March 27, 2007, - 12:35 pm

Shame on You, Gen. Holmes: Top CENTCOM Official Fetes Extremist Muslims

Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig has a Latin sign on his desk, “Illegitimus Non Carborundum“–Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down. The guys running Central Command probably subscribe to a different version: Get Down and Kiss the Bastards’ Asses.
Yesterday, cheap David Letterman look-alike and Miami Vice-wardrobed Brigadier General Robert Holmes–one of the top Generals at Central Command–gushed over Muslim Arab extremists he met with in Dearbornistan. And you–the American taxpayer–paid for the trip.

No, This Joker Ain’t Letterman. He’s . . .

Brigadier General Robert Holmes, CENTCOM’s Chief Islamist Ass-Kisser

According to the Detroit Free Press, Holmes, the deputy director of operations with U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) claimed:

It’s very important that we involve Arab Americans. Arab Americans play a huge role today, and play a very important role in where we have got to go.

But Holmes didn’t meet with Christian Arab leaders in town. Instead, he carefully chose only the most extremist Muslim Arabs in town–the ones who openly endorse terrorist groups and homicide bombings.
Brig. Gen. Holmes met with –publisher of the anti-Semitic, anti-American Arab American News–and even visited the AAN’s offices. But Siblani’s paper openly praises Hezbollah–including its murder of over 300 U.S. Marines and officials in Beirut in 1983–and HAMAS–including its homicide bombings. Siblani has openly praised “the Hezbollah martyrs” and delivered prayers for them at rallies throughout Dearbornistan, this summer. His Arab-American PAC (of which he is President) featured . He refused to denounce or condemn her comments.
Holmes also met with FBI award revokee , a “former” Islamic terrorist who endorses Palestinian TV broadcasts urging 3-year-olds to become homicide bombers. Hamad is involved with an Islamic charity, raided by the U.S. military and the FBI, because it is believed to be funding insurgent terrorists who are murdering our troops (and Iraqi civilians).
And Holmes met with Abed Hammoud, another man who openly praises Hezbollah and HAMAS homicide bombings and activities and compares Jews to Nazis. And he met with –yet another open Hezbollah supporter–who is on the small board of a charity with a man involved in a financial web funding Hezbollah. The charity, which ostensibly sends money to Lebanon for legitimate purposes is under investigation. Beydoun organized an Arab economic conference featuring a business believed to have financed the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa.
Holmes told all of these exremists he wants to “work with [them].” That’s frightening, but the same loser path virtually all of our lazy, PC top officials in all aspects of government have been taking.
And Holmes must have really kissed the asses of Siblani, Hamad, Hammoud, and Beydoun. They gushed over him, which they rarely do regarding U.S. officials:

“He was really reaching out,” said Siblani. “It reflects a new, positive attitude of the U.S. armed forces.” . . .
“It was the type of dialogue we like to see,” Hamad said.

If terrorist supporters and a “former” terrorist liked Brig. Gen. Holmes’ words, that should be a hint to the rest of us that whatever he said isn’t good for America.
Detroit Free Press resident Islamist reporter, Niraj Warikoo, predictably didn’t bother to ask Brig. Gen. Holmes why he didn’t meet with, say, Maronite Christian Arab leaders and other Arabs in town who don’t have wet dreams over terrorists. He didn’t ask the Brigadier General why he’s meeting with the most extremist Muslim Arabs he can find in Detroit.
When our top generals overseeing our military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere openly lick the boots of our worst enemies within–all in the name of a phony “outreach”–we shouldn’t be surprised that we’re losing all over the world.
When you kiss the asses of your enemies, you get spanked (and worse). Apparently, they need to change the name of Central Command to Central Pander.
BTW, since I know many top officials at CENTCOM read this site, please kindly send this piece to your friend, Brig. Gen. Holmes. He needs a dressing down.

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50 Responses

“Illegitimus Non Carborundum” is Latin for “Don’t let the bastards wear you down”.

Architect on March 27, 2007 at 11:21 am

I had the same slogan on the underside of my foot locker when I was in officer’s candidate school in the Army in 1972. The tac officer used to ask me what it meant. I told him it was a Latin term that said not to allow your self to be depressed. I didn’t tell him the literal translation until I had my 2nd Lt. bars.

Architect on March 27, 2007 at 11:24 am

If our government won’t protect us from the Islamist enemy within, who will?

FreethinkerNY on March 27, 2007 at 12:41 pm

Who sets-up Holmes’ schedule? Are there islamofacists working at Centcom, telling Holmes that he has been scheduled to meet with “moderate” Muslims?
The pandering continues with Rice, who’s pressuring Israel to undertake unilateral surrender (ie, accept the Saudi Plan).
BTW: I say Rep. Ackerman on CSPAN give the State Dept officer in charge of immigration/resettlement a dressing down yesterday. He wants the 2 million Iraqi refugees living in Jordan and Syria settled in the US pronto.

sonomaca on March 27, 2007 at 12:52 pm

Let’s skip the Latin and try plain English- While you can fool some of the people all the time, more than 50% of Americans know the truth and are not fooled, check the November election results: the Iraq war, however right and noble it may have been, is now fully amok. There are more terrorists at large, planning, in the country now, than before 9/11. Fight like you mean it or get out of there. Bush should go back to the last thing he did well, reading to school children, and let a real man do the job. Do not worry about protecting American’s rights; worry about protecting the “wrongs,” a job being done by the ACLU, and the cowtowing generals and the media. What would Patton or MacArthur or Churchill or Thatcher do? It is time for new leadership.

Happiness Pursuer on March 27, 2007 at 12:59 pm

In truth there are more terrorists in post 9/11 America than there was in pre 9/11 America. But again one has to think if this happened under
“Republican” watch…what the hell is going to happen if Obama,Clinton or another Democrat wins the 2008 election?

the_don on March 27, 2007 at 1:07 pm

Typical conceding liberal. You better redefine progessive. When I looked that word up, I did not see commiting national suicide by catering to your enemies. Then again the dictionary could have been revised by the left wing self – defetists. If Gen. Holmes is hoping to get a falafel in return for genuflecting to his dirty towel headed throat- slitting buddies, he better rethink his motivations while he still has time to save butt, not kiss butt. This also goes for his liberal pundits who are digging their own grave by helping the jihadists push their agenda through appeasement.

