September 6, 2012, - 1:06 pm
Elizabeth Warren: You Don’t Have to Be a Fake Indian to Love Obama . . . Or Do You?
Last night, when I watched Fauxcahontas a/k/a Elizabeth Warren introducing Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention, I was reminded of my University of Wisconsin Law School classmate, Vonda Fritz from Texas. The University of Wisconsin Law School gives a free ride to “Native Americans.” If you claim you are an Indian, you can get a full scholarship and other privileges, such as attendance at minority-only sessions for law school exams, in which professors more than hint what will be on the exam. When I attended law school, I met Vonda, who told me she had one of those scholarships. I said, “Wow, you’re an American Indian. Very cool.” My father had several Indian patients whom he respected a great deal, and he taught us to respect them as a special part of America (though at least one Indian Tribe worked with Hezbollah in cigarette smuggling scams). But Vonda said, “Oh, I’m barely Indian, only 1/32nd (or maybe she said 1/64th–I can’t remember the fraction for sure, but it was very little). I’m really German. But I get a free ride out of it.” And, so it goes, with the barely-Indian Elizabeth Warren, who got affirmative action every single step of the way, when she probably wasn’t an Indian at all, despite claiming her high cheekbones as “evidence.” She apparently even plagiarized an Indian recipe (“Powwow Chow”) for an Indian recipe book. As I’ve noted, she’s not the first Democratic candidate this year to claim phony minority status for personal and political benefit. But, amazingly, after being exposed as a fake, the Dems still have the chutzpah to give this chick a prime speaking slot and she has the uber-chutzpah to take it.

Oh, and not only is she a phony Indian, she’s also a phony anti-capitalist, who got rich by taking advantage of the poor . . . you know, the stuff they accuse Romney of doing. Last night she said the “system is rigged,” but she’s one of the riggers and one of the beneficiaries of the rigging.
So, last night, as I listened to her very boring, annoying, typical liberal drivel of a speech, I send out these tweets. My Bill Clinton tweets are funnier, and I’ll post those later. For now, enjoy. Follow me on Twitter.

More Elizabeth Warren tweets:

Yes, I know–some Indians are now Christians (some Indians converted to Judaism, such as the the entire Acoma Tribe, and I have an Indian cousin by marriage who converted to Judaism and is an Orthodox Jew, as are her kids). But Indians have their own religion. Not sure what Fauxcahontas’ religion is, other than the faith of “fake it ’til ya make it.”
And, please, no hate mail from the politically correct. Remember, she’s a FAKE. NOT an Indian. Probably even less of one than Vonda Fritz.
Hard to believe this fraud actually has a good shot against Scott Brown for the Massachusetts U.S. Senate seat.
Tags: American Indians, Elizabeth Warren, fake minorities, Fakes, Fauxcahontas
High Cheekbones, hahahhaha What a dope! Probably some Mongol horde passing thru her ancestral neighborhood.
Italkit on September 6, 2012 at 1:13 pm