in the news when he visited the World Trade Center’s remains just after the September 11th attacks and offered then-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani a $10 million check for relief efforts. Al-Waleed then released a statement blaming US foreign policy and support for Israel for the attacks.
Giuliani returned the prince’s check with a statement that, “There is no moral equivalent for this attack. The people who did it lost any right to ask for justification when they slaughtered . . . innocent people … Not only are those statements wrong, they’re part of the problem.”
Published: 16:55 September 25, 2005
Last Update: 02:21 September 30, 2005

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4 Responses

Hi Debbie, have you ever taken a look at I find them a good sourvce for israel news and mideast news in general.

Uncle Tim on September 30, 2005 at 1:39 pm

Shabbat Shalom! Always remember that the work place (and the newsroom and blogsphere) support two kinds: WORKERS and DRONES!! You are a WORKER. The lazy plagerizers at Fox and the other networks are DRONES. At least IsraelINN was able to realize this and finally gave you your due credit. You are the best on the blogsphere. Stay tenacious. I love it!

Yiddish Steel on October 1, 2005 at 12:13 am

Shalom Israel! It’s great to see how my relatives who fought in WW2 (442nd RCT) to liberate the good folks (including the Jews in Bergen Belsen and Auschwitz by the 522nd RCT) are reading Deb’s blog. Thank you for supporting Deb and realizing that there are many (including my late father’s cousin who died in Europe and uncles who fought Hitler’s lackeys) that what they went through was not a waste.
God bless you all and Shalom
King Of All Japs

KOAJaps on October 1, 2005 at 12:15 am

Good work, as usual. Too bad you can get royalties for journalism like us musicians, huh? Heh. 😉

Dairenn on October 2, 2005 at 1:35 pm

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