Jew Chick on March 27, 2007 at 1:09 pm

Political Correctness will destroy America. This is the kind of politically correct military leader you get with a politically correct, political class. He’s just saying what the boss wants to hear. The sooner we start deporting moose-lims, the fewer we will have to fight when they begin to declare sharia and jihad. ISLAM HAS NO PLACE IN WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

davidlanham on March 27, 2007 at 1:27 pm

Really I can see it. It’s a simple strategy. Because the US is in the middle of a civil war in Iraq, and because we are on the brink of a major showdown with Iran; and because our failing President (like all the rest) is attempting to add to his legacy by negotiating (pushing) Isreal into a bad treaty with those who would love to kill them….we simply need to attempt to appeal to those muslims who are moderate. I mean look at how we have offended them! It all makes sense if you see this bizzaro-world the way that most American politicians see it. It doesn’t appear to me that it makes much difference whether we’re talking Repubs or dummocrats. Who could think up a strategy this stupid…..really!

chucker on March 27, 2007 at 1:42 pm

I don’t think the world (and some Americans) understands is how important American national security is for international security on a whole. If America (one of the greatest nations on the earth) was to collapse…no nation in the western hemisphere would be safe. Who would keep countries like Iran or North Korea in “check”? I think Liberals and Anti-Americans need to remember that mere presence America is the powerful glue that holds this world together. If America fails or goes “soft” then the World will ultimately fail.

the_don on March 27, 2007 at 2:11 pm

ìTypical conceding liberal. You better redefine progessive.î
Well I tried, but oddly the word progessive wasnít in my dictionary.
ìWhen I looked that word up, I did not see commiting national suicide by catering to your enemies.î
Well perhaps if youíd spelt the word correctly you might have found a correct definition.
Oh and by the way, itís spelt c-o-m-m-i-t-t-i-n-g.
ìThen again the dictionary could have been revised by the left wing self – defetists.î
But their dictionary would at least have told them how to spell d-e-f-e-a-t-i-s-t-s, donít you think?
ì If Gen. Holmes is hoping to get a falafel in return for genuflecting to his dirty towel headed throat- slitting buddies, he better rethink his motivations while he still has time to save butt, not kiss butt. ì
Ah yes, yet another racist diatribe, from our little friend. How typical.
ìThis also goes for his liberal pundits who are digging their own grave by helping the jihadists push their agenda through appeasement.î
Oh, grow up. Is the Egyptian Army on the streets of New York? Is the Jordanian army on the streets of Los Angeles? Is the Syrian army on the streets of Palo Alto? No of course not. Who exactly are the aggressors here?
Rather than wasting your time typing semi-literate racist diatribes, you would be better off learning the basics of the English language.

The Purple Cow on March 27, 2007 at 3:52 pm

Debbie, you are WRONG! A dressing down is not sufficient. He needs to be demoted and assigned to a very bad detail, at the very least. Giving aid and comfort to the enemy deserves the death penalty, per the U.S. Constitution.
Public testimony before a Congressional commitee, explaining his actions, would be appropriate.

Dr.Dale on March 27, 2007 at 3:59 pm

How many days is it ’til the chump leaves office?

Thee_Bruno on March 27, 2007 at 4:22 pm

Here is the original poem…
A Purple Cow
By Mr. Gelett Burgess
I never saw a Purple Cow,
I never hope to see one;
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I’d rather see than be one.
Here is the poem parodied in the
style of…
Edgar Allen Poe
Parody by Susan and David Hollander
One lonely, gloomy, windswept eve
A mournful sound did I perceive.
I cast my eyes beyond the pane
And to my horror down the lane
Came a sight; I froze inside
A spectral cow with purple hide.

Happiness Pursuer on March 27, 2007 at 4:31 pm

I would like to know more: what “deal” was done at these meetings. We, the Muslims, will cooperate if:
a) the US military stops cooperation with IDF
b) the US military provides assistance to Hamas and/or Hezb
c) the US military allows islamofacist imams to preach to US troops
d) the US military helps bring more Muslims to US
The US will eventually go the way of Britain and the rest of Europe. Our elites are determined to make it so.

sonomaca on March 27, 2007 at 5:36 pm

In all fairness, Brig. Gen. Holmes also spoke at Wayne State University yesterday as well. Brigadier General Holmes and a brigadier general from the Pakistan army assigned to Central Command spoke and answered quetions for about 2 hours. The two generals were in their uniforms and not in civilian attire. To the best of my knowledge this event was open to the public.

jon on March 27, 2007 at 7:00 pm

The bio of USAF BrigGen Holmes can be found at the below site. He has an impressive record as a combat officer and manager. Unfortunately, his graduate education seems to have focused on Administration and trendy Poli Sci areas such “Negotiation” and “Conflict Resolution”. No evidence of serious study of the Middle East or Islam.

MarcH on March 27, 2007 at 7:02 pm

May God forgive me for saying this but… it’s just about to the point that we NEED another major terrorist attack here on U.S. soil that will wake us up and force us to elect some leaders who will stand up for the U.S. and not keep selling us out.

Rich B on March 27, 2007 at 9:27 pm

Debbie, I’d fire him just for the coastal shirt, jacket and specs combo. Anyway the war on terror is a farce in its current form so he might as well play the game. Personally I couldnt sink that low, since as a Jew I have to set a good example.

Anonymous1 on March 27, 2007 at 9:28 pm

Holmes has some classy medals. But did he ever serve in the front lines and watch his buddies get their heads blown off? What does he know of war that he did not read in a book or a report? Is it possible that Debbie has been closer to real danger than the general? Maybe I just do not know how to read his military biography. A little help, please.

Happiness Pursuer on March 27, 2007 at 9:31 pm

Debbie…Everything is pointing in the direction of pending disaster with our institutions and services embedded with traitors. There is absolutely no outrageeous behavior on the part of the countries political and/or military chain of command that would come as a surprise after witnessing their performance since 9/11. The command structure all the way to the Whitehouse smells to high heaven the same as a toilet that has been neglected for years and years and requires severe hygenic maintainance. Clinton spent 8 years converting the military command structure to “don’t ask, don’t tell” and Bush has done nothing to correct the situation. We really need to start over with a “clean slate”.

joesixpack31 on March 28, 2007 at 12:44 am

The shaft of the arrow had been feathered
with one of the eagle’s own plumes.
We often give our enemies
the means of our own destruction.”
a quote by Aesop

MississippiGal on March 28, 2007 at 8:20 am

I would blow up Mecca
I would back every man with a gun
I would stand behind every trigger pulled
By those who killed and got the job done
I would strike at the heart
Of the enemy
And their raghead
Alli baba beliefs
I would
Rain down on them
Pain death and slaughter
The most unmerciful grief
I would execute their leaders
I would take from them their oil
I would take from them their land and riches
To the victor goes the spoils
No quarter asked
No quarter given
Only blood can take
The measure of the line
I need but ammunition
Food and weapons
And for the timid
To get out of the way
Of my kind
over several days
transcribed this time
8:28 pm

neilsthepoet on March 28, 2007 at 8:50 am

Ok Neils, why dontcha?
You say you want the opportunity, so just go, attack the middle-east, all on your own.
With luck you’ll be blown to smithereens, and we will never again have to read this boring, pretentious, sub-juvenile crap you laughingly describe as ‘poetry’.

