March 15, 2013, - 5:02 pm
UK Lord Ahmed Blames the Jews for His Imprisonment for Vehicular Murder
It’s always the JOOOOOOOOS’ fault. Especially when a Muslim Lord of the UK says so.

A Labour peer who was jailed for sending text messages shortly before his car was in a fatal motorway crash has blamed his imprisonment on a Jewish conspiracy.
Lord [DS: Nazir] Ahmed claimed that his prison sentence for dangerous driving resulted from pressure placed on the courts by Jews “who own newspapers and TV channels”. Britain’s first male Muslim peer also alleged that the judge who jailed him for twelve weeks was appointed to the High Court after helping a “Jewish colleague” of Tony Blair during “an important case.”
In case you think these comments are unacceptable, the Labor Party isn’t quite sure. While it has suspended Lord Ahmed, it hasn’t gotten ridden of him, instead seeking a “clarification” of his comment. Um, there is no possible or legit “clarification.” He’s a Jew hater. Period. Apparently, Lord Ahmed killed someone in a car crash when he was too busy texting. Hmmm . . . since Israelis invented much of the cellphone technology for texting, it MUST be the JOOOOS’ fault. Lord Ahmed was sentenced to only 12 weeks in prison–of which he served JUST 16 Days!–for killing someone. Anywhere else, you’d go to jail for a lot longer for vehicular manslaughter. But he got special treatment explicitly for being Muslim, as the reason he only did 16 days was “because of ‘exceptional’ mitigation relating to his community work.” Disgusting.
Ahmed also put a bounty on President Bush’s and Obama’s heads, but the Labor Party continued to allow this Islamic terrorist Lord to continue to serve in the House of Lords. Despicable. More:
He pleaded guilty to dangerous driving but did not face the more serious charge of causing death by dangerous driving because no causal link could be established between his texts and the crash.
But the case was transferred from Sheffield Magistrates Court to Sheffield Crown Court for sentencing because the district judge in the case felt his sentencing powers were not sufficient.
The 55-year-old Pakistan-born businessman and Labour Party activist was appointed to the House of Lords by Tony Blair in 1998. He was one of the first three Muslim peers,
He was suspended and investigated by the Labour Party in 2012 after allegations he had called for a £10m bounty for the capture of US Presidents Barack Obama and George W Bush. He was subsequently cleared and reinstated.
This guy–a HAMAS supporting Paki–got everywhere in life because he’s Muslim. And what does he do? Attack the Jews. Par for the course. (Don’t forget, either, that Tony Blair’s sister is a Muslim convert who is openly anti-Semitic and a huge HAMAS supporter.)
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
Tags: anti-Semites, anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism, Hamas, House of Lords, Islam, Israel, Jews, Jihad, Labor Party, Labour Party, Lord Ahmed, Lord Nazir Ahmed, Nazir Ahmed, Paki, Pakistan, Pakistani, Palestinians, Tony Blair
Just a dick, plain and simple. Now if the Brits would FINALLY stand up to the muzzies, grow a pair, send this loser away for life.
WilliamMunny on March 15, 2013 at 7:15 pm