January 10, 2013, - 2:45 pm
Rapper “Shawty Lo’s” TV Show, “All My Babies’ Mamas”: Can’t Name 11 Kids w/ 10 Moms – VIDEO; Blames it on His Drug Dealing, Gold Diggers
Last week, while running errands, I saw a Black woman with five kids follow me out of the store and get into an SUV with the personalized Michigan license plate “BABMAMA.” Get it? Babymama. She’s proud to advertise that she has five kids out of wedlock. What was once a badge of shame stopped being that in America a long, long time ago. And, now, it’s a badge of pride–so much absurd pride that this woman paid extra to advertise it on her Michigan vanity license plates–yet another symbol of our crumbling America from which we’ll never recover. We’ve lost the culture war, irreparably, and the deviant behavior of yesteryear is normalcy today, as we define deviancy ever downward. And so it goes with the new Oxygen Network show you may have heard about, “All My Babies’ Mamas,” featuring thuggish rapper “Shawty Lo” a/k/a Carlos Walker and his 11 children with 10 baby mamas.

Watch the trailer for the show, which begins at about a minute into the video below. Also check out, at about 3:55 in, where Shawty Lo has trouble naming his kids, just like NFL player Antonio Cromartie had trouble remembering the names of his eight kids with six different women (four of which were fathered in the same year). And note that none of his kids has his surname.
Shawty Lo says that he was one of the biggest drug dealers in Atlanta and that all his money led to gold-diggers sleeping with him and producing kids. Um, ever hear of using a condom, staying with just one woman, or saying “no”?
Just remember that the money will quickly run out for these creeps and their illegitimate kids, who will ultimately be a drain on the system. You will end up paying for them and their babymamas to be on welfare. And then you’ll end up paying for the kids’ crimes and the kids’ illegit kids’ and their kids’ illegit kids. And so on. It’s an endless cycle of takers and causes of crime, drug use, and early pregnancy–all of which we know is the result for illegitimate kids without a father in their lives (and Shawty Lo is barely in their lives).
Oh, and it’s an endless cycle of geometrically-growing dependents, Obamaphone owners, and future Democrat Party voters. And I’ve never said this is just a Black thing . . . because it no longer is. White America has caught up, as many American Whites have multiple kids out of wedlock with several different men, too. This is an American problem, with more than 42 percent of American kids born out of wedlock and growing. Sadly, the Oxygen Shawty Lo show only glamorizes this sickness further.
Who needs Al-Qaeda and the Islamic threat, when America is destroying itself from within far worse than any terrorist could ever do?
By the way, I’d love to see the marketing materials that Oxygen is using to sell advertisers on this. “You, too, can reach this valuable demographic.”
Tags: All My Babies' Mamas, BABMAMA, BABMAMA license plate, babymamas, Carlos Walker, defining deviancy down, drug dealer, drug dealers, gold diggers, illegitimate kids, Oxygen, Oxygen Channel, Oxygen Network, rapper, rappers, Shawty Lo, TV show
At the risk of offending anyone/everyone – some people deserve to be sterilized, if only to remind them that being at the top of the food chain doesn’t necessarily entitle them to play the field.
Mr Carlos Walker should be made to realize that he is not in the jungle, and that women are not synonymous with “sex-toys”. For that, he gets a punch in the face from me.
There are other ways to spread the love, you know…
The Reverend Jacques on January 10, 2013 at 3:14 pm