The Purple Cow on March 28, 2007 at 9:39 am

Ignorance comes in many forms.
Attacking someone for their missed key strokes as being ignorant is one of them.
Ignoring the true issues is another.
A lack of understanding the reality of world culture and trying to disguise it with…Leave them alone and they will leave us alone…is certainly another huge form of ignorance.
Forgetting about 9/11 another.
But forgetting history such as Hitler, Alexander, Ghengis Kahn etc and believing that leaders such as Hussein, Ahmadinejad, Chavez or Kim Jong-il armed with nuclear weapons, do not have the same ambitions, is absolute ignorance.
Enough to make any color cow look like a jackass.
BTW Did you find the mispelled word? Look closely!

LAMadDog on March 28, 2007 at 10:28 am

MadDog, I can agree right down the line with you; one exception. Give Ghenghis a break. He knew his stuff, an exceptional commander-in-chief, inventor of world class military strategy for over 40 years, battle plans still studied today. We could use him on our side, now. His empire prospered. The only mistake was to oppose him. Hitler was a madman. Ghenghis it turned out was a statesman and leader(if you were still alive to appreciate it).

Happiness Pursuer on March 28, 2007 at 10:50 am

We are well on our way to dhimmitude. Every public official who panders to those who want us dead or subservient has voluntarily become a dhummi. We would rather be dead or subjugated than politically incorrect. The men who stormed Normandy are rolling over in their graves wondering why they gave their lives so a future generation could simply give up, not only without a fight, but with apparent self-righteous fervor.

stevecanuck on March 28, 2007 at 10:51 am

LAMadDog, like many on the far right you inhabit a world characterised by paranoia and fear. Itís the whole ëreds under the bedsí scare from the ë50ís all over again.
Right wing politicians used to seek power by selling the American dream, now they look for power by selling an American nightmare. They rely on the fact that most Americans are not well served by their news media, and are thus largely ignorant of the real world around them. This allows them to paint a picture of a world full of dangerous dark-skinned foreigners who for some reason are just queuing up to ìdestroy American freedomî. The irony is that these same right-wing politicians are using this idiotic ìwar on terrorî to justify destroying YOUR legal rights and freedoms. You people are sleepwalking into a nightmare future of your own choosing. You neither know nor care whatís happening to you and your country.
The greatest irony of all is that those few who are attempting to save America are commonly referred to in places such as this as ëAmerica Haters.í This is nothing new, Henry David Thoreau wrote about this phenomenon in 1849:
ìA very few–as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men–serve the state with their consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it.î
9/11 was a terrible thing madpuppy, but worse things have happened before that date, and worse things have happened since.
ìBTW Did you find the mispelled word? Look closely!î
Yes, color is correctly spelt c-o-l-o-u-r, also mispelled is correctly spelt m-i-s-s-p-e-l-l-e-d.
If you need any help with your homework, let me know.

The Purple Cow on March 28, 2007 at 11:03 am

Purple Cow Dung: You’re not an America Hater. You’re a pseudo-sophisticated ignoramus. In addition, you’re a c-r-e-t-i-n.

FreethinkerNY on March 28, 2007 at 12:39 pm

OH yes! You continue to show your ignorance as agreed upon by other bloggers on this site.
Name calling is certainly another form of ignorance.
Have heart though because ignorance can be corrected. Merely educate yourself in those areas you are not understanding.
It seems at this point, you still do not get it. More than likely because you do not understand Biblical Scripture and history.
I suggest you read a book called “A Christian’s Response to Islam” by James l. Garlow Ph.D. It illustrates the reasons for the Muslim’s aggressions, their purpose as a religion and how this all ties into Israel. If you do read this and then reject it, it is probably because you reject the basis of Bibilcal Scripture itself.
Be that the situation, you truly will need help in your final days here on earth. Death is something hiding under the bed and will someday come true for you as all of us. Educate yourself here on earth what earthly actions reflect eternity. That’s what the Islamic Jihad is all about. If deny that then you have really deceived yourself.

LAMadDog on March 28, 2007 at 1:05 pm

OH yes! You continue to show your ignorance as agreed upon by other bloggers on this site.
Name calling is certainly another form of ignorance.
Have heart though because ignorance can be corrected. Merely educate yourself in those areas you are not understanding.
It seems at this point, you still do not get it. More than likely because you do not understand Biblical Scripture and history.
I suggest you read a book called “A Christian’s Response to Islam” by James l. Garlow Ph.D. It illustrates the reasons for the Muslim’s aggressions, their purpose as a religion and how this all ties into Israel. If you do read this and then reject it, it is probably because you reject the basis of Bibilcal Scripture itself.
Be that the situation, you truly will need help in your final days here on earth. Death is something hiding under the bed and will someday come true for you as all of us. Educate yourself here on earth what earthly actions reflect eternity. That’s what the Islamic Jihad is all about. If deny that then you have really deceived yourself.

LAMadDog on March 28, 2007 at 1:05 pm

ìIt seems at this point, you still do not get it. More than likely because you do not understand Biblical Scripture and history.î
I have no interest whatsofuckingever in understanding Biblical scripture or your twisted version of history, because unlike you and Osmah bin Laden I am not weak enough to require any God, or for that matter Allah.
ìI suggest you read a book called “A Christian’s Response to Islam” by James l. Garlow Ph.D. ì
No thanks, the last thing I need is to read yet another fundamentalist nutcase quoting the Sword Verses out of context.
ìIt illustrates the reasons for the Muslim’s aggressions, their purpose as a religion and how this all ties into Israel.î
Muslims moron, not Muslimís. Itís not even my native language, but I appear to know it better than you. Hurrah for the American education system!
Oh and Iím sure your stupid little book explains no such thing.
ìIf you do read this and then reject it, it is probably because you reject the basis of Bibilcal Scripture itself.î
It spelt B-i-b-l-i-c-a-l moron, and indeed I do reject it.
ìBe that the situation, you truly will need help in your final days here on earth. Death is something hiding under the bed and will someday come true for you as all of us.î
Well I just took your advice and looked under my bed. I found quite a bit of dust, an empty ëSpa Blauí bottle and one of my sonís cricket socks (just in time for the new season). But no death Iím afraid, unless death comes in the form of an empty plastic bottle or a smelly sock.
ìEducate yourself here on earth what earthly actions reflect eternity.î
Thereís only one of us here needs educating buddy, and it sure ainít me.
ì That’s what the Islamic Jihad is all about. If deny that then you have really deceived yourself.î
I have forgotten more about Jihad than you will ever know, my friend. Thatís because I learn from people who actually know what they are talking about, rather than hysterical Christian fundamentalist nutcases.
If you TRULY wanted to learn the nature of Jihad, you would read ‘Al-Qaeda: The True Story of Radical Islam’ by Jason Burke. Of course you wonít, because the truth is of no interest to you. You would rather not face anything that challenges your narrow, xenophobic, line in religious bigotry.

