March 20, 2007, - 3:01 pm

Extremist Imam Lectures Infidel Men on Domestic Violence

In today’s Detroit Newsistan, the nation’s only Iranian agent/political columnist, , lectures us infidels on the need to hear a “wake-up call . . . to stand up” against domestic violence. His absurd, hypocritical columns appear thanks to Detroit News Editorial Page Editor and all-around phony, Nolan Finley.
What took Elahi, an extremist and disciple of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, to come to this conclusion? Why it was the rare crime of an infidel husband in Michigan, Stephen Grant, who murdered and then dismembered his wife.

Hmmm . . . Should a Guy Who Embraces Hezbollah

Lecture American Men About Violence?

Hezbollah’s Mohammed Fadlallah & Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi

But while Elahi is concerned about the crimes of infidel males against women, he’s none too concerned about the far more frequent crimes of violence his co-religionists practice against women, with the complete sanction of Islam. For example, , the former head of youth programs at Elahi’s mosque is now in prison for honor-killing a Christian Arab, , for daring to get engaged to Chahine’s Muslim former girlfriend.
While Elahi preaches to us Infidels about the need for “piety, modesty and intellect [in marriage]. . . before the glitter of worldly attractions,” one of the largest donors and most prominent donors to his mosque, (Khalil’s father) had an illegitimate daughter out-of-wedlock allegedly while he was still married to one of his wives. He’s left the woman and the kid with nothing, while he lives a life of luxury in Lebanon, after fleeing federal charges of funding Hezbollah and tax evasion to the tune of over $20 million.
Then, there is Imam Elahi’s own association with violence. He is a tight associate of Hezbollah spiritual leader, Imam Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah–the man who issued the fatwahs for the attacks by Hezbollah on our Marines and Embassy in Beirut (murdering over 300 men and women), the suicide bombings of the Jewish Community Center in Buenes Aires (murdering almost 100), and the bombing of the Khobar Towers. For those multiple acts of mass-murder, Elahi has no such concern or condemnations as the single murder of Stephen Grant’s wife.
And finally, there is Elahi’s claim that:

We need more reasonable, gender-neutral laws in dealing with divorce cases. If you don’t like to live with you [sic] wife or husband, separate with respect and fairness, not taunts and selfishness.

Ironically, Elahi is not calling for these “gender-neutral” laws of “respect and fairness” in Islam, whose gender-specific laws–allowing divorce only with the husband’s permission, and requiring several male witnesses to prosecute a rape of a woman–he thinks are just fine.
Spare us your lectures and feigned concern, Imam Elahi. And look in the mirror.
Pot. Kettle. Black. Elahi. Islam.

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17 Responses

Question for Mr. Elahi: Mr. Elahi… How long have you been beating your wives?!

Yiddish Steel on March 20, 2007 at 3:31 pm

This is a propaganda campaign designed to deceive the infidel and an attempt to put a more appealing face on islam. This lying bastard knows that islam is starting to get a bad rap because the infidel is finally starting to become aware of what the cult is all about. This is all spin and lies.
This sharp-toothed, murder-monkey is trying to put a smiley face on islam…but we all know that you can’t polish a turd.

Thee_Bruno on March 20, 2007 at 3:51 pm

Well you have to give the guy credit for the amount of gall it took to write such a column. Oddly enough, or did I miss it, he didnt address what happens to rape victims under Islam…oh…thats right…they’re killed for being “whores”. Religion of peace at work for ya

DetectiveMoose on March 20, 2007 at 5:03 pm

Well Debbie,
I saw this crock of sh__ in the Newsistan today (you know they give that sorry paper away at the Big Boy Restaurants) and I could scarce believe it. It is exactly as you say it is. Finley, you terrorist butt kissing moron!!!
Debbie, I am glad you are there to archive this crap so that when the next outrage comes that is bad enough to get some folks to wake up, we’ll have the goods on record to point out what morons like Finley (who should know better but sell us out) have been doing instead of alerting us to the lying pied pipers like Elahi among us. It made me sick to read Elahi’s reference to “the Lord”:
“Prophet Mohammad advised …When marriage is based on the foundation of faith and the spouses feel the presence of the Lord in their life, they remain connected in good times and bad. Domestic violence is unheard of in the households of our prophets and within their faithful followers.”
Sure Imam–in islam is that there is no g-d, but (the false g-d)allah! Oh yeah, you fooled me, you liar. Like islam protects women! Taqqiya lies–fed to the najis kaffir infidels–and most of us will eat it up like pig slop–thanks to Finley and his BS propoganda printing press.

BB on March 20, 2007 at 6:09 pm

This 7th century throwbacks aims to gradually convert( pervert) America into a caliphate state with the help of the p.c. ultra – tolerant liberals who are in the process of screwing this country up. How anyone can idly sit back and let these monsterous hezbollites tries to impose their Sharia rubbish on us is beyong my comprehension. Isn’t it about time we finally stand up to these crazed fanatics and do do something about it?

