May 7, 2013, - 8:59 am
Syrian Rebel Brags About Killing “a Large Number of Christians” Before Martyrdom for allah
Yet another example of why we should NOT be arming, advising, or in any way helping the Syrian rebels. Assad is horrible but these guys are far worse.
After spending two years in Saudi prison for fighting in Iraq, Khalid al-Suwid graduated in 2012, a free man, from the kingdom’s well-regarded rehabilitation program for religious extremists, Saudi officials said. Mr. Suwid was a government-certified ex-jihadist.
Whatta Country!: Our Preferred Syrian Islamic Terrorists v. the Assad Syrian Islamic TerroristsMr. Suwid turned up again in a photo released in mid-March, smiling, holding an assault rifle and wearing what appeared to be a bomb vest. It was a so-called martyrdom notice, announcing his death in Syria.
Mr. Suwid “killed a large number of Christians before his acceptance by God,” said the notice, which appeared on a Facebook page—”Foreigners in theSyrian Revolution”—that anonymously records and lauds foreigners killed fighting Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.
The devil/Muslim savage we know is preferable to the devil/assorted Muslim savages we are backing, who we know are Al-Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood. Oh, and by the way, morons, like Slobbert Spencer and his car-loan fraud scamming crook of a girlfriend, want us to back the scumbag rebels.

Syrian Rebels Practice Dismemberment (NBC News Called this, “a Lighter Moment” – Imagine the “Heavier” Moments)
Tags: al-Qaeda, Christians, Jihad, jihadists, Khalid al-Suwid, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Syrian Rebels
Islam is always the same no matter which direction you look.
Worry01 on May 7, 2013 at 9:09 am