January 7, 2013, - 11:00 am
Black-on-Black Genocide Over Wknd in Detroit (VIDEO) – 2 Honor Students, Navy Man RIP
Remember the beginning of the futuristic movie, “Robocop,” in which crime is so bad in 2029 Detroit that the city must hire a company which has the automated part-human/part robot cops handle the problem? Well, the future came sooner than expected, and D-Mecca (as a Nation of Islam offshoot calls it) has reached the beginning of Robocop. Sadly, there is no muscular electronic cop in real-life Detroit to tackle the crime problem. Instead, the Detroit police station outlets in various neighborhoods close at 4:00 p.m., and the crooks know it. The people of Detroit are thrown to the wolves, while Detroit city council members drive around in city-paid cars, have bodyguards, and some of them–including, reportedly Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh–party in the swanky, wealthy White Detroit suburbs. Meanwhile, over the weekend, two honor students and a Detroit man serving in the Navy were murdered.

Note that all three of these men who were murdered were exactly the type of men that Detroit needed–a 4.0 student who played strings with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and on two CDs and worked hard at a sub-minimum wage job, an honor student, and a man serving his country in the U.S. Navy. In contrast, their murderers–the thugs from which Detroit badly needs to be sanitized–roam free to become sperm donors of future generations like them, while these three hard working, decent Black Detroit men have been erased off the complexion of the city. Demetri Green, True Whitsey, and Navy Petty Officer Terrence Hill, Jr. were the men that Detroit needed more of. It’s sad that this Navy man faced the same risks of death on the streets of the Detroit war zone as on the streets of the Afghanistan war zone.
It’s like a form of genocide–in which the good men of Detroit are systematically extinguished while violent criminals reign and multiply. A remake of “Robocop” is set to come out in 2014. But we see the “remake” on a daily basis on the local news here.
As I’ve said before on this site, while I feel for the mother on the video who lost her son, Demetri Green, and for the others who lost their loved ones mentioned on the video, I blame the people of the City of Detroit for this. They created and tolerated this atmosphere by chasing out Whites and businessmen and electing idiots to the People’s Republic of the Detroit City Council. They’ve achieved a born-out-of-wedlock babymama/babydaddy rate in excess of 90%, breeding an endless cycle of future criminals and losers. And, now, they reap what they’ve sown. They refuse to rise up against this culture of violence they’ve been accessories and conspirators to. But mention taking away government entitlements, Obamaphones, and affirmative action, and all hell will break loose. But, hey, they did rise up to get rid of Whitey from the city, with the 1967 race riots that doomed Detroit forever. They just don’t care enough about what matters, but they demand we care. And, sadly, we are forced to . . . because the culture they’ve created seeps beyond city borders and beyond our control, making us the unwilling victims of the urban culture they’ve created.
“Say Nice Things About Detroit.”
Tags: D-Mecca, Demetri Green, Detroit, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, genocide, Robocop, Say Nice Things About Detroit, Terrence Hill Jr., True Whitsey, video
“and some of them–including, reportedly Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh–party in the swanky, wealthy White Detroit suburbs.”
Does anyone know if they voted more for Obama back in November? http://www.cnbc.com/id/49726054/Obama_Wins_8_of_the_Nationrsquos_10_Wealthiest_Counties
Jaws on January 7, 2013 at 11:33 am