July 17, 2009, - 1:57 pm
Obama to NAACP: Muslims & Latinos Are Down With the Struggle; Only They & Blacks Experience Discrimination
By Debbie Schlussel
Oy. I never thought I’d long for the days of Bill Clinton’s “I feel your pain.” At least he stopped there. Barack Obama tells the NAACP, “I feel the Muslims’ pain [perhaps because he is one], and so should you.”
At his speech yesterday to the NAACP, here’s just a tiny gem:
But Obama said “the pain of discrimination is still felt in America” among African-Americans, Latinos and Muslim-Americans.
Translation: Muslims and Latinos are “down with the struggle.” And discrimination against Jews and others (including Whites) no longer exists.
Reader MP says that, with this, Obama threw Jews under the bus. But he did that long ago. Why wouldn’t he? Three quarters of my blind fellow co-religionists voted for him and support him no matter what. MP continues:
This just made me sick to my stomach.
Never mind the fact that anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, in large part due to unrestrained Muslim immigration policies. But, according to Obama, I guess Jews no longer feel “the pain of discrimination”, nor do Asians, or any other minority which managed elevate themselves in terms of America’s socio-economic status, despite all of the discrimination they have faced, and continue to face today.
Just sickening.
Yup. I warned of this during the campaign and so did many others. But I got roundly attacked, including from dummies on the right.
Here’s the whole speech, for your vomiting, er . . . viewing, pleasure:
Hmmm . . . maybe they should change the name to “NAAMLCPASYEE”–the National Association for the Advancement of Muslim, Latino, and Colored People, And Screw You, Everyone Else.
I kind of see people getting mad at immigrants as a rite of passage like initiation. You are the new ones and get crapped on until you are accepted. It has happened to every group of immigrants throughout history. The stories are there. It makes them stronger and hopefully passed down to their children to become good Americans. The liberal left created a welfare state for immigrants. Because of this they get a free ride and now new immigrants don’t want to become good Americans. They hold their allegiance to where they came from and pass that on to their children to resent America. What a shame.
californiascreaming on July 17, 2009 at 3:17 pm