November 28, 2012, - 5:02 pm

He’s BAAACK!: Dem Child Molester Melvin Reynolds Running for Congress; The Clinton Commutation That Keeps on Givin’

By Debbie Schlussel

Which is worse to have in Congress–a corrupt, nutty son of Jesse Jackson . . . or a corrupt, criminal, child molesting, former employee of Jesse Jackson and current friend of Louis Farrakhan? Criminal convict and former Congressman Melvin Reynolds is back and has announced he’s running for the Chicago Congressional seat just vacated by Jesse Jackson, Jr. So, basically, it’s like “The Lord of the Flies”–replacing one disaster with another.


Melvin Reynolds, Child Molester, Congressional Candidate & Friend of Bill Clinton & Louis Farrakhan

Reynolds was convicted and sentenced to three years in federal prison for statutory rape and he also committed and was convicted of bank fraud and corruption, but his sentence was commuted by Bill Clinton. And Reynolds has quite a “colorful” history. From my 2001 column, “How Democrats Treat Their Child Molesters”:

While he represented inner-city Chicago, Reynolds was a good friend of the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan [who showed up at one of his criminal trials to support Reynolds]. . . .

Reynolds . . . helped himself to regular illegal sexual relations with a 16-year-old “campaign worker,” Beverly T. Heard. A tape of an explicit June 6, 1994, phone conversation between Heard and Reynolds was exhibit number TR-1 in People v. Melvin Reynolds, a trial that ended in Reynolds’ conviction. Reynolds was sentenced to several years in federal prison for this and fraud and corruption convictions; his wife and three children went on welfare in Boston.

A sampling of Reynolds’ phone conversation rivals the lurid detail of Clinton’s lewd behavior in the Starr Report. Various underwear choices and sex acts are graphically described by Reynolds to his youthful female target. This includes a planned threesome with a 15-year-old Catholic schoolgirl named Theresa. Awestruck with the prospect, Reynolds rhetorically asks, “Did I win the Lotto?” It’s enough to make Reynolds’ pardoner, Monica’s boyfriend, blush.

Not only was Reynolds’ sentence commuted by Clinton, but he was hired by Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Operation PUSH to decrease the number of young Blacks going to prison. Given its new employee — teen “romance” king Reynolds — it’s ironic that Jackson founded PUSH to persuade minority students to avoid, among other things, teen-age pregnancy. Until Clinton’s commutation, Reynolds, like any other convicted child molester, was required to register as a sex offender in each place he lived. . . .

Just like Clinton, Reynolds never showed any form of remorse for what he did, whether it was to the girl he molested, or to Laurance Capriotti, whom Reynolds cheated, among others, out of $25,000 to earn his 1997 fraud and corruption convictions. The $25,000 Reynolds stole from Capriotti, likely stolen from Capriotti’s own investors, was “loaned” by Capriotti to Reynolds in an effort to block legislation that would tighten regulation of title companies.

If the Democratic Party had any self-respect or decency, it would disavow Mel Reynolds. But that won’t happen because, after all, that would be “RAAAACIST!” And, on top of that, the country’s most respected Democrat, Bill Clinton, did set Mel Reynolds free.

If the people of this urban Chicago district put Mel Reynolds back in Congress, they will deserve what they get.

Sadly, though, his votes in Congress will affect the rest of America.

Remember all the uproar over Republican then-Congressman Mark Foley regarding allegations that he might have had sex with male pages who were over the legal age of consent?

Don’t expect any of that outrage over Reynolds’ new Congressional bid. Not even a peep.

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18 Responses

Sounds like a future Democratic presidential candidate to me.

David on November 28, 2012 at 5:13 pm

    At least he could probably establish his US citizenship.

    DS_ROCKS! on November 28, 2012 at 6:30 pm

Well, Bizarro has won. First, I seem to recall that the Jewish Democratic establishment consistently supported Reynolds.

Second, there are a lot of moocher/takers who will vote for anyone who gives them money, welfare, food stamps, student loans (really giveaways), etc. They could care less about anything else.

That said, I don’t think Reynolds is a serious candidate. He is a stalking-horse for someone (don’t know who yet), but with all the other sleazeballs in Congress, financial crooks, sexual predators, etc., he would fit right in. And remember, the redoubtable Gus Savage was from that district.

