July 17, 2009, - 1:57 pm

Obama to NAACP: Muslims & Latinos Are Down With the Struggle; Only They & Blacks Experience Discrimination

By Debbie Schlussel
Oy. I never thought I’d long for the days of Bill Clinton’s “I feel your pain.” At least he stopped there. Barack Obama tells the NAACP, “I feel the Muslims’ pain [perhaps because he is one], and so should you.”
At his speech yesterday to the NAACP, here’s just a tiny gem:

But Obama said “the pain of discrimination is still felt in America” among African-Americans, Latinos and Muslim-Americans.

Translation: Muslims and Latinos are “down with the struggle.” And discrimination against Jews and others (including Whites) no longer exists.


Reader MP says that, with this, Obama threw Jews under the bus. But he did that long ago. Why wouldn’t he? Three quarters of my blind fellow co-religionists voted for him and support him no matter what. MP continues:

This just made me sick to my stomach.
Never mind the fact that anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, in large part due to unrestrained Muslim immigration policies. But, according to Obama, I guess Jews no longer feel “the pain of discrimination”, nor do Asians, or any other minority which managed elevate themselves in terms of America’s socio-economic status, despite all of the discrimination they have faced, and continue to face today.
Just sickening.

Yup. I warned of this during the campaign and so did many others. But I got roundly attacked, including from dummies on the right.
Here’s the whole speech, for your vomiting, er . . . viewing, pleasure:

Hmmm . . . maybe they should change the name to “NAAMLCPASYEE”–the National Association for the Advancement of Muslim, Latino, and Colored People, And Screw You, Everyone Else.

13 Responses

I kind of see people getting mad at immigrants as a rite of passage like initiation. You are the new ones and get crapped on until you are accepted. It has happened to every group of immigrants throughout history. The stories are there. It makes them stronger and hopefully passed down to their children to become good Americans. The liberal left created a welfare state for immigrants. Because of this they get a free ride and now new immigrants don’t want to become good Americans. They hold their allegiance to where they came from and pass that on to their children to resent America. What a shame.

californiascreaming on July 17, 2009 at 3:17 pm

[Translation: Muslims and Latinos are “down with the struggle.” And discrimination against Jews and others (including Whites) no longer exists.]
When you say “Whites”, are you referring to Irish and Italian Catholics? If that’s the case then WASPs are frickin’ jackasses!

Norman Blitzer on July 17, 2009 at 3:24 pm

[Yup. I warned of this during the campaign and so did many others. But I got roundly attacked, including from dummies on the right.]
Phfft, so what? Look what the alternative was. Caribou Barbie and her endless drama as VP?

Norman Blitzer on July 17, 2009 at 3:27 pm

Bogus! The most discriminated-against Minority in the United States is the White Male. Just look at what Affirmative Action has done to keep Whitey down in the Public Sector (Connecticut Firefighters, anyone?!), the Private Sector, and The University Sector (Title IX & AA/PC Entitlement) just for starters.

Yiddish Steel on July 17, 2009 at 3:58 pm

Norman Blitzer said, “Phfft, so what? Look what the alternative was. Caribou Barbie and her endless drama as VP?”
The alternative was Alan Keyes or Ron Paul. Since I was in California I voted Alan Keyes, though I did do some campaigning for John McCain in Nevada. Voted my conscious in California, campaigned for practicality in Nevada. Had two bumper stickers vandalized because it said McCain 2008. McCain regrets Palin, won’t say it, but look at his body language when asked.

californiascreaming on July 17, 2009 at 4:36 pm

“But Obama said “the pain of discrimination is still felt in America” among African-Americans, Latinos and Muslim-Americans.”
Sounds like Obama is building a coalition.
What happens if you’re African-American AND Muslim. Do you count for double on the righteousness scale, or do you cancel yourself out?

Kalifornia Kafir on July 17, 2009 at 4:49 pm

Did anyone notice Obama using that Black preacher speak? He is playing the crowd and America.

californiascreaming on July 17, 2009 at 5:23 pm

Truer words were never spoken. Banning any further immigration from the cult of death countries is the only thing that will work.
Finally finished a book I bought a couple of years ago. The P.I.G. to Islam. Very informative about everything from the crusades to 2005. Still can’t believe the denial this country is in. Wonder how Malaysia is feeling about Islam about today after the suicide bomber.

samurai on July 17, 2009 at 7:19 pm

I think President Obama sees that his legislative agenda is faltering and that his canned townhall meetings are really not improving the situation. So, what is he left with when showing his face and talking ad nauseum no longer seem to work as well as they used to? President Obama deploys the “Race Card” weapon. By using this weapon, President Obama puts his opponents and wavering supporters on the defensive. HIs incoherent and mendacious remarks about Cap and Trade and Health Care legislation are sheilded from serious criticism. If you ask about the expense to homeowners from Cap and Trade Legislation, you are trying to lynch Emmett Till again. Or, if you wonder if you will have adequate coverage with President Obama’s health care bill, you are just another Sheriff Screws using his blackjack. As you can see, the “Race Card” ends discussion and leads to the complete capitulation of any opponent it is used against. You just have to look at Don Imus and Bill Clinton to see how the “Race Card” can bring down the proud as rapidly as a tower of Jello on a sunny day.

Worry01 on July 18, 2009 at 2:44 am

Nevermind the fact that blacks and latinos face descrimination because of who they are, while muslims face “descrimination” because of what they believe (the destruction of the USA).
It’s idiotic to compare the legitimate suspicion that average americans have towards muslims (thanks to the multiple terror attacks against american interests world wide) with racial descrimination.
President Hussein, Islam is NOT a race.

Mats on July 18, 2009 at 9:18 am

I don’t refer to him using the title “President”. I’ve begun referring to him as “de-facto President”. I used that title just the other day when I wrote to my legislator Lloyd Dogshit (D-TX).

CornCoLeo on July 18, 2009 at 10:22 am

What I said earlier about coalition building… Eric Holder has a q.t. meeting at a mosque in LA.

Kalifornia Kafir on July 18, 2009 at 11:57 am

Not all muslims are terrorists. Not all whites are KKK. There are 1.2 billion muslims, billion of righteous men and women who worship their Lord. Why should they not worship their Lord, God alone. God is the one who created us and to him we will return. A single advice, do not spread evil of hate, do not support it, do not start it. If you are ignorant, then learn. It is never too late. Before you and your symphatisers exist, there was Islam and long time after you there will be islam. Peace be upon those who follow guidance.

Sincere Reply on March 25, 2015 at 4:12 pm

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