The Purple Cow on March 28, 2007 at 2:20 pm

I looked up the purple cow in a dictionary and I found several definitions on it:
1) Terrorist apologist 2) inept liberal who fumbles with words. 3) a mere puppet for the left wing pundits, no less. $) someone who is just simply cracked. 5) A dumbass who claims to be smarter than everyone else under the concept of progression. 6) Staunch America hater.
Try to define insanity!

Jew Chick on March 28, 2007 at 6:30 pm

You need to develop a new posting, this is just the same old one, re-arranged into a different running order.
Hereís the thing though.
Itís YOU and people like you, who actually hate America.
NOT Liberals, NOT African-Americans, YOU.
You perpetuate the lie that Liberals hate America, you repeat the lie over and over again in the hope that it will eventually be perceived as the truth. This is a technique you have borrowed from Dr. Joseph Goebbels, but if you knew your history you would know that his lies (like yours) could not endure. Liberals do not hate America, they just hold different political views from you. People like you have twisted what it means to be an American, being an American is not about spreading hatred. Itís about embracing differences, not emphasizing and perpetuating them. America did not become great by choosing to hate itself, which is what you are doing when you accuse Liberals of being traitors, or African Americans of propagating an ëApe Cultureí.
The entire world is moving away from conservatism, they have looked over the edge into the precipice that the political right was leading them into, and they were horrified by what they saw. Now even the American mainstream is following the rest of the worldís example.
You people on Americaís far-right, are fast becoming an increasingly isolated cult. Thatís why your leaders like Coulter, Limbaugh and OíReilly are becoming increasingly shrill and hysterical in their protestations. They are panicking. They have fed at the pig-trough of media-fed hysteria for many years and they thought that was going to be their meal-ticket to an easy life. Now the ground has shifted under their feet, and they have no clue what to do next. They seem to believe that by screaming ever louder and ever more hysterical abuse they will somehow make themselves relevant again.
But they canít ever be relevant again, and neither can you.

The Purple Cow on March 29, 2007 at 4:25 am

I am amazed at the liberal posters at this blog that still don’t understand what is at stake in the War on Terror. But, you know what? I don’t see the point in wasting time trying to convince them. Instead, I will lay out a few facts they can mull over.
The fact remains that the vast majority of terrorist attacks occurred in Democrat, blue-state cities/areas: New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Chapel Hill (campus), and Northern Virginia etc. The terrorists, apparently, have no interest in attacking water towers in small, red state towns.
The fact remains that Democrat civilians (and fake Republicans) will be at the epicenter of every terrorist attack, not us “right-wing” Republicans. Red-state America can just kick back, relax and watch the fireworks of another 9/11 take down another skyscraper full of screaming Democrats.
The fact remains that America’s security and military forces are disproportionately staffed by Republican, red-state soldiers, i.e. people who do not live in any of the terrorist epicenters. Their families are not the ones threatened. Their lives are not the ones that will be disrupted. Whatever happens in America, these people will be the least affected.
Why then are Republicans fighting a war on terror whose main beneficiaries are their political enemies? Why are Republican, red-state soldiers laying down their lives to protect Democrat blue-state civilians? All we are getting for our trouble are shrill accusations of “hate” and “imperialism” from these people. They do not even appreciate what is being done in their defense.
So why not just stop? Why not end the war on terror and let Democrats suffer the consequences? Why should we care how many Democrats get killed? Allowing terrorists to thin the population of liberals improves the political prospects of the Republican Party, anyway. So why not do what they ask and bring the troops home?
If the goal of Democratistan is to bet its entire future on things it cannot control, like Muslims liking them, who are we to get in the way of that, especially when we bear no price? Why are we trying to prevent our enemies from making a mistake? It’s not like we will lose in the long run. Once New York City becomes a smoldering nuclear wasteland, the balance of the liberals will be so gripped with fear, they will lay their precious freedom at the feet of the Right just for a tiny morsel of security.
No matter happens…we win!!

yngwie621 on March 29, 2007 at 10:28 am

yngwie621 I’m guessing you are a very small man. 5’5″ – 5’6″ something like that?
You used the phrase “the fact remains” three times in one post, and the fact remains that that makes for a very tedious writing style.
Anyway, on to the alleged ‘content’ of your idiotic little post.
There’s no such thing as the war on terror, it’s a myth. The fact that the Allies invaded Iraq is proof of that.
“Red-state America can just kick back, relax and watch the fireworks of another 9/11 take down another skyscraper full of screaming Democrats.”
Congratulations yngwie621 (stoopid name by the way) right there with that paragraph, you have just made my point for me. It’s the far-right in American politics that truly hates America, not the Liberals.
You are by your own admission relaxed and happy to see your fellow Americans die in a terrorist attack.
You disgust me.

The Purple Cow on March 29, 2007 at 1:23 pm

Way to go Gen Holmes for not preaching to the choir and reaching out to somebody who has a different opinion than traditional American views. It is only through dialog like this that may one day bring peace. As I read this blog, all I read was hate. Clearly no matter what Gen Holmes personal views are or the intent of his visit — it was not biased toward the narrowness represented by most of the comments above. Many of these bloggers need to remember the past, learn from it and move on instead of simply living in the past. That goes for both sides of the argument.

smallwerld on March 29, 2007 at 3:36 pm

Dear Purple Cow,
I have enjoyed your rants because you show what liberalism really is–arrogant, condescending, and without a basis in reality. You do not understand, or care to understand, that 9/11 was an attack on America by Islamofascists (so named because they wish to impose sharia law on the rest of the world in the name of their idol and his stooge).
The attack on Iraq was caused by Saddam refusing to comply with UN resolutions to open his weapons cache to international inspections. His evil was so abhorred by his own people that they easily accepted American and Allied troops into their country to remove him. (How else do you think that we took the country so easily? If they had not opposed Saddam, they would have actually fought us. Remember the Gulf War?)
We knew that Saddam had WMDs in 1998, but Clinton would not remove them, nor would the UN enforce its own resolutions. Saddam had used WMDs against his own population–the Kurds–who now are among our biggest allies. BTW, we have less than 100 troops in all of Kurdistan. We are such oppressors!
O’Reilly is not a conservative. He is a self-described moderate. He is on both sides of the fence. He just isn’t a liberal.
You would be quite surprised to see your world without the “Christian nutcases.” It would be a world ruled by the likes of Adolf Hitler (he repudiated Christianity for German folk religion), Joseph Stalin (likewise for Communism), Mao, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Kim Jung Il, etc. Enjoy your “brave new world.”
Dear Smallwerld,
I hate to inform you (it would burst your bubble), but dialog with those who are sworn to destroy you will not bring peace. They tell us daily that they want to kill us because we do not follow their cult and submit to their idol and his stooge. Most of us who comment on this website, with the notable exception of PurpleCow and his/her ilk, did learn from history and have moved on. The problem is that the Islamofascists and their ilk do not and still wish to impose their delusions of world domination upon us.
Good luck to both of you in trying to understand and cope with the real world. Might I suggest therapy to help you withdraw from your daydreams/delusions and develop some common sense.

