April 29, 2013, - 6:36 pm
Details of Jihad Mommy Zubeidat Tsarnaeva’s $1,600 “Shoplifting” (2nd Incident!); Muslim Merch Theft Often Finances Jihad
You’ve repeatedly heard that Islamic terrorist mom Zubeidat Tsarnaeva has a warrant out for her arrest over her failure to appear in court for “shoplifting” dresses from Lord & Taylor. Here’s a tip: it’s not shoplifting if you take over $1,600 worth of property from a business. It’s theft. Felony theft. Shoplifting is when someone steals a pack of gum or some other item worth a lot less than $100. And what you probably don’t know is that this is Zubeidat Tsarnaeva’s second incident in which she was caught stealing from a store in Massachusetts. How many times did she do it and NOT get caught? As I’ve written over the years, Muslim theft rings tied to Hezbollah, HAMAS, and other Islamic terrorist groups are responsible for a large amount of theft from stores across America. They then sell the merchandise on the black market and often use the process to finance jihad. It’s, after all, “halal money”–permissible money under Islam, just as welfare money is, because it’s stolen from the non-Muslim infidels. Was Zubeidat involved in frequent theft to finance her sons, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and their Islamic jihad against America?

Here are the details of her theft, which are much more than mere “shoplifting”:
Ms. Tsarnaeva also faces a warrant for her arrest in the U.S. after failing to show up for an October court appearance on charges she shoplifted seven dresses at a suburban Boston department store, according to court records. Ms. Tsarnaeva is charged with one count of larceny and two counts of vandalizing property because several of the dresses were damaged in the alleged June 30, 2012, incident at a Lord & Taylor in Natick, Mass., according to court records.
Authorities are still pursuing the case and would arrest her if given the opportunity, a spokeswoman for the Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office said Friday. Ms. Tsarnaeva said in the interview that her shoplifting charge was simply the result of a misunderstanding. She had been suffering from a bout of depression, she said, and when she was feeling bad she would try to give her children a lot of gifts “so that they had everything.”
She said she had bought a lot of clothes for her daughters online. She went to Lord & Taylor to return some of the items, but had no receipt. She said she had had another shoplifting incident, and the case was resolved when she agreed to see a psychologist. Daniel J. Cappetta, Ms. Tsarnaeva’s attorney, decline to comment on the case.
A female crime-prevention officer at the Natick Lord & Taylor told police that she had seen Ms. Tsarnaeva through a drape over the fitting room door using scissors to remove security tags from the dresses and stuff the dresses into a bag she had been carrying, according to court records.
The security guard told police she also saw Ms. Tsarnaeva cut small holes into two other items of clothing and attached security tags she had removed onto the damaged clothing, before returning them to a clothing rack in the store, court records said. According to the guard, Ms. Tsarnaeva then walked past cash registers and out of the store without paying for seven dresses she had concealed in her bag, court records said. Department-store security officers detained her outside, the records said. The stolen dresses were valued at $1,624; five valued at $1,016 were damaged as a result of Ms. Tsarnaeva removing the tags, the records said.
Ms. Tsarnaeva was released on $200 bail. She made three court appearances, but failed to show up for her last appearance on Oct. 25, 2012. Ms. Tsarnaeva and her husband split about two years ago, but are back together now, fixing up the first-floor apartment they acquired a few years ago. Both Tsarnaevs said they were struggling with bouts of depression. A neighbor said that Zubeidat’s depression appeared especially tragic because “she was a typical woman from a Muslim family who was powerless and struggling to keep her family together.”
[Emphasis added.]
Yup, she is typical. A typical woman from a Muslim family who radicalizes her sons, engages in crime, and lies and denies after they commit the Islamic terrorism she helped encourage them to perpetrate.
Typical, indeed.
As for the depression BS, most normal people seek treatment for depression or they deal with it. They don’t rip off stores and help their sons blow up, murder, and maim, over 200 innocent people.
Tags: Ansor Tsarnaev, Boston, Boston Marathon Terrorists, Daniel J. Cappetta, halal money, infidels, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Jihad, jizya, Lord & Taylor, Middlesex County District Attorney's Office, Natick Massachusetts, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, Zubeidat Tsarnaev Lord & Taylor, Zubeidat Tsarnaev shoplifting, Zubeidat Tsarnaev Tamerland Tsarnaev, Zubeidat Tsarnaev theft
But, but, but that dope ‘E’asy Target (who married a Mooooooslim even thou’ she loves Jesus Christ!) says that we should be more worried about the idiot reverted Mooooslima that married sonny boy Jihad!
That this Jihadi mama may be nuts but her Islamic brain can still be scrambled because she is shocked, SHOCKED, by what her Jihadi sonny boys did? Even thou’ this Jihadi mama is a Chechen national and was prolly financing Jihad way before the idiot now known as Karema Tsareava knew the difference between a Mooooooslim and a Moooooo cow. And finally, at least the Jihadi parents are talking to the authorities (says ‘E’asy Target)!! Help is indeed on the way!
Kitman can be fun, fun, fun when a dopey fool thinks she can deceive people more knowledgeable and smarter than she is on her best day. What sweet song will we play today to get the world to love and listen and stop Jihad (as ‘E’asy Target preached in a previous thread)?? More Air Supply???
As DS says, This. Is. Islam. And as I say, follow the percentages. And know who is more smart than you are and who is the real expert.
Skunky on April 29, 2013 at 7:00 pm