But just keep the money and the Obamaphones coming, and it doesn’t matter who represents them.

Little Al on November 28, 2012 at 5:42 pm

Quick someone call Lucifer and tell him one of his demons escaped the 5th level of Hell. Seriously what toilet did this smelly black turd pop out of? Mel(Chester the molester)Reynolds sadly may be a shoe in to replace the corrupt mental case JJJr. I mean this scumbag is the trifecta for the protected class in the democrap party. He’s black, liberal and corrupt to the bone. Anyone who says anything negative about this hump will be called racist. This pervert also has the “gold card” in the fact that BJ Bubba Clintoon commuted his sentence. Could you just picture the Slickster looking at Reynold’s folder and going, man I love this guy cut ’em loose. This and the fact that the stupid moochers will vote for anyone who will keep the gravy train rolling on the track.

Ken b on November 28, 2012 at 6:22 pm

>If the people of this urban Chicago district put Mel Reynolds back in Congress, they will deserve what they get.

They will and they will.

j'kel on November 28, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Debbie – With credentials like that, this dude is as good as in. This is the type of individual who is now an American hero. An icon of the Democratic party. A true representative of what the citizens of Chicago stand for and a reflection of their values.

I have no doubt in my mind that he will win.

Mike on November 28, 2012 at 8:14 pm

Criminal convictions, sexual abuse of women and/or minors, all resume enhancements when democrats are involved.

P. Aaron on November 28, 2012 at 8:32 pm

Not only is hell real, but there’s an office in Chicago….

Tanstaafl on November 28, 2012 at 9:47 pm

It was so nice of Bill Clinton to let this sexual predator off the hook. As for racism, Mel Reynolds past conduct would have been deemed a disqualifier for anyone even twenty years ago. Herman Cain gets zapped for some alleged affairs, but Mel Reynolds’s molestation conviction is entirely unimportant.

Worry01 on November 29, 2012 at 4:54 am

From Debbie’s 2001 column – “While he represented inner-city Chicago, Reynolds was a good friend of the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan [who showed up at one of his criminal trials to support Reynolds]. . . .”

This surprises me. Reynolds ran against Gus Savage, one of the most vicious anti-semites ever to server in Congress. Savage had the support of all of Chicago’s black anti-semites (i.e. Jackson, Farrakhan, etc.) Reynolds had the financial backing of a lot of Jews because of this. Both Farrakhan and Reynolds “blamed” Savage’s defeat by Reynolds on Jews.

I remember being very happy when Reynolds won. Now I see myself as having been just another sucker.

I_AM_ME on November 29, 2012 at 7:43 am

From Debbie’s 2001 column – “While he represented inner-city Chicago, Reynolds was a good friend of the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan [who showed up at one of his criminal trials to support Reynolds]. . . .”

This surprises me. Reynolds ran against Gus Savage, one of the most vicious anti-semites ever to server in Congress. Savage had the support of all of Chicago’s black anti-semites (i.e. Jackson, Farrakhan, etc.) Reynolds had the financial backing of a lot of Jews because of this. Both Farrakhan and Reynolds “blamed” Savage’s defeat by Reynolds on Jews.

I remember being very happy when Reynolds won. Now I see myself as having been just another sucker.

I_AM_ME on November 29, 2012 at 7:50 am

Melvin Reynolds is not the only one. It appears Anthony Weiner is back, too.

bobguzzardi on November 29, 2012 at 9:29 am

He should fit in perfectly …

Pray Hard on November 29, 2012 at 11:03 am

And out of the Chicago political machine one expected…….????

IceNoMore on November 29, 2012 at 1:13 pm

Another teen with a ‘hoodie gunned down in Florida by someone who “felt threatened” and is now invoking the “Stand Your Ground” law as a defense (a law which I support incidentally because it is based on the Bible, Exodus 22:2). Wonder what the conservative line on this case is going to be.

Gerald on November 29, 2012 at 2:09 pm

Reynolds and the prez could have a beer with the victim in the rose garden. That’s how stuff is done now, right.

@Gerald, it’s too bad the black on white crimes that happen 100 times more often don’t get half the play these cases seem to get.

samurai on November 30, 2012 at 9:55 am

negroes will vote for any one even criminals as long as they hate whitey.the only time i have been attacked it was black criminals who i dispatched with my .45.

bruce on November 30, 2012 at 4:27 pm

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