Jew Chick on March 20, 2007 at 6:49 pm

It’s sort of sad that in America we are at the opposite extreme and there is no middle ground. According to the Violence Against Women’s Act passed in 1994 under women abuser Bill Clinton reauthorized by Bush in 2005 a women simply feeling “uncomfortable” with a guy is enough to claim that they are being harrased and to get a restraining order. Women do not evidence that they are abused to claim domestic violence. All they have to is say they are abused and that is enough. No fault divorce has allowed women to extort money from men while the men rarely get to see their own children who they are paying for. The feminists get so much funding from VAWA that they force women to divorce their husbands even if they do want to work things out and if they don’t testify the way VAWA wants or show up they could be charged with a felony. Check out Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting. Also in Jewish law it is the guy who has to give the divorce since he is going to have pay for the alimony and for the children if there is a divorce while when the wife divorces she doesn’t give the husband squat.

adam6275 on March 20, 2007 at 7:51 pm

What a farce. Have we mentioned forced female circumcisum? It’s done AFTER puberty. Keeps ’em from being sluts or whores….course if they get raped they get killed anyway…why would anybody WANT to be islamic anyway? Masocism? Stupidity? No wonder they want to die, there is no hope in islam. Every “islamic republic” that I know of is a shithole, or soon becomes one shortly after islam gets it. Lebannon USED to be the Paris of the Mediteranian, then the palistinians/baathists/fleeing egyptian fanatics came and transformed into the idiots we now call hezbulla. Lebannon is now a shithole that islam runs…and don’t blame it on the Israelis…it’s a shithole BECAUSE OF A DEAD RELIGION CALLED ISLAM. Fortunetly, history shows religious govts fail…every time.

Tonto on March 20, 2007 at 11:26 pm

From reading your articles, it seems like you are a person who is full of hate. Maybe all the stress going on in your life is making you react with anger and hate. Its sad to see that people’s actions are blamed on a religion. But how can you talk about a subject you are not educated about, maybe you should do some research on Islam, read about it, the holy QURAN mentions every religion, and when compared to the bible and the torah it consists of the same human laws. We are all humans living on the same planet with different backgrounds, religions, traditions, race, beliefs, etc. And all these different religions are pointing in the same direction which is “GOD” (ALLAH, for your info is the arabic word for GOD). There is good and bad in every religion. Debbie its an ignorant way of judging people’s actions. An advice from a real women to an evil witch: Travel around the world, maybe you will release some OF that stress that makes you so hateful, and maybe on the way you will learn a thing or two about other countries, stop by IRAQ and take a look at what your president is doing, he is killing innocent children and people for oil. The same president who teamed up with Israel to kill muslims in Lebanon, Its sad that most of these muslims are children under the age of 11. The same president that calls everyone who is has an arabic background a TERRORIST, and the poor guy doesnt know he is one himself… You and bush will make a great ignorant couple, you have so much in common, you even look like him too…
People shouldnt believe believe what this ignorant women says, there is always another side to the story….

Liliana on March 21, 2007 at 10:52 am

From reading your articles, it seems like you are a person who is full of hate. Maybe all the stress going on in your life is making you react with anger and hate. Its sad to see that people’s actions are blamed on a religion. But how can you talk about a subject you are not educated about, maybe you should do some research on Islam, read about it, the holy QURAN mentions every religion, and when compared to the bible and the torah it consists of the same human laws. We are all humans living on the same planet with different backgrounds, religions, traditions, race, beliefs, etc. And all these different religions are pointing in the same direction which is “GOD” (ALLAH, for your info is the arabic word for GOD). There is good and bad in every religion. Debbie its an ignorant way of judging people’s actions. An advice from a real women to an evil witch: Travel around the world, maybe you will release some OF that stress that makes you so hateful, and maybe on the way you will learn a thing or two about other countries, stop by IRAQ and take a look at what your president is doing, he is killing innocent children and people for oil. The same president who teamed up with Israel to kill muslims in Lebanon, Its sad that most of these muslims are children under the age of 11. The same president that calls everyone who is has an arabic background a TERRORIST, and the poor guy doesnt know he is one himself… You and bush will make a great ignorant couple, you have so much in common, you even look like him too…
People shouldnt believe believe what this ignorant women says, there is always another side to the story….

Liliana on March 21, 2007 at 10:53 am

If Debbie is wrong about Islam then prove it. I have not heard one fucking Muslim prove Debbie or anyone else wrong on their stance against Islam. You Muslims come on this and say the same statements.”Oh your full of hate, Oh you have no education of Islam” when the truth of the matter is that Muslims don’t know their own Religion. They don’t know their history. They don’t even know whats in the Quran because most Muslims never read it. They listen to what the Imams,Mullahs,Ayatollahs,etc say about the Quran.No other religion except Islam tells its follower to kill nonbelievers. So prove us wrong…prove that Islam is a religon of peace…oh thats right you can’t because it not and Quran supports hatred and murder.

the_don on March 21, 2007 at 11:48 am

Who ever the fuck you are “the shit Don” i dont need to prove shit to you, you want to learn more about islam then read about it you uneducated lazy asshole… Do you read the bible, and let me ask you this. when you go 2 to church who is the person standing educating you about your religion? Could it be a priest? DAAAAHHHHH, well the sheik and the imams are educators of ISLAM…
I dont know who is more ignorant you or debbie? Islam is a very peaceful religion but you should read about it and find out for yourself dont believe anything people tell you. you people make me sick, you have no soul, You sit and judge look at your self and then talk, you have ignorance written all over you..

