December 7, 2012, - 3:14 pm
Detroit Judge Did What?!: MUST SEE VIDEO
Remember Judge Wade McCree III, the Detroit-based judge who sent a naked photo of himself to his court bailiff? Well, now, McCree, who is a criminal judge in Wayne County, Michigan, the Michigan county that contains Detroit, is at it again in a much more disturbing way. His Honor was having a sexual relationship with a female complaining witness in a criminal matter before his court. He texted back and forth with the woman on how to mete out “justice” to her ex-boyfriend, who was before the judge for failure to pay child support. They referred to the man as “B.D.” for “baby daddy” in the text messages. Oh, and the woman is now pregnant with the married judge’s baby. Charlie LeDuff, the reporter on this, is well known for his long record of plagiarism and fabricating stories (which have been the subject of lawsuits filed against newspapers for which he’s worked). But he’s got the goods here.

Oh, one other thing, Judge McCree was already on “Maury,” but not for a “Who’s the Daddy?” show (which may be in his future). He was on because he sentenced men who were overdue on child support to watch Maury Povich’s sleazy talk show. Yup, you can’t make this stuff up. You gotta watch this and remember, THIS. IS. DETROIT. . .

Make no mistake. This slutty woman is just as egregious as the judge because she’s a co-conspirator in all of this sleaze. But she is not making binding legal decisions that affect people’s lives, based on with whom he’s sleeping.
I guess the judge never heard the phrase, “Don’t bleep where you work.”
Tags: baby daddies, babydaddies, Charlie LeDuff, corrupt judges, Detroit, Judge Wade McCree, Judge Wade McCree III, judicial ethics, Maury, Maury Povich, Maury Povich Show, Maury show, Say Nice Things About Detroit, Wade McCree, Wade McCree III, Who's the Daddy?
Gotta love our judges, politicians and even Leduff. We don’t need to leave the metro area for our entertainment. I just wish I could get rid of the quezziness in my stomach. ThX Deb, I missed this one.
Visteo on December 7, 2012 at 4:03 pm