March 20, 2007, - 10:34 am

More 9/11 “Truthers”/Rosie O’D Allies Speak, er . . . Freak Out

Gotta say that e-mails like these do not help the “cause” of Rosie O’Donnell’s wacko 9/11 conspiracy theorist friends (or their allies, Muslims). Yes, the missives from bizarros who can’t spell–other than four-letter words–keeps pouring in. Here’s a selection:

Date: Mar 19, 2007 9:33 PM
Subject: You should Be Shot you Fucking Bitch
I hope you rot in hell asshole
fuck you
kill urself

Again, note that “neocon” is a code word for Jew used by anti-Semites:

From: Steve Sullivan
Date: Mar 19, 2007 9:36 PM
Subject: Debbie Schlussel- Somebody should Beat you to death…Shithead bitch ass cunt
You are a pathetic piece of shit, You derseve whatever you get.
I hope somebody beats you to death
Your the reason other people dont go public, u fucking neo-con prick
fuck you

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19 Responses

More sweetness and light coming from another unhinged, “tolerant”, “compassionate”, “inclusive” LIBERAL.

Thee_Bruno on March 20, 2007 at 11:29 am

The Hypocrisy of Liberals is amazing almost funny. These same people who go on and on preaching about “tolerance” and “open mindedness” are the same ones who oppose any commentary,ideas,or perspectives that rival their own. Because you criticize their idiotic lunatic view they send you death threats??? [Please insert logic here]This doesn’t show the direction where America is going. This shows where America is now. Liberals will be the downfall of this country and the end might be sooner than we think. I hope everybody is ready to learn Arabic and Spanish.

the_don on March 20, 2007 at 11:49 am

A few weeks ago Debbie when posted about appearing on CNN to discuss American atheists and Christian America some hostile readers tried to commandeer the comment section, leaving all kinds of lewd junk. Just for the hell of it, I blocked and copied it all into a Word doc — it added up to about 150 pages.

Jeremiah on March 20, 2007 at 12:00 pm

debbie those people are right you are a pathetic piece of shit with what you are writing. You are worse than Osama Bin Laden cause he hates a country for its policies, a country that once gave him weapons to fight russia and gave weapons to Saddam, you hate a whole culture and religion not because you understand it, its because you are using your wicked bitchy ways to become popular and sell your books, im a professional that pay more taxes in this country than you do so suck my dick. oh sorry never mind dont wanna get pork on it its haram

muslimandproud on March 20, 2007 at 12:27 pm

The “truthers” are the biggest fools and liars.
1 – Who is paying them to produce their productions and espouse their harebrained thories? Most of their ideas originited in the Islamofascist world. They are probably being funded by them.
2 – If Bush was behind the attack and he is so evil and treacherous why hasn’t he done a Vince Foster on the truthers Dylan Avery and his crew? They should have quietly been eliminated.
3 – Why is Bush following such an idiotic immigration policy that the majority of America is against if his only interest is power. He may be wrong or incompetent but he is not a clever, scheming conspiracist.
4 – For more details on the lies and distortions of the truthers see the screwloosechange website.

Facts of Life on March 20, 2007 at 12:29 pm

muslim and proud,
If you have any cojones, then answer the following question: Proud … of what, exactly?

Jeremiah on March 20, 2007 at 12:37 pm


Thee_Bruno on March 20, 2007 at 12:43 pm

Ooh boy! A couple of more disgruntled Thorny O’faggot fans, exasperated by your “s**t” blog entry on her that they resorted to profanity because thats how dumb-ass typical liberals are naturally when they can’t argue with you.
I think P.O.C.S. ( Piece Of Camel S–t)would suite your displayed name better. Go rape a donkey or throw yourself down a well instead of spewing us with your jihad crap.

Jew Chick on March 20, 2007 at 12:50 pm

Dear Debbie;
Have you ever noticed how the people who hate your guts, also hate punctuation marks.
I, on the other hand, enjoy you, and your Blog immensely.
Keep up the very good work.

