June 5, 2013, - 10:33 am
Samantha Power: Obama UN Choice Wanted US to Invade Israel, Called US Jews Too Rich and Powerful
Back during the 2008 Barack Obama campaign for President, the Democratic nominee got rid of campaign adviser Samantha Power after she called Hillary Clinton “a monster,” and a 2002 video, below, came to light, in which she called for the U.S. to invade Israel. But everyone knew that she was still advising Obama behind the scenes and has been to date. And, today, Obama made that fact official by leaking to the media that Power is his choice for new U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, as he moves Susan Rice to National Security Adviser (hey, we’ve already had one incompetent Rice as NSA Adviser, so why not another?). What is even more offensive, though, in the video and gets less play is Power’s anti-Semitic comment about Jews being too rich and politically powerful in the United States. She talks about how her suggestion for invading Israel and spending U.S. money on bolstering a Palestinian State (which seems to be the only state she wants in what is Israel) will “alienat[e] a domestic constituency of [laugh, laugh, giggle, giggle] tremendous political and financial import.” She’s clearly referring to Jews and saying they are too rich and too powerful. I want to know, as a Jewish-American so stereotyped by her where my tremendous riches and power are and why, if my riches and power are so great, an anti-Israel Prez–who nominates scum like her–got elected.
By the way, if you look at Eva Braun’s, er . . . Samantha Power’s pics online, she seems like an egomaniac who fancies herself a supermodel of some sort. Sadly, we have to take this Jew-hater seriously.

There are enough far-left, pan-Muslim Israel haters in her native Ireland (where she grew up). Why must we have this crappy import, Ms. Power, pretending to represent America in the U.N.?
Don’t worry, though. Chuck Hagel became Defense Secretary by making similar comments. I’m sure this bitch will be confirmed by the Senate in spades.
One other note on Power: even though she clearly disdains Jews, she married animal rights nutjob and JINO (Jew In Name Only) Cass Sunstein, a law professor who argued that animals should be able to file lawsuits (and that the government should no longer be in the business of recognizing marriages). We’re betting that in that relationship, Frau Power is on top.
By the way, if you follow or in any way admire the idiocy of Washington Post faux-conservative blogger Jennifer Rubin, you should note how she eagerly supports this anti-Israel anti-Semite for the U.N. job. I’m sure the the Republican Jewish Coalition (a bunch of RINO-JINOs–Republican In Name Only, Jewish In Name Only) will keep inviting Jenny From the Dock to make speeches at their events for $10,000. Cha-ching.
Tags: Anti-Israel, Barack Obama, Cass Sunstein, Israel, Jews, Palestinians, Samantha Power, Samantha Power anti-Israel, Samantha Power anti-Israel video, Samantha Power anti-Jewish, Samantha Power anti-Semite, Samantha Power anti-Semitic, Samantha Power anti-semitism, Samantha Power Cass Sunstein, Samantha Power invade Israel, Samantha Power Israel, Samantha Power Israel video, Samantha Power Jews, Samantha Power pro-Palestinian, Samantha Power video, United Nations
And the irony is that many of these conservatives think the Obama presidency is weakening. You wouldn’t know it from the progress of the immigration bill, Christie’s embrace of the Democratic Party, Obama’s recent appointments, and aggressive behavior in instituting new regulations.
And I think that the “RINO” terminology is obsolete. They are not just Republicans in Name Only. This is what the Republican Party is today. And the party as a whole is getting rid of anybody who might potentially disagree with them. Bachmann is the latest victim, following Joe Walsh, and Allen West, who in spite of his defects, had the potential to create trouble for the Republican establishment. And it was Jim Bunning before that.
Little Al on June 5, 2013 at 10:51 am