Loser on March 29, 2007 at 4:25 pm

“His evil was so abhorred by his own people that they easily accepted American and Allied troops into their country to remove him…”
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
You’re a funny guy Loser you should be on TV.
FYI, Both Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were Christians. The evidence for Hitler’s Christianity is all over the Internet, I’ve posted some of his quotes on this site before – google is your friend. Joseph Stalin studied in a Russian Orthodox seminary for seven years; he would have become an orthodox priest had it not been for the trauma of his first wife’s death. He later had a small orthodox chapel built near his office in the Kremlin. Read Simon Seebag-Montifiore’s excellent biography of Stalin for details.
The Desert Fox bombing raids had destroyed what little WMD that Saddam ever had – indeed it almost brought down Saddam’s regime, so WMD’s were never a motivation for invading Iraq. Read ‘Fiasco ñ The American Military Adventure in Iraq’ by the Pulitzer Prize winning writer Thomas E. Ricks for details.
At the end of the 20th century most of America’s foreign oil came from Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, these were considered to be solid, reliable sources of oil. However two things changed all that.
1. The collapse of the Venezuelan economy, leading to hyper-inflation and political unrest, andÖ
2. 9/11, which featured a preponderance of Saudi perpetrators. Which convinced the White House that the House of Saud was not as stable as they had previously thought.
These two factors caused the war on Iraq; it was an attempt to secure strategic oil supplies, nothing to do with terrorism or WMDís in any sense other than they provided a convenient excuse.

The Purple Cow on March 30, 2007 at 1:37 am

Purple Cow —
Is that the best you have, nothing but endless speculation about Bush’s motives for going to war? Do you have any shred of real evidence, say, a smoking gun, proving conclusively that Bush went to war for reasons other than terrorism, WMDs or violations of UN resolutions?
It’s not implausible that Bush is the bad guy you say he is. The problem is that you have nothing to back that up in a way that truly refutes what most of the posters at this blog believe: given the fact that world leaders must make decisions under uncertainty, Bush’s decisions were simply better than any of the alternatives presented by his opponents. The fact that the Democrats recognized the superiority of those decisions by voting in everything he wanted is proof of that.
It’s perfectly okay to suggest that alternatives like “dialogue” should replace warfare. The problem is what if youíre wrong? Dialogue is notoriously ineffective, especially when the enemy knows that saying one thing and meaning something else invites little if any retaliation.
One of the trademark problems with liberal foreign policy is that it refuses to hedge against the downside. It refuses to consider not only what happens if something goes wrong, but who pays the price for being wrong. Republicans don’t make this mistake.
That is why, if a Republican foreign policy fails, it fails securely. On the other hand, if a Democrat foreign policy fails it fails insecurely. The Republican policy failure will be measured in foreign lives, whereas Democratic policy failure will be measured in American lives. Which would you prefer?
Thus, we are at the Iraq war. If the war is successful, then that is fine. If the war is unsuccessful, well, weíre fine too. We have little to lose if something goes wrong. Can any liberal idea make the same claim?
You can believe whatever you want to believe about me hating America (how disliking Democrats and Liberals and hoping for their quick demise makes me hate America is a mystery to me. America is, after all, more than Democrats and Liberals.) This, however, is neither here nor there. Whether you know it or not, you exist at the pleasure of the Right. The only thing that is preventing the Right-wing in this country from staging a coup díetat is the basic goodness and decency of the average, run-of-the-mill Republican. It is their belief in traditional values, morality, Christian principles, American history, and all the things that you laugh at and deride that keeps you out of some detention center right now.
Believe me, Republicans have the means to militarily take over this country. The Republicans have on their side people who can build things, grow things, break things and kill things. Republicans control Big Agribusiness, Big Energy and the military-industrial complex. The red-states are all heavily armed.Who do you have on your side? You have a bunch of unarmed, semi-queer, metro-sexuals who havenít lifted anything heavier than a pencil. Yeah, youíll do well in a fight.
If George Bush ever became the sort of Godless, amoral, tribalist that you pretend he is, he would march an army into Washington, D.C, arrest half of Congress, disband the Supreme Court and there is little if anything you libs could do about it. Yeah, youíll protestÖuntil the first whiff of grapeshot scatters you like rats. Or youíll blog at DailyKos. Or youíll lodge some complaint at The Hague. But in the end, youíll learn to complyÖfor the time you have left.
I donít know when this will happen. Maybe itíll happen after some mother in Lubbock, Texas wonders why her child died so ACLU lawyer kids could safely attend Columbia. Maybe it will happen when Evangelical Christians get tired of being sued over nativity scenes. But it will happen. In time of crisis, iconoclastic events occur. Read some history. After all, if you told anybody in 1970 that the Soviet Union wouldíve collapsed by 1990, nobody wouldíve believed. Donít count on your little Liberal world staying this way forever. You are the past.
So I would not be so big on insulting the Right. Your mouth makes promises your voting bloc canít keep.

