March 23, 2007, - 6:04 pm
Rudy’s Business Interests
Today’s Wall Street Journal has an interesting article, “Giuliani’s Private-Sector Burden,” which claims that Rudy’s past clients could come back to haunt him.
The only such “business interest” which is troubling is Citgo Petroleum Corp., which is among the clients of Bracewell & Giuliani, LLP, a firm he joined two years ago. The relationship with Citgo predated Giuliani’s arrival at the firm, and he never dealt with the oil company. Giuliani’s campaign released a statement to the Journal saying:
Mayor Giuliani believes Hugo Chavez is not a friend of the United States.
This doesn’t worry me. I think Giuliani knows the right side of foreign policy, which he’s proven time and again, .
I’m just worried Rudy’s opponents will use this against him. And they will. Just you wait.
Tags: Alwaleed bin Talal, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP, Citgo Petroleum Corp., Debbie Schlussel, Giuliani, Hugo Chavez, Mayor, oil, Prince, Saudi Arabia, United States, Wall Street Journal, Yasser Arafat
Giuliani is one smart cookie. Not only that, he can think and speak and even make sense. He even knows how to inspire. He is a combination of FDR, JFK and Joe Montana. I might even go so far as to say, a tad, but only a tad, of Ronald Reagan. By the time the ’08 elections finally roll around, most Americans will have had enough of Hillary and her baggage train. And it is not too long a shot to believe the Muslim gang of terrorists will have threatened or worse, right here in the USA. It will be either Giuliani or Captain America and CA is already gone.
Happiness Pursuer on March 23, 2007 at 6:38 pm