March 20, 2007, - 9:56 am
“Religion of Peace” Marriage Proposal of the Week
In addition to all of the death threats and other hate-mail I receive from Muslims around the world–many in the U.S. where they are so “moderate” and “different” from other Muslims–I also get e-mails from apparently bipolar Muslims who hate me but, yet, want to marry me (perhaps to “teach” me my “place”). Here’s the latest one:
From: Roumieh Fayez
Date: Mar 17, 2007 12:57 AM
Subject: Islam?
Hi Debbi
I read some of your comments on your site and saw your picture. You are such a chick, so why you make yourself headache and talk about religion and Islam?
Yes, Islam is a feminist religion, if you don’t believe that, ask as many muslim women as possible about it. Do not content of your stereotypes on Islam and muslims.
You remind me of a Swiss firend who, like you, hates Islam. Guess why? Because her boyfired, a practising Anglican, told her that Islam is an evil religion. But, after 9/11, she did a U turn and started to look with her mind at Islam, and ended up with abanduning what she had about it.
Now Debbi, you so pretty, and I am willing to marry you, because I saw in your eyes that you are not that bad person. I saw, you are naive. Sorry. This is the true, and by marrying me you will get and closer look on Islam.
I am so serious
Your reply is highly appreciated
Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve had quite a close look–actually, way too many close looks–at Islam, without the necessity of entering into a hopeless, life-ending arrangement. I am quite confident that your religion is as “feminist” as it is “peaceful.”
Tags: Anglican, Fayez Fayez
So treating women worse than cattle and throwing burqas over their heads is very feminist according to this brilliant lovestruck scholar. How does one go from death threats to marriage proposals consecutively? I bet he is sincere about marrying you just about as sincere as you are submitting yourself to islam. You should ask him why does he blatantly accuse us of islamophobia if a certain segment of islam preaches violence against non-muslims? The only xenophobia and intolerance I see is comming out of the midrassas funded by that particular radical segment of islam. Where is the peace if I constantly see muslims killing their non-muslim and even fellow muslim neighboors globally? If Islam is suppose to be a religion of peace, then prove it to be. Apparently OBL and his jihadmonggers have a different interpretation of Islam that teaches anything but make peace with thy neighboor regardless of religion or race. In fact, they denounce such concept based on the teachings of jihad defined as an obligation to wage a (un)holy war against us “non-believers”. Perhaps Mr. Fayez is a devout moderate moslem who does not represent the principles of jihad. Maybe he should try to enlighten his bretheren who are stuck in the 7th century mentality. If he can succeed in doing so, maybe then the world will finally see Islam for being the Religion of Peace as he claims it is. Untill then, we will just call it the way we see it.
Jew Chick on March 20, 2007 at 10:44 am