yngwie621 on March 30, 2007 at 4:39 pm

ìIs that the best you have, nothing but endless speculation about Bush’s motives for going to war? Do you have any shred of real evidence, say, a smoking gun, proving conclusively that Bush went to war for reasons other than terrorism, WMDs or violations of UN resolutions?î
Endless speculation? Where? Show me one other post where I have talked about Bushís motivation for war. Just one.
So you start your diatribe with an easily refuted lie. Not promising. If you want your evidence and smoking guns read ëImperial Life in the Emerald Cityí by Rajiv Chandrasekaran, or ëBlood and Oilí by Michael Klare.
ìIt’s not implausible that Bush is the bad guy you say he is. The problem is that you have nothing to back that up in a way that truly refutes what most of the posters at this blog believe: given the fact that world leaders must make decisions under uncertainty, Bush’s decisions were simply better than any of the alternatives presented by his opponents. The fact that the Democrats recognized the superiority of those decisions by voting in everything he wanted is proof of that.î
That last paragraph is so catastrophically stupid, Iím almost at a loss to know where to start.
The key sentence I suppose is this ìBush’s decisions were simply better than any of the alternatives presented by his opponents.î An astonishing claim.
By ëhis opponentsí Iím guessing you mean Colin Powell and the American military. Marine General Anthony Zinni (a Republican, by the way) had already seen how his Operation Desert Fox had forced Saddam to dismantle the last vestiges of his WMD program and had almost brought the entire regime to its knees. He knew the cumulative effects of the eight-year trade boycott, the no-fly zones, and Desert Fox had neutralized any threat from Saddam. In 1999 he hired the company Booz Hamilton to set-up a war-game that would predict the outcome of an invasion of Iraq. All the major agencies of the US Government took part. The results of the war-game were catastrophic, predicting an insurgency, an influx of foreign Jihadists, an increase in sectarian violence ñ all the problems the allies are now facing. Zinni, a four-star general remained implacably against any invasion of Iraq, and he was far from alone in the American military.
ìDialogue is notoriously ineffectiveÖî
Nonsense. The conflict in South Africa was ended through dialogue, the conflict in Northern Ireland is being ended through dialogue.
ìOne of the trademark problems with liberal foreign policy is that it refuses to hedge against the downside.î
The entire problem with the war in Iraq is that the neocons ëworst-casedí the threat posed by Saddam, and ëbest-casedí Americaís ability to fight the war.
ì.. It refuses to consider not only what happens if something goes wrong, but who pays the price for being wrong. Republicans don’t make this mistake.î
Yes they did. The Republicans catastrophically had no clue what to do when having won the war, the peace went so horribly wrong.
ìThat is why, if a Republican foreign policy fails, it fails securely. On the other hand, if a Democrat foreign policy fails it fails insecurely. The Republican policy failure will be measured in foreign lives, whereas Democratic policy failure will be measured in American lives. Which would you prefer?î
Neither, but thatís not the point. Failure should not ever be an acceptable option when you go to war.
Incidentally, you give yourself away when you presume that I as a foreigner would still prefer foreign deaths to American deaths.)
ìThus, we are at the Iraq war. If the war is successful, then that is fine. If the war is unsuccessful, well, weíre fine too. We have little to lose if something goes wrong. Can any liberal idea make the same claim?î
Why would they want to? Thatís a deeply sick and perverted position to take.
ìYou can believe whatever you want to believe about me hating America (how disliking Democrats and Liberals and hoping for their quick demise makes me hate America is a mystery to me. America is, after all, more than Democrats and Liberals.)î
The point is Liberals and Democrats are Americans too. In fact they are just as much Americans as you. You reveling in 9/11 because it likely killed more Democrats than Republicans is just vomit inducing.
ì This, however, is neither here nor there. Whether you know it or not, you exist at the pleasure of the Right. The only thing that is preventing the Right-wing in this country from staging a coup díetat is the basic goodness and decency of the average, run-of-the-mill Republican. It is their belief in traditional values, morality, Christian principles, American history, and all the things that you laugh at and deride that keeps you out of some detention center right now.î
Ah yes, American democracy, donít you just love it?
I donít laugh at values, morality or American history. I do laugh at Christianity, but thatís because itís laughable.
There is nothing good or decent about you. You have developed a sick, perverted world-view that goes against the grain of all decent respectable political thought. You and people like you have hijacked the once-proud Republican party and twisted it for your own genuinely evil ends.
ìBelieve me, Republicans have the means to militarily take over this country.î
No they do not. The American Armed forces are largely in the hands of Republicans, but they are not like you. They are Republicans who still believe in law and order, and democracy. The coup díetat is not on the agenda of decent Republicans like Anthony Zinni.
The rest of your post is too stupid to respond to, I suspect you were intoxicated when you wrote it. Posting when under the influence of alcohol is never a smart idea.
ìDonít count on your little Liberal world staying this way forever. You are the past.î
Firstly, Iím not a liberal Iím a Socialist, secondly the entire world is moving away from conservatism. America may have been amongst the last nations to make that move, yet made it they have. Your only hope of power in the next twenty years is probably that extreme-right military take-over you clearly masturbate over in you alcohol-fuelled wet-dreams.î
ìSo I would not be so big on insulting the Right. Your mouth makes promises your voting bloc canít keep.î
I will always insult the likes of you, thatís all that you deserve. And given that my city has had a Socialist administration continuously since 1910, my voting block is in fine fettle thank you very much.
Have a nice day.

