July 4, 2013, - 8:57 am
“Despicable Me 2”: Terrific, Fun Movie Almost as Good as Original
Longtime readers know I was a big fan of the original “Despicable Me” (read my review) in Summer 2010. The sequel, “Despicable Me 2,” in theaters now, isn’t as good, as sequels rarely are. Part of that stems from the fact that the main character is far more amusing as a villain than as a good guy. But it’s still very good and a great movie for kids AND adults.

Like the original, this movie is chock full of fun, fabulous animation that is eye candy extraordinaire. It’s cute, funny, and endearing. And it’s entertaining and original, in story and otherwise. I couldn’t say enough great things about the original, and this is up there. You needn’t see the original, though, to enjoy this and get what’s going on. You also don’t have to see this in 3D to enjoy it (though that’s how it was screened for critics).
The story: villain Gru (Steve Carell) is now reformed and no longer trying to steal the moon. As a father of the three orphan girls he adopted, he’s now a doting dad and maker of jellies and jams with Dr. Nefario (the loathsome Russell Brand). But he’s recruited by the Anti-Villain League, a secret world anti-crime organization, to stop a supervillain whose identity is unknown. He works with super agent Lucy (Kristen Wiig) to try to uncover and stop the villain at the local mall where one of the shop owners is secretly the plotting criminal in disguise. The “Minions”–Grus loyal little yellow helpers–are back in spades and have a lot of great scenes.
The movie is far better than I’m making it sound. It’s hilarious, and a great escapism session at the movies. Well worth the money and one of the best movies so far this year.
Watch the trailer . . .
Tags: Anti-Villain League, AVL, Despicable Me 2, Despicable Me 2 movie, Despicable Me 2 movie review, Despicable Me 2 review, Gru, Kristen Wiig, movie, movie review, Movie Reviews, Russell Brand, Steve Carell
This series sounds cute. I really liked “Coraline” so I bet I would like these two flicks. Nice to see a good review (even though I am impartial to bad reviews…the writing is always more fun, in general). (Remember “The Filthy Critic”? He was always so funny and over the top.)
Yes, that Russell Brand is indeed odious. When people are as open with their indignities and perversions as he is it’s always like looking at the most offensive thing on the planet. People like that have craven and putrified souls. And they may not know it but many people don’t look at them as dignified creatures.
(Any German speakers here? I have a question about Kristen Wiig’s last name. It drives me crazy. I have been learning German for a few years now and the proper way of pronunciation I leaned from my teacher (a native German) is that in German her named would be pronounced “VEE-itch” (IG at the end of a word is always pronounced ITCH and not IG like in English) but Yanks call her “Wig”. It just drives me crazy. But know if I didn’t know German I would also call her that (or maybe I would not know how to pronounce it…that extra “I” makes it difficult). But since I think I was taught proper that’s how I see it…but nobody else does (understandably).
Skunky on July 4, 2013 at 12:42 pm