November 6, 2012, - 5:26 pm
Guess Who Casino Oddsmakers Are Betting on in Today’s Presidential Election
Who are you picking to win today’s Presidential election? I voted for Mitt Romney, but I believe that, sadly, Barack Obama will be re-elected. Am I wrong? We’ll see tonight (hopefully). But I wondered what the casino odds are–what the handicappers who must be honest (because they could make or lose a lot of money on it) saying? Here are the various odds from the British online casino and brick-and-mortar betting house, Ladbrokes. Note that Ladbrokes also has odds for battleground states, electoral vote spreads, and so on. The odds favor Obama in pretty much all of the scenarios. Though they’ve improved for Romney in the last hour. Ladbrokes suspended bets on the popular vote and other categories, such as states, after I first looked.

Check it out and note the tightening of odds between 22:00 and 23:00, the most recent times for odds that I saw (click on the images to fully view those that are partially covered by this site’s ads) . . .

Odds at 22:00:

See the rest of the odds . . .
Do you agree with the UK bookmakers at Ladbrokes? Who’s gonna win tonight and why?
Tags: Barack Obama, casino odds on Presidential election, casino odds on the election, casinos, election odds, gambling, gambling on the Presidential election, Ladbrokes, Mitt Romney, odds
Romney is catching up because the Republicans are getting home from work.
roy koeppe on November 6, 2012 at 5:46 pm