The Purple Cow on March 31, 2007 at 5:37 pm

Endless speculation? Where? Show me one other post where I have talked about Bushís motivation for war. Just one.
So you start your diatribe with an easily refuted lie. Not promising. If you want your evidence and smoking guns read ëImperial Life in the Emerald Cityí by Rajiv Chandrasekaran, or ëBlood and Oilí by Michael Klare.
When you pose as “proof” books about “imperial life” , “blood” or “oil”, then you are implicitly arguing that Bush’s motivation for the war was imperialism and oil. Now, provide for me the smoking-gun evidence in Rajiv’s and Michael’s books that prove conclusively that that was what the war was all about. To be right, you have to refute the other sides’ argument, not merely dismiss it and replace it with your own.
By ëhis opponentsí Iím guessing you mean Colin Powell and the American military. Marine General Anthony Zinni (a Republican, by the way) had already seen how his Operation Desert Fox had forced Saddam to dismantle the last vestiges of his WMD program and had almost brought the entire regime to its knees.
Okay, then why was Saddam acting as if he had something to hide? Why was he busily interfering with UN weapons inspections? Remember, we did not go to war because of WMD’s. We went to war because Saddam was in violation of UN Resolution 1441. He was given a deadline to stop his interferences. He refused and the US responded. Not responding, regardless of what Zinni or Powell or other naysayer would claim, would make the US look bad. So we went to war.
Did Zinni have some sort of elaborate spy network in Saddam’s regime telling him that the weapons were destroyed? Did he have any reliable intelligence verifying that Operation Desert Fox” got rid of these weapons? No…just more rank speculation.
Nonsense. The conflict in South Africa was ended through dialogue, the conflict in Northern Ireland is being ended through dialogue.
Yes, dialogue between European people who know about and care about the same things. If South Africa or Ireland were administered by Nazis or Romans, dialogue would’ve accomplished nothing.
The world is filled with older, more murderous people, however, not Europeans. Watch how the dialogue between Britain and Iran will fall apart over the 15 British sailors.
The entire problem with the war in Iraq is that the neocons ëworst-casedí the threat posed by Saddam, and ëbest-casedí Americaís ability to fight the war.
The purpose of the war in Iraq was to secure America from terrorist attacks by dismantling regimes that fund terrorism. We haven’t had a major terror attack on US soil since the war in Iraq and since Bush’s security measures were put into place.
What happens in Iraq and to Iraqis is irrelevant to American national security.
Yes they did. The Republicans catastrophically had no clue what to do when having won the war, the peace went so horribly wrong.
It’s not America’s fault that Muslims are savages and can’t be democratized. They blew their chance. Future wars will be genocidal instead of humanitarian.
Neither, but thatís not the point. Failure should not ever be an acceptable option when you go to war.
It doesn’t need to fail. Level Iraqi cities and the war will succeed.
Incidentally, you give yourself away when you presume that I as a foreigner would still prefer foreign deaths to American deaths.
Then why are we having this conversation? I only care about the parochial interests of the United States. I am not some global citizen wanna-be. Go back to your home country instead of coming here and contributing to subversion.
Why would they want to? Thatís a deeply sick and perverted position to take.
Why? Aren’t you liberals all moral relativists anyway? “Sick” and “perverted” are simply social constructs that can mean anything you want. But I expect such largely hysterical, contentless comments from people like you.
The point is Liberals and Democrats are Americans too. In fact they are just as much Americans as you. You reveling in 9/11 because it likely killed more Democrats than Republicans is just vomit inducing.
What kind of “American” impugns his own country at every turn and works to undermine its own national security? What real citizen of any nation does this? Sorry, Dems and Libs are not Americans. They are citizens of the world. Thankfully, world citizens have decided that you guys are worth killing. Good riddance. Once you’re gone, we can return to a sane national security policy.
I donít laugh at values, morality or American history. I do laugh at Christianity, but thatís because itís laughable.
Without Christianity, there are no values or morals and a substantial portion of American history is rendered moot. You simply take for granted a moral system engineered by a religion you regard as laughable. Yet, without that religion, your moral system falls apart.
You and people like you have hijacked the once-proud Republican party and twisted it for your own genuinely evil ends.
Then what do you suggest ought to be the ends of the Republican Party? What should they do? I, for one, prefer to treat our national security issues as an immigration/residency problem and end the war on terror. What is your alternative?
No they do not. The American Armed forces are largely in the hands of Republicans, but they are not like you. They are Republicans who still believe in law and order, and democracy. The coup díetat is not on the agenda of decent Republicans like Anthony Zinni.
That is assuming conditions don’t get worse. That’s assuming we don’t end up with a Beslan-style school shooting, with Democrats siding with Muslims, with Americans having nowhere to turn to protect themselves and their children. Under those conditions, a right-wing strongman will come to power. The Republicans are simply more capable of that since they are more in tuned to the national security interests of this country.
Firstly, Iím not a liberal Iím a Socialist, secondly the entire world is moving away from conservatism. America may have been amongst the last nations to make that move, yet made it they have. Your only hope of power in the next twenty years is probably that extreme-right military take-over you clearly masturbate over in you alcohol-fuelled wet-dreams.
Yes, the world is moving toward dhimmitude. It is slowly being taken over by the “ancient ways”. The ancient ways will dominate law, politics, war, and the relations between man. But all you want is dialogue with slavers and throat-cutters and men who blow themselves up among women and children. You will learn how quickly this fails and when you learn you will lay your freedom at the feet of men
like me, men of will and cruelty, just to save your life.

yngwie621 on April 1, 2007 at 8:39 pm

ìTo be right, you have to refute the other sides’ argument, not merely dismiss it and replace it with your own.î
No shit Sherlock! Youíre a real debating genius arenít you? My problem here is, you havenít actually produced a logical argument yet, there is no substance to your diatribes. Iím not pointing you in the direction of these books to refute your logic, because there isnít any. Iím just trying to educate you.
ìOkay, then why was Saddam acting as if he had something to hide? Why was he busily interfering with UN weapons inspections? Remember, we did not go to war because of WMD’s. We went to war because Saddam was in violation of UN Resolution 1441. He was given a deadline to stop his interferences. He refused and the US responded. Not responding, regardless of what Zinni or Powell or other naysayer would claim, would make the US look bad. So we went to war.î
There are countries all over the world that are in breach of U.N. resolutions. Myanmar, Israel, Russia to name three off the top of my head. Being in breach of UN resolutions has never worried the US government before, why were they suddenly concerned then? So letís put this latest idiotic theory to bed, shall we?
(Of course the other obvious point about the WMDís is that even if he still had them, Saddam didnít have the ability to deliver them anywhere.)
ìDid Zinni have some sort of elaborate spy network in Saddam’s regime telling him that the weapons were destroyed?î
ì Did he have any reliable intelligence verifying that Operation Desert Fox” got rid of these weapons? No…just more rank speculation.î
No it wasnít, the evidence was pilling in, long before the decision to invade was made. Read the goddam book. Itís all there.
ìYes, dialogue between European people who know about and care about the same things. If South Africa or Ireland were administered by Nazis or Romans, dialogue would’ve accomplished nothing.î
Nelson Mandela was European? Fuck me sideways, I never knew that.
ìThe world is filled with older, more murderous people, however, not Europeans. Watch how the dialogue between Britain and Iran will fall apart over the 15 British sailors.î
Now youíve completely lost me, Iíve no clue what you are talking about.
ìThe purpose of the war in Iraq was to secure America from terrorist attacks by dismantling regimes that fund terrorism. We haven’t had a major terror attack on US soil since the war in Iraq and since Bush’s security measures were put into place.î
Total bollocks. Saddam Hussein was not funding terrorism. He and Osamah bin Laden despised each other. Saddam was everything OBL despised. A drunk, a womanizer, a gambler, and more importantly a SUNNI.
ìWhat happens in Iraq and to Iraqis is irrelevant to American national security.î
If the entire region becomes de-stabilized youíll change your tune. Itís not a huge step from there to global thermonuclear war.
ìIt’s not America’s fault that Muslims are savages and can’t be democratized. They blew their chance. Future wars will be genocidal instead of humanitarian.î
Are yes, youíre standard racist diatribe. I wondered how long you would keep me waiting.
ìIt doesn’t need to fail. Level Iraqi cities and the war will succeed.î
Except that would be a catastrophy for America. You can wave bye-bye to ANY foreign oil if you launched a genocidal attack on arab people. Then weíll see how strong the American economy is without oil to burn.
ìThen why are we having this conversation? I only care about the parochial interests of the United States.î
Yes I know. You are typical of your type.
ìI am not some global citizen wanna-be. Go back to your home country instead of coming here and contributing to subversion.î
Iím in my own country, dipstick. The internet works in civilization as well, you know.
ìWhy? Aren’t you liberals all moral relativists anyway?î
Iím not a Liberal, Iím a Socialist.
ì”Sick” and “perverted” are simply social constructs that can mean anything you want.î
Wrong, ësickí and ëperverted are words with very specific meanings. Very specific meaning that describe how I feel about you and people like you.
ìBut I expect such largely hysterical, contentless comments from people like you.î
ìWhat kind of “American” impugns his own country at every turn and works to undermine its own national security?î
Dunno, why donít you look in the mirror and ask yourself?
ì What real citizen of any nation does this?î
Well, you.
ìSorry, Dems and Libs are not Americans. They are citizens of the world. Thankfully, world citizens have decided that you guys are worth killing. Good riddance. Once you’re gone, we can return to a sane national security policy.î
Too stupid to respond too.
ìWithout Christianity, there are no values or morals and a substantial portion of American history is rendered moot.î You simply take for granted a moral system engineered by a religion you regard as laughable. Yet, without that religion, your moral system falls apart.”
Are you mad?
When someone is as distanced from reality as you, itís kinda difficult to know what to say next. I mean the concept that you canít have values or morals without religion is just bizarre.
ìThen what do you suggest ought to be the ends of the Republican Party? What should they do? I, for one, prefer to treat our national security issues as an immigration/residency problem and end the war on terror. What is your alternative?î
You donít need an alternative. America badly needs the inflow of cheap labor that illegal immigration brings, and of course the war on terror is a ludicrous farce, that has no form or function other than to spread fear and increase control.
ìThat’s assuming we don’t end up with a Beslan-style school shootingÖî
You did already, Columbine.
ìÖwith Democrats siding with Muslims, with Americans having nowhere to turn to protect themselves and their children.î
You see, you need psychiatric treatment, you are losing touch with reality.
ì Under those conditions, a right-wing strongman will come to power. The Republicans are simply more capable of that since they are more in tuned to the national security interests of this country.î
Here you go with your fascist wet-dreams again. Sorry buddy, it ainít gonna happen. American democracy is stronger than you would like to believe.
ìYou will learn how quickly this fails and when you learn you will lay your freedom at the feet of men like me, men of will and cruelty, just to save your life.î
Men like you???? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
The mighty 101st fighting keyboarders! Jeeze if my liberty was ever dependent on over-weight, beer-slugging, bed-wetting whimps like you, Iíd just fucking shoot myself to save time.

