April 15, 2013, - 3:55 pm

Boston Marathon Attacks: Islamic Terrorism? “Four Lions” Movie Muslims Targeted London Marathon; BREAKING: Secondary Devices Still Being Found

By Debbie Schlussel

**** UPDATE: Suspect ID’d as Saudi National (MUSLIM). Would he qualify for amnesty in Marco Rubio’s Fantasyland Amnesty Bill? ****


Say a prayer for those killed and wounded at today’s Boston Marathon. There were initial reports of detached limbs flying, but now other reports from the Boston PD say 2 dead, 22 injured. Two explosions simultaneously from two different garbage cans is definitely planned and coordinated. Probably by more than one person. And reports now say that secondary devices are still being found that have not yet exploded.

Boston Marathon Terrorist Attacks Mirror Plot of UK Movie, “Four Lions” . . .


It sure looks like Islamic terrorism to me. Is it a nutjob or terrorist group that has nothing to do with Islam? Could be. But not likely. Look at the Times Square Bomber. A similar plan. And a Muslim. And crazies tend to work alone. This doesn’t look like a one person thing, though I could be wrong. We shall see. But we may never learn the identity of who did this, since it was clearly well planned and detonated at a specific time. The perpetrator is probably long gone and laughing all the way to his harem, er . . . apartment.

It’s definitely terrorism of some sort and deliberate. You don’t have to be Einstein to come to that logical conclusion. And I’ve always believed that shopping malls and large athletic events, like this one, would sooner or later be bombed by Islamic terrorists.

What do you think? Who did it? Why? Do you think we’ll ever find the perpetrators? I bet not. Look how long it took the FBI to find the Unabomber, and, then, only because his own brother recognized the writing and turned him in. If not, he might still be free and a suspect for this.

I note that the English comedy movie, “Four Lions” (read my review)–about bumbling, stupid Islamic terrorists–involved a plot in which the terrorists targeted the London Marathon for a similar kind of attack as that which occurred in Boston today. As the old adage goes, “life imitates art,” and sadly today it did. I noted in my review that I didn’t like the movie as much as I might’ve because it made terrorists look like morons and idiots who couldn’t pull it off. They wore costumes in the marathon and drew attention. Real terrorists, such as those who perpetrated today’s attacks, aren’t morons. They’re smart, cold, calculating, and successful in murdering Americans when they want to.

And you cannot deny that terrorists get plenty of their ideas from the movies.

**** UPDATE: As I noted earlier, I don’t believe they’ll find out who did this. And, based on that, here’s what I think will happen. Whether or not Muslims did this, public officials will be hesitant to call this “terrorism.” We’ll be warned that we don’t know who did this, even though I think we all know who probably did it. We’ll have a new layer of political correctness and affirmative action for Muslims that makes the current level of dhimmi cosmetics thin compared to the caked on makeup that’s to come. We’ll be told–yet again!–that profiling is bad. And, therefore, there will be stepped up security at sporting events and athletic competitions. No garbage cans, etc. All because we ain’t got the guts to take this crap seriously like we didn’t after 9/11.

Political correctness continues to kill and will kill a whole lot more.

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89 Responses

The Saudi national ha been exposed as a fake. If you got your news outside the rightwing echo chamber you might have known that hours ago.

Leon on April 16, 2013 at 2:58 am

    But Leon, even you’re beloved left wing echo-chambers are saying the very samething what DS & many in the media are saying, that the suspect who was taken into custody and is in the hospital happens to be a national from Saudi Arabia. Also, he was hear on a student-visa, question, was he going to school and attending classes?

    ”A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on April 16, 2013 at 9:30 am

      Sean, Leon The Lovely Libtard is petting his Unicorn that poops rainbows and is waiting for his rocking horse to take a dump. He is very safe in his Fantasyland!

      The Saudi National story has NOT been debunked. It is still being reported and they raided his Revere house. Leaving with bags of evidence.

      It’s not being LEAD that way because, well, if you are a regular you know WHY!

      The Boston Marathon Bombing was an ISLAM JOB!!!!!!

      Skunky on April 16, 2013 at 9:48 am

        Yes maam exactly, and Skunky, I wouldn’t surprised if Leon happens to be a typical denyer by being a ”9/11-Truther”? Because he sure as hell kinda sounds like.

        And Leon, if the story of this act being orchestrated by a Saudi national being debunked, please provide us ANY evidence as facts to rebut what you’re trying to imply here. And no conspircay-truther websites or blogs, legit and non-bias source to back up you’re claim?

        ”A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

        Sean R. on April 16, 2013 at 10:39 am

Well…most probably this was an American job not Islamic or anything else! That’s my opinion anyway.

Vassilis from Greece on April 16, 2013 at 6:20 am

Vasily, your opinion (based on no fact that I can see as no facts are available yet) and a few bucks will get you a cup of Joe at a Starbucks.

Let me guess, in the recent Greek elections you voted for the Golden Dawn party…

Hans on April 16, 2013 at 7:35 am

First, with all the security cameras, phone videos, cameras and camcoders running; we will probably be able to trace the perpetrators back to their lair.

Was this foreign or domestic? Did thia have anything to do with tax day? I think not. The marathon was targeted. It could be a foreigner or a citizen, but likely from the predominate terrorist groups. We will absolutely know shortly.

Visteo on April 16, 2013 at 11:19 am

I think it is a terrorist attack.A Saudi on a student visa sounds familiar?An the relaxation of rules for Saudis angels coming to the State by that moron Janet Napolitano

Cassandra Clearwater on April 16, 2013 at 11:58 am

This was a statement. Tax day, a huge crowd, a holiday. Unfortunately, because of the inflammatory rhetoric by both the Democrats and Republicans, it is possible there was an American involved. Nobody could have done this without help.

colt13 on April 16, 2013 at 12:12 pm

“I noted in my review that I didn’t like the movie as much as I might’ve because it made terrorists look like morons and idiots who couldn’t pull it off. They wore costumes in the marathon and drew attention. Real terrorists, such as those who perpetrated today’s attacks, aren’t morons.”

Seems the film was more accurate than you…

welsiwsher on April 23, 2013 at 2:03 am

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