April 18, 2013, - 3:40 pm
Boston Marathon Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxing Begins: “White Male in Sunglasses Attacked Me ‘Cuz I’m Muslim” Says Palestinian Chick Here on Visa
**** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATE: Heba Abolaban Already Caught in Big Lie. ****
I wondered how long it would take after the Boston Marathon for the indignant Muslim hate crime hoaxing to begin. Not long at all, as it turns out.

Uh-huh: Heba Abolaban Almujahed [& Her Owner, Ahmad Almujahed & Their Daughter] Claims Evil White American Male Attacked Her Over Boston Marathon
You see, a Palestinian doctor from Syria (she’s not “Syrian,” because only Israel is expected to take these frauds in and give away the country to them) who tells us that her mosque “cooks for the homeless” (out of the goodnesses of their hearts, and not at all because they want to take advantage of and convert the homeless to Islam, right?), is now claiming that a “White male” attacked her over the Boston Marathon terrorist attack. Of course, she has no evidence for the story, not even a cell phone pic of the perpetrator. But, we must believe, because the “Religion of Peace” is inherently good and pure, and they would never make up such a thing to malign the evil White American male. In advance of finding the perps of the Boston Marathon attacks, the HAMAS CAIR gang is out in full force, creating the non-existent, fictional “backlash,” just like they did in spades after 9/11. Works like gangbusters. She claims the attack against her went on for two minutes in the middle of the day on a Malden, Massachusetts street, but, strangely, there are no witnesses! Gee, I wonder why not.
A Palestinian woman said she was assaulted and aggressively harassed while walking with her infant daughter and friend near Malden Center late Wednesday morning, in an apparent hate crime motivated by Monday’s attack at the Boston Marathon. Malden resident Heba Abolaban said she and her friend, both wearing hijabs, were walking with their children on Commercial Street when a man forcefully punched her left shoulder and began shouting at them.
“He was screaming ‘F___ you Muslims! You are terrorists! I hate you! You are involved in the Boston explosions! F___ you!’” Abolaban remembered. “Oh my lord, I was extremely shocked.”
Uh-huh. Sure, he was. Film of cartoon drawing at Eleven.
She said the man – described as a white male in his thirties wearing dark sunglasses – kept shouting and walking toward her as she backed away.
“I did not say anything to him,” she said. “Not even that we aren’t terrorists…he was so aggressive.”
Uh, (un)lady, do you support HAMAS? Hezbollah? Then, yup, honey, you and your heroes are terrorists.
After about two minutes, Abolaban said the man continued his brisk walk toward Malden Center. Shaken, Abolaban called her husband in tears, and then 911.
Uh-huh, so she has a phone, but no pic of this alleged “white male wearing dark sunglasses.”
“The police came and were so kind and helpful,” she said, though no suspects were arrested in the incident.
‘Cuz the “incident” didn’t happen.
“I love Boston and its people.”
Translation: You dumbass dhimmi fools. This country is our bitch.
Abolaban and her husband, Ahmad Almujahed, are doctors who came to the United States from Syria to develop their specialties.
And, yet, funny thing: they’re still here. What’s their immigration status? Did we reward them with green cards? Citizenship? Or just a certificate of appreciation for attendance at the HAMAS CAIR seminar on hate crime hoaxing.
Last year, she did her six month observership at Mass General Hospital in the Clinical Genetics Department. While she was the only woman on staff to wear the Islamic hajib, she said she never felt singled out by her peers.
Awwww. Ain’t that nice? Again, immigration status? Why is the kalbeh still here?
“I really do love the beautiful diversity of Boston (and its) people,” she said. “What happened to me yesterday saddened me a lot.”
Translation: Now, give me some damn citizenship papers for undergoing this fictional experience, while I laugh at you from the “It’s a Small World After All” ride at Disney World.
Abolaban described Islam as a “religion of peace,” noting she spent the day before the attack handing out hot meals with her mosque. “Our [Mosque] cooked food for the homeless regardless of their religion, ethnicity or race,” she said.
Hmmm . . . I wonder if a guy with an Israeli flag and a “Destroy HAMAS” t-shirt would be welcome at this halal kumbaya-fest.
“Even if a Muslim man was the one behind the Boston Marathon blasts, he does not represent our beautiful and peaceful religion,” she later added.
Um, lady, whether or not a Muslim man (and how do you know it was not a woman?–you sexist?) was the one behind the Boston Marathon blasts, your religion is all about blowing innocent people to bits. Ever try to eat pizza at Jerusalem Sbarro? Or drink a beer at Mike’s Bar in Tel Aviv? Or ride a plane from Boston on 9/11/01? Or work at Fort Hood and get caught up in the “soldier of allah’s” “workplace violence”?
Mayor: City will “not tolerate this type of behavior.”
Of course not. The only type of behavior any American mayor tolerates is the jihadist kind. That’s acceptable. We most bend over and experience the insertion.
She noted that she also appreciated a phone call from Mayor Gary Christenson, who reached out to the family after the police report was filed.
Think the Malden Mayor reaches out to Christian and Jewish victims of Islamic jihad? Only on Fantasy Island’s Malden.
“I am simply outraged that such an act has occurred in Malden, a community that takes pride in its diversity and embraces people of all cultures and backgrounds,” Christenson wrote in an e-mail when asked for comment. “I have been in contact with Heba and am relieved that she and her child were not seriously injured.
Huh? Where’s the evidence this fairy tale ever even happened? Diversity = we support all HAMAS-lovin’, cold-hearted propagandists no matter what they say. Now, let’s all join hands by the firelight and sing about how the Holocaust never happened.
“Police Chief Kevin Molis and members of his department responded quickly and are diligently proceeding with the investigation to find who was responsible for this heinous act. In the meantime, I have assured Heba and her family that Malden does not tolerate this type of behavior and that the acts of one despicable individual will not stop our community from moving forward together.”
Um, if you move forward together with someone wearing a suicide vest, you’re gonna incinerate along with her.
So, Heba, where the heck are your pics of this alleged “White male perp”?
Hey, her married name ain’t Al-Mujahed [jihadist fighter] for nothin’. She’s just one of many mujahedin in the propaganda war all over America. And dumbass, gullible reporters, like Malden Patch “reporter” Chris Caesar who wrote this gushing press release of a “news report,” are the useful dhimmi idiots who make it happen.
Did ya see a single probing question in the story about where the heck her evidence for this Al-Grimm Fairy Tale is?
Nope. Alhamdillullah [praise allah].
**** UPDATE:Hmmm . . . Heba Abolaban claims she’s a Palestinian from Syria. Really? Then why does her Facebook page say she’s from: Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, Al Madinah, Saudi Arabia? Doesn’t want people to know she’s really a Saudi, likely here on a Saudi student visa?

If she’s lying about where she’s from, chances are she’s lying about everything else, too.
Oh, and her Facebook page also says she “studied” (past tense). Is she another Saudi student visa violator still here illegally? Sure looks like it.
Tags: Ahmad Almujahed, Boston Marathon Terrorism, hate crime hoaxes, hate crimes, Heba Abolaban, Heba Abolaban Almujahed, Heba Almujahed, Islam, Jihad, kitman, Malden, Massachusetts, Muslim visa holders, Palestinian Muslims, Palestinians, Syrians, taqiyyah
Well, I guess we know what hospital in Boston to avoid. Affirmative Action for Muslims (which no one every talks about) is bad enough. Would you want this doctor to get her clutches into you?
Little Al on April 18, 2013 at 4:00 pm