The Purple Cow on April 2, 2007 at 1:00 pm

This is nonsense. I leave you Socialist idiots with the following thoughts:
Your Democratic Party has bet its entire future on things it cannot control: 1) Whether Muslims like us; 2) Whether illegals will become Americans; 3) Whether we can control the weather; 4) Whether the world operates the way you think.
Your Democratic Party will have to be right on every one of these issues. If they are right, great, they’ve socialized enormous benefits for the fat, lazy, beer-drinking slobs like me. But, if they are wrong, the costs will be privatized and it will be socialists like you who pay the price.
The race riots will not be in Lubbock, Texas; the suitcase nukes will not be in Fargo, ND; the high energy costs will not be in Charlotte, NC. You, my friend, will be at the epicenter of every social, political, and economic problem. If the Democrats are wrong, then you will watch major cities like Los Angeles and New York fall apart.
Thank you so much for imparting your great wisdom and knowledge…and for being the guinea pig.
Chew on that.

yngwie621 on April 5, 2007 at 2:19 am

Given that I live in Europe yngwie, that last missive of yours might just be the most catastrophically stupid posting in the history of the Internet.
It’s not MY Democratic Party buddy – it’s yours.
I tend to vote GroenLinks myself.

The Purple Cow on April 5, 2007 at 10:59 am

Oh, good. You’re in the Netherlands. Given the Muslim birthrates and their propensity for violence, they will take over the country in a few decades and you will be living under Sharia Law.
Good riddance.

yngwie621 on April 6, 2007 at 11:27 pm

Muslim birth-rates in the Netherlands are falling, have been for more than ten years now.
A quick calculation shows that at current rates (i.e. even if Muslim birthrates fall no further) it will be something over 33,000 years before Muslims form a majority in the Netherlands.
If you were lucky enough to live here yngwie, you would know that the lives of young Morrocans and Turks are more dominated by American hip-hop culture than they are by Islam. For every Morocan girl I see dressed in Islamic clothing I see a hundred who look like they come from South Central Los Angeles or the Bronx.

The Purple Cow on April 7, 2007 at 3:43 am

You wrote:
“Muslim birth-rates in the Netherlands are falling, have been for more than ten years now.”
Yes, but non-Muslim birthrates are falling even faster. Combined with Muslim immigration (unless your immigration laws have changed), traditional, Euro-based Netherlanders will become a minority in their own country. Or, if not, they would need to deal with a sizable and violent Third-World population.
You wrote:
“If you were lucky enough to live here yngwie, you would know that the lives of young Morrocans and Turks are more dominated by American hip-hop culture than they are by Islam. For every Morocan girl I see dressed in Islamic clothing I see a hundred who look like they come from South Central Los Angeles or the Bronx.”
Ugh!! And that’s better how? You have the jihadi impulse wrapped in the contempt and hatred of American underclass culture.
I’d really like to know if this poses any real problems for Danish society.

yngwie621 on April 7, 2007 at 5:39 am

ìYes, but non-Muslim birthrates are falling even faster.î
No they are not, non-Muslim birth-rates are more or less stable, the Muslim birth-rates are closing in.
ìCombined with Muslim immigration (unless your immigration laws have changed), traditional, Euro-based Netherlanders will become a minority in their own country.î
Well immigration law has changed, but even if it hadnít that would still be a nonsensical statement, there are FIFTEEN TIMES as many non-Muslims as Muslims in the Netherlands ñ you do the math. You can do math, canít you?
But anyway, as with most of Europe, the expansion of the European Union has forced a change in immigration law. Traditionally, the Netherlands got itís cheap labor from Turkey and the Maghreb. However with the E.U.ís expansion onto Eastern Europe, thatís all changed, we now get our builders and plumbers from Poland and our laborers from Bulgaria and Romania. This has resulted in a change of law which makes it much more difficult for non E.U. citizens to get a work-permit. As my (American) wife is now discovering.
ìOr, if not, they would need to deal with a sizable and violent Third-World population.î
Well Iím not sure that 5.5% constitutes sizeable, but even so the majority of Muslims in the Netherlands are Turkish, and Turks have the lowest crime-rates of any ethnic grouping in the Netherlands. Itís true that there is a problem with Maghrebi kids (particularly Morocans) but that is more than compensated by the Turks.
ìUgh!! And that’s better how? You have the jihadi impulse wrapped in the contempt and hatred of American underclass culture.î
Well if African American culture is contemptuous of people like you, I would say thatís entirely justified. But again, there is little ìjihadi cultureî as you put it over here.
ìI’d really like to know if this poses any real problems for Danish society.î
So would I, but given that Iíve never been to Denmark, I wouldnít know.
I did briefly have a Danish girlfriend though, but that was a long time ago, and Camilla was catholic.

The Purple Cow on April 7, 2007 at 2:32 pm

This is unbelievable. George Patton would have shot this bastard. Imagine how it must feel to be a combat trooper in Iraq or Afghanistan knowing that the upper tier of your chain of command, the chain of command in which you entrust your life is staffed with assholes like this guy Holmes. Anyone know where this guy came from?? Is he another Wesley Clark??

joesixpack31 on November 3, 2007 at 1:50 am

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