March 16, 2013, - 10:57 pm
SCHMUCKS: Sweden Bans Israeli Airline Over “Profiling” Security Screening – Take Your Meatballs & Shove It!
Ah, Sweden. The country that was willingly overrun by Nazis, in whose anti-Semitism it wholeheartedly participated. And the country which cannot, today, hold a public Davis Cup tennis tournament featuring Israel, out of fear that it cannot control its violent, anti-Semitic Muslims, by whom the country has also been willingly overrun and in whose anti-Semitism it wholeheartedly participates. Yup, the same Malmo, where Jews can no longer safely live, just as they could not in the pre-Nazi and Nazi eras. Some things never change. And, now, Sweden, is banning Israel’s Arkia Airlines because it dares try to keep Islamic terrorists from hijacking and/or blowing up its planes. How dare an airline do that, right? (By the way, to all of the morons who blindly bought Danish products over the Mohammed cartoons, guess what? Denmark did the same thing. Told ya so. These Scandinavians didn’t just produce one Quisling, but legions of quislings.)

That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .

And ain’t it funny how Sweden has no prob profiling Jews throughout its history and to date (whether during the Holocaust or in Malmo today), when we didn’t hijack or blow up anyone. Double standards ad absurdum. Hey, Stockholm has Stockholm Syndrome (and has had it ever since Muslims started ruling the roost).
Arkia has to stop flying to Stockholm because the Swedish capital’s international airport now refuses to allow Israeli methods of security inspections dictated by the Shin Bet security service, TheMarker learned on Wednesday. Thus, Stockholm’s airport joined those in Malmo, Sweden and in Copenhagen in refusing to allow Israeli security inspections, which involve ethnic and personal profiling, extensive questioning and selective inspections based on the perceived degree of risk to security.
Arkia, the only Israeli airline flying to Sweden, had to move its operations to Malmo and Stockholm this year after Denmark refused to permit Israeli security procedures at its airports last summer. Arkia elected to fly passengers to Sweden and take them by land to Denmark. Now this avenue is closed.
The foreign and transport ministries are working with the Shin Bet to resolve the dispute, especially since thousands of Israelis bought tickets to the region for summer.
They should cancel their trips and see how much the Swedes like losing gazillions of dollars in Israeli business. All airlines and countries do some sort of profiling, whether they admit to it or not. Sweden (and Denmark) singling out Israel is simply anti-Semitic apartheid. Nothing less.
“It seems from the international media that additional European countries waving the flag of civil rights and equality will refuse the Israeli security demands, which I’ve warned would happen,” said Arkia CEO Gadi Tepper. Arkia and other Israeli airlines would face serious difficulty if much of Europe is blocked to them, he said.
“We are talking with security authorities in Sweden and other countries where problems have surfaced, to understand the meaning of the new restrictions imposed on Israeli flights,” said the Transport Ministry, noting it was working with the Foreign Ministry, the embassy in Stockholm and Israeli security authorities.
“The Transport Ministry intends to continue allowing Israeli companies to fly to all destinations without restrictions, while providing for all aspects of security and safety,” it said.
I’d suggest this is something to think about the next time you consider shopping at Swedish-based IKEA, but IKEA has a store in Israel and isn’t exactly like its home country (although the billionaire who founded and owns IKEA was a Nazi and lied about it).
Reader Jonathan Grant of Grant Patent Services:
I guess the Jews are not dying fast enough for the horsemeat eating Nazi collaborators of Sweden.
Well, clearly they want to make it easier for Muslims to blow up planes filled with Jews. So Jon is spot on.
The Swedes can take their meatballs (and much else) and shove it. And screw the Danes and their Legos, too.
Tags: apartheid, Arkia, Arkia Airlines, Copenhagen, Danish anti-Semitism, Danish Apartheid, Denmark, Gadi Tepper, Israel, Jews, Malmo, Shin Bet, Stockholm, Stockholm Syndrome, Sweden, Sweden Anti-Semitic, Sweden anti-Semitism, Swedish anti-Semitism, Swedish apartheid
Arkia (which is a subsidiary of the Israeli national carrier El Al) should just drop flights to Malmo.
If the Swedes don’t want Israeli tourists/business travelers to visit them, that’s perfectly fine.
Israel should also slap a reciprocal ban on the Swedish airlines. It not like Israel is losing an important customer!
Screw ’em.
NormanF on March 16, 2013 at 11:32 pm