January 24, 2013, - 12:53 pm
It Makes a Big Difference, Hillary. Benghazi Terrorism Wasn’t “Guys Out for a Walk One Night”
I know I’m not the only American genuinely outraged by Hillary Clinton’s faux-drama and self-righteous, self-serving indignation about who murdered four Americans at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. As you saw during her well-rehearsed testimony yesterday, several of the Republican Senators weren’t buying it either. But her comments were really outrageous if you look at them. She was essentially saying that Islamic terrorism doesn’t matter, that Islamic terrorist attacks on Americans don’t matter, and that Islamic terrorists are just some guys going out for a walk like the average couple in your neighborhood walking their dog.

With all due respect [DS: meaning Hillary Clinton has no respect for these guys and thinks none is due], the fact is we had four dead Americans. . . . Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?
That a Secretary of State of the United States of America–a wannabe President who is already unofficially running for that office for the second time–would make such a statement is incredible. It makes all the difference in the world why the U.S. Consulate was attacked and why four Americans–including the U.S. Ambassador–were murdered. And why, instead of denouncing Islamic terrorists who did it, this same Secretary of State Clinton denounced American free speech as exercised in an amateurish so-called movie trailer and at the same time apologized to Muslims around the world for the Islamic killing of Americans whom she abandoned and didn’t keep safe.
That she would now refuse to identify the attack as what we’ve long known–and she long knew–was a planned Islamic attack on the anniversary of 9/11 is an outrage. That she would say it’s an either/or of two choices–neither of which is the reality–of a “protest” or someone going on a “walk one night” is absurd and an absolute perversion of what actually happened. These were cold, hardened mass-murdering Islamic terrorists, NOT guys out for a walk who just decided to do this and NOT people in a protest. And she still won’t admit the truth. It’s comical.
The attacks weren’t “just decided” one night. They were long planned and coordinated with the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Egypt on that day and so on. That’s important. That Hillary Clinton would dare say to the world that it makes no “difference” what happened is just idiocy.
Her fake drama–with her crying/choking up while zero tears flowed–was just adding insult to injury. There was no taking of responsibility. No admission of what we all know actually happened.
Just staged indignation about this not making “a difference.” When, in fact, whether it was a planned Islamic terrorist attack on our diplomatic outpost and officials–of which she had many prior warnings from previous attacks and cables and e-mails–makes EVERY difference in the world.
It makes a whole lot of difference why and how this happened, Hillary Clinton. That you would compare planned Islamic murders of Americans to “guys out for a walk one night” is just disgusting. Sickening. Nauseating.
And to think this arrogant witch might be our next President.
By the way, good for Senator Ron Johnson (of Wisconsin) for calling her on her lies. Would love to see him run for Prez.
Tags: arrogance, Benghazi, guys out for a walk one night, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Ron Johnson, video, What difference does it make?
She has again exposed her incompetence and avoidance of responsibility, together with her cold, reptilian soul. This woman should never have been a senator, secretary of state, or chief enabler of Billy Boy. What a disgrace as an American and human being.
Concerned Citizen on January 24, 2013 at 1:06 pm