Liliana on March 21, 2007 at 1:08 pm

Liliana entered the forum and spewed the following lies:
“Islam is a very peaceful religion but you should read about it and find out for yourself dont believe anything people tell you. you people make me sick, you have no soul, You sit and judge look at your self and then talk, you have ignorance written all over you..”
Oh really Liliana, lets do a little reading from your Religion of Peace shall we. This is just a few excerpts from your holy Qur’ an:
“O our Lord! punish us not if we forget, or fall into sin; O our Lord! and lay not on us a load like that which thou has laid on those who have been before us; O our Lord! and lay not on us that for which we have not strength: but blot out our sins and forgive us, and have pity on us. Thou art our protector: give us victory therefore over the infidel nations.” Surah 2:286
“When thy Lord spake unto the angels, ‘I will be with you: therefore stablish ye the faithful. I will cast a dread into the hearts of the infidels.’ Strike off their heads then, and strike off from them every finger tip.” – Sura 8:12
“Make war upon such of those to whom the Scriptures have been given as believe not in God, or in the last day, and who forbid not that which God and His Apostle have forbidden, and who profess not the profession of the truth, until they pay tribute out of hand, and they be humbled.” Sura 9:29
ìSay to the infidels: If they desist from their unbelief, what is now past shall be forgiven them, but if they return to it, they have already before them the doom of the ancients! Fight then against them till strife be at an end, and the religion be all of it God’s. If they desist, verily God beholdeth what they do:” – Sura 8:39-40
Qurían:9:5 ìFight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.î
Qurían:9:29 ìFight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.î
Qurían:8:39 ìFight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.î
Qurían:8:39 ìSo fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).î
Qurían:9:123 ìFight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you.î
Who exactly is ignorant about the Religion of Peace or are you in denial?

ScottyDog on March 21, 2007 at 2:03 pm

I have a Qu’ran. I’ve been to mosque. I’ve been to jamaat.This must be the peaceful Islam your talking about:
Quran:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”
Quran:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”
Quran:8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.
Quran 33:26″Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before.”
Quran 59:14″The Jews are devoid of sense. There is a grievous punishment awaiting them. Satan tells them not to believe so they will end up in Hell.”
Quran 5:78″Curses were pronounced on the unbelievers, the Children of Israel who rejected Islam, by the tongues of David and of Jesus because they disobeyed and rebelled.”
Quran 5:80″You see many of them allying themselves with the unbelieving infidels. Vile indeed are their souls. Allah’s wrath is on them, and in torment will they abide.”
Quran:4:95″Not equal are those believers who sit at home and receive no injurious hurt, and those who strive hard, fighting Jihad in Allah’s Cause with their wealth and lives. Allah has granted a rank higher to those who strive hard, fighting Jihad with their wealth and bodies to those who sit (at home). Unto each has Allah promised good, but He prefers Jihadists who strive hard and fight above those who sit home. He has distinguished his fighters with a huge reward.”
Quran:4:74″Let those who fight in the Cause of Allah sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fights in the Cause of Allah, whether he is slain or gets victoryósoon shall We give him a great reward.”
Quran:3:140″If you have received a blow and have been wounded, be sure a similar wound has hurt others. Such days We give to men and men by turns: that Allah may know those who believe, and that He may take to Himself from your ranks Martyrs.”
Quran:3:156 “If you are slain, or die, in Allah’s Cause, pardon from Allah and mercy are far better than all they could amass.”
Show us where is the peace in any of that???
Better yet explain to everyone who the infidels/unbelievers/disbelievers are???

the_don on March 21, 2007 at 2:04 pm

Who are the infidels and unbelievers that the Qu’ran tells you Muslims to kill and terrorize???
Hmmmm…I wonder(Jews,Christians,Hindus,Sikhs,Aethists,etc..)

the_don on March 21, 2007 at 2:07 pm

Liliana: The only hateful ignoramus is you. You’re a brainwashed member of a cult that is waging holy war on people all over the world. They are enslaving people in Africa. What does Israel and Bush have to do with that? Muslims wage Jihad in order to dominate the world and when people fight back and resist they cry victim. You seem to be suffering from Islamania. See a good psychotherapist and free your mind from the grips of your religious cult.

FreethinkerNY on March 21, 2007 at 4:53 pm

What no comeback from the expert on the Religion of Peace, Liliana.
This is so typical of the name calling Muslims when confronted with facts about their religion.

ScottyDog on March 22, 2007 at 11:34 am

Don: I think your media is the one brain washing you about muslims.How come when a muslim member does something good they never display it or talk about it? There is bad muslims out there, but they are not considered true muslims. Those who kill in the name of Islam are nothing but sinners. You are prejudice thats all. you have something against all muslims. And when the Quran is translated from the original language it does not have the same meaning. And how come when an American does something bad its not blamed on his/her religion?

Liliana on March 22, 2007 at 11:36 am

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