EJO on March 20, 2007 at 1:00 pm

Again Muslims have no self-esteem. Not their women or their men. People who have no self-esteem are tremendously fragile and insecure. This why Muslims/Liberals lash out at whoever disagrees with their agenda and resorts to childish temper tantrums ,name calling, and even death threats. Any time someone criticizes Islam for being the fraud that it is, Muslims give the same “you don’t understand Islam. You haven’t read the Qu’ran bs..”
To the contrary I know all I need to know about Islam and if these (Muslim)people actually would take the time read Debbie Schlussel’s bio they would know that she knows exactly what Islam is all about. I’ve been to the mosque…I’ve been to prayer.I’ve been around so called “moderate” Muslims.I own a Qu’ran (which im thinking about using as firewood). While alot of Muslims in America are nice people it is surely not because of the Quran or Islam. Human nature takes the credit for that. Atheist are nice people too.
P.S. People who are “proud” are not insecure. People who are truly proud are slow to anger and rationally approach disagreements with other people not lash out because they have no rebuttal.
Maybe being a Muslim your not used to people having their viewpoint as Islam doesn’t allow that.

the_don on March 20, 2007 at 1:14 pm

MUST READING for “some of my favorite Jewish friends and family members” who’ve bought into this pseudo-chik buzzword.’Neocon’ is basically for people who believe that antisemitism-also refers to Arabs.

jaywilton on March 20, 2007 at 1:38 pm

NOTE that ‘neo-con’ = JEW whilst JEW = ‘liberal’ amongst the Fourth Reichers YOU cater to!!!
Your the reason other people dont go public, u fucking neo-con prick
^ Proof positive that THIS is a cuntry of RETARDS on both sides of the aisle:O

EminemsRevenge on March 20, 2007 at 2:33 pm

This is the whole problem with the internet and every dull goober with a computer having a say….the ugly waste usually bobs to the surface pretty quickly and clogs the works.
A few of these intellectually frustrated loons sound as if they are one step away from strapping on a boom vest and heading for the mall.

Koozebane on March 20, 2007 at 2:50 pm

“debbie those people are right you are a pathetic piece of shit with what you are writing. You are worse than Osama Bin Laden cause he hates a country for its policies, a country that once gave him weapons to fight russia and gave weapons to Saddam, you hate a whole culture and religion not because you understand it, its because you are using your wicked bitchy ways to become popular and sell your books, im a professional that pay more taxes in this country than you do so suck my dick. oh sorry never mind dont wanna get pork on it its haram”
Proud to be muslim eh? How bout I BE THE FIRST to shoot YOU in the back of the head?

Squirrel3D on March 20, 2007 at 3:25 pm

Dear Debbie,
Thank you so much for posting the bile from the dregs & retards of the Scumlim’s & Liberal moron’s.
It’s hilarious comic relief to laugh at these fools & completely confirms how truly stupid they are.Their public lunacy is priceless,& hope we can see more before they’re returned to the asylum where they really belong.

billybob on March 20, 2007 at 5:04 pm

Oh thatís niceÖ
A guy like this thinks he has ìballsî when really he only has ìraisinsî.
He picks on women because his Daddy was ìalways under Mommyî andÖthat always bothered him.
And Sullivan, REAL IRISH would never lower themselves to threaten a womanñ
I have IRISH FRIENDS that right now want to take a crack at youÖbut I’ve told them they’ll have to stand in line, first.
I’d hate to see what happens if EminemsRevenge gets a hold of you!
But ìsleepyîÖif you do come up to CanadaÖweíll wake up ~
And the beauty of our law system up here isÖîyou can do the crime, but you know, youíll never do anyÖtimeÖî ~

The Canadien on March 20, 2007 at 8:33 pm

Wonderful. You take two utter morons that do not represent ‘liberals’ at all and use that to make yourself sound superior.
Its nice to know that there are plenty of people like you who actually have a destructive influence on people. Its probably comforting for you to always have some blind fans no matter how much of a horrible person you are.

Sereth on March 20, 2007 at 11:01 pm

Man the mops! More leaks in the colostomy bag from “EnemasRevenge”. He’s proof positive that some family trees have only one branch.
“muslimandproud” is proud of the fact that, when he bends over to pay homage to the great sphincter, he can take more than one of his rump-ranger pals up his ignorant ass.
Kill ’em all, let GOD sort ’em out! (That should be an easy task…)

1shot1kill on March 21, 2007 at 7:51 am

Yes, the missives from bizarros who can’t spell–other than four-letter words–keeps poring in.
– Debbie Schlussel
Poring in? You sure they aren’t POURING in. Maybe you should practice on four-letter words first and then try to write cheap blog posts. Who’s knob are you polishing to get to be on national TV anyway? Unbelievable.

bghead on March 21, 2007